View Full Version : Tandleman's Beer Blog - It Really Was That Good

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13-12-2022, 16:30
Visit the Tandleman's Beer Blog site (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/12/it-really-was-that-good.html)

It is often said that the best beer you have is not necessarily the best tasting, or the most technically competent, or even a combination of these two and other factors such as place and company - and that is very true. An ordinary beer in extraordinary company, or during a fantastic experience, will be remembered far longer than even a top quality beer, especially if the circumstances of that imbibing were themselves pretty unremarkable. Now this isn't of course a hard and fast rule, being more a rule of thumb, which generally applies. In other words, there are exceptions when the outstanding is remembered in a fairly mundane situation.
Thus, last Thursday, I was out with a pal in Manchester. Our respective lasses were imbibing with the Manchester CAMRA ladies, and we felt it incumbent upon us to provide moral support - albeit from a respectable distance. So we met in the City Arms Manchester, a neat little two-roomed pub in the centre, the pal being a regular there. Seemingly they have the Mankley equivalent of a stammtisch (local's table) there, but it wasn't mentioned by him, who has the entitlement, and I wasn't aware of that fact until much later. We therefore sat at a table of my choosing in the back room, after getting our drinks at the crowded bar. But I digress.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdfeLcg6khaPMiSUSOB5k9E_H52BoqtUIqlBogavzqAA dfuIop1Bsl8WEtpWsxS1mioX0Sl32g14PvOdvCy9lOtI6lFmf0 qKu6sMCTL0C1FkyQ-S3iWjatLd4m0q-W8no0phjRqw_gV3tAvequCkEF8_wdxVbky-eYxJ1dUochN2uKxu4S6DgPoCy-UA/s320/Wilder's%20Folly.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdfeLcg6khaPMiSUSOB5k9E_H52BoqtUIqlBogavzqAA dfuIop1Bsl8WEtpWsxS1mioX0Sl32g14PvOdvCy9lOtI6lFmf0 qKu6sMCTL0C1FkyQ-S3iWjatLd4m0q-W8no0phjRqw_gV3tAvequCkEF8_wdxVbky-eYxJ1dUochN2uKxu4S6DgPoCy-UA/s2048/Wilder's%20Folly.jpg)
Now the bar was busy with the late lunchtime crowd when we got there, and we couldn't see the pumpclips for the lager drinkers standing at the bar - lager drinkers always do this - and you can't readily see the chalkboard in the back room either - stammtisch under it apparently - so seeing a Thornbridge beer, I went for it. Ruby Mild seemed a good choice. I bought it then, when the barman had a moment, I asked him the strength. "6.5%" quoth he. Well, there was a reasonably long session ahead, so in for a penny etc. Wow. What a beer. This ruby tinted dark mild beer was spicy, mouth filling, luscious, fruity, complex and more. It was just gorgeous. No. It was quite simply stunning. So after singing its praises, and savouring it, I had another and would probably have had more if I hadn't had someone wiser than me with me. We left for our next pub with me still getting over how good this was. On the way we bumped into a certain fellow CAMRA Chairman* and I was effusive in my praise of it. I urged him to deviate from his chosen path to try it. But I have the feeling my sage advice was disregarded as he was on a different mission. We went on our way to other beers and fine though they were, I was still in thrall to Wilder's Folly.

So now that the moment has passed and I have gained a little perspective, what do I think of it? Am I still starstruck by it? Yes. Without a doubt, it is the best cask conditioned beer I have had this year.
It was called Wilder's Folly and is a collaboration between Thornbridge and Double-Barrelled Brewery. According to Dominic Driscoll, brewer at Thornbridge, it was chock-full of invert sugar. That presumably helped with both strength and mouthfeel. You can buy it here (https://thornbridgebrewery.co.uk/products/wilders-folly-6-5-ruby-mild-12-x-440ml-cans), but I somehow doubt if the can will ever reach the peak of cask conditioning that gave me such a great drinking experience, so well done City Arms too.
*It was John Clarke, hot footing it to drink a tap takeover by Kernal at Cafe Beeermoth. The photo was nicked from @BeerFinderGeneral, who gives it equal praise though was cheeky about CAMRA. I couldn't get near the bar to photo it.

More... (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/12/it-really-was-that-good.html)