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30-11-2022, 21:50
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-sailors-home-from-sea.html)

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It's been a bit quiet on the blog recently, the reason being Mrs PBT’s and I have been away on a short cruise across the North Sea to the Netherlands. Our destination was the Dutch capital of Amsterdam, and the short two-night stay represented my third visit to this friendly and easy-going city.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgeCEbO3vd3OPfe3Vb8_aArCwEXqnoKm4sGN7CVZf7GwI PK6qB2goWGZOTQRfAcU00GBjVDAIRNBLhfYpQwtbt45xNryIoS Nxt3asuoVq1nXs9thgDFjY9tUgQpLS-sF5AoL3hixe0NC3zXf4JHiAb8rOWSufvyqNNeF2X3mTM8zVe4q k_ZAGx9D3aJ/w400-h225/IMG_20221125_150936.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgeCEbO3vd3OPfe3Vb8_aArCwEXqnoKm4sGN7CVZf7GwI PK6qB2goWGZOTQRfAcU00GBjVDAIRNBLhfYpQwtbt45xNryIoS Nxt3asuoVq1nXs9thgDFjY9tUgQpLS-sF5AoL3hixe0NC3zXf4JHiAb8rOWSufvyqNNeF2X3mTM8zVe4q k_ZAGx9D3aJ/s4000/IMG_20221125_150936.jpg)
We arrived back in the UK yesterday morning and after disembarking from the ship had the joy of calling and waiting for a taxi to take us to the hotel where we had left our car. This was after dropping it off last Thursday evening. Unfortunately, I seem to have picked up a cold whilst on board ship, my first since before Covid, and I’m wondering whether the lack of mask wearing – voluntary, or otherwise, might be to blame. Once consequence of what Mrs PBT’s describes as “man flu” was not sleeping particularly well on Monday consequently, I wasn’t in the best frame of mind to be driving home, and certainly not on the motorway. So, apart from a stretch along the M3 from Southampton, until north of Basingstoke, the rest of the journey home was by "A" roads.
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With the unpacking finished, and the suitcases just waiting to be placed back in the loft, I finally got some spare time to catch up with the blog, although not before completing an outstanding task. This related to the new monitor for my desktop PC that I treated myself to in the Black Friday sales. As this was just a few days before we departed for Southampton, I left the installation for our return. This was a good move, given that it's almost twice the size of my previous monitor - coming in at 24”, compared to just 15”, and given the extended footprint of a much larger screen, I had to de-clutter my desk before installation (“plug & play”) could commence.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivw5x2zWV3WF7vTrBSCeo7n3MxWvpYimSnGxibLaXbV9 9dwnl0lAjG6GyqqDbC3VQwClAX-f4fJrzW7uY3rLvDvrGLRBbKNTxoCDzCCgeI8r6_7bhXWlTK2-DWndZc9u063I2tBq7tv3nhiqJSMO0DBqXLQpeDwe71ZhuuV9XF i6STTNi9dBZxsw3n/w254-h400/Larkins%20Porter%20glass.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivw5x2zWV3WF7vTrBSCeo7n3MxWvpYimSnGxibLaXbV9 9dwnl0lAjG6GyqqDbC3VQwClAX-f4fJrzW7uY3rLvDvrGLRBbKNTxoCDzCCgeI8r6_7bhXWlTK2-DWndZc9u063I2tBq7tv3nhiqJSMO0DBqXLQpeDwe71ZhuuV9XF i6STTNi9dBZxsw3n/s3433/Larkins%20Porter%20glass.jpg)
The night before we went away, news broke of the death of Bob Dockerty, the founder, former Head Brewer and driving force behind Larkin's Brewery. Out of respect to Bob’s family and close friends I didn't post anything at the time, but now that the sad news has become official, I am mentioning it here. I will leave it until the dust has settled some more, before posting an appropriate tribute to Bob. Suffice to say it will be sorely missed. he was quite a character and well known locally, particularly in the part of West Kent where I work. I'm not returning to work until Monday 5th and so, once I've shaken this cold off, I shall be catching up on jobs both indoors and outdoors. This bout of enthusiasm is unconnected to the major seasonal holiday event looming on the horizon, and although Mrs PBT’s and I have never really gone overboard on Christmas, we were impressed by the efforts made for the crew of the Queen Victoria, to give the ship a real festive look.

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Going away at this time of year represents the return of something of a tradition within the Bailey household, namely taking pre-Christmas breaks at the end of November - beginning of December. Between2013 and 2016, we visited places such as Prague, Salzburg, and Barcelona, during the run-up to Christmas, and the reason for taking holiday at this time was because son Matthew is employed in retail. This meant he was unable to take holiday for the whole of December and for the early part of January as well.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEji78SEpd8hrY6nUUBnhOmz4U4EuJbv77IgGYlWaCN8LW 77tGvolxz0b9uexwDS6f79eJBL9ZPtvwYLO4UyJvMvNKSlO1H7 Pz2ZVYhiqQWpT_WBWyvm7Vip7uHbdg0ZPdv5HF4dYMq9EN7V4j vI0d7-mR9dCWk5BKyy4y1hVg-Wryj6fkwXT5TU_sPj/w400-h225/IMG_20221125_133811.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEji78SEpd8hrY6nUUBnhOmz4U4EuJbv77IgGYlWaCN8LW 77tGvolxz0b9uexwDS6f79eJBL9ZPtvwYLO4UyJvMvNKSlO1H7 Pz2ZVYhiqQWpT_WBWyvm7Vip7uHbdg0ZPdv5HF4dYMq9EN7V4j vI0d7-mR9dCWk5BKyy4y1hVg-Wryj6fkwXT5TU_sPj/s4000/IMG_20221125_133811.jpg)
Somewhat ironically, Matthew didn't come with us this time, due to some potentially exciting and rewarding (for him) developments at work. We have promised to take him away with us on a short cruise in the spring, as we are sure he will enjoy it. I do miss the short city breaks we were taking with the likes of EasyJet and Ryanair, although given Mrs PBT’s current mobility issues, travelling by sea does seem a lot easier, and a lot less hassle than flying.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsA7vTrQ-4EML29rPs2po0z0gQkjrVbe5N8kHPzfVO2GKcvbrif1bQjOBiz LwnVhU2W-oE6hD95y-T1CbhxJwg3ImPIxsWyHv7cykh-OtnT9Hl8UP4rJVV2IvAkQ2CggS-faSb8ZYiTnYy2flY_aFjRC83s4LF7uofKnkHbs8nevePwlep3G Ai27YI/w400-h225/IMG_20221126_144958.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsA7vTrQ-4EML29rPs2po0z0gQkjrVbe5N8kHPzfVO2GKcvbrif1bQjOBiz LwnVhU2W-oE6hD95y-T1CbhxJwg3ImPIxsWyHv7cykh-OtnT9Hl8UP4rJVV2IvAkQ2CggS-faSb8ZYiTnYy2flY_aFjRC83s4LF7uofKnkHbs8nevePwlep3G Ai27YI/s4000/IMG_20221126_144958.jpg)
Back to the cruise, where we were really lucky with the weather, given the unpredictability of sailing at this time of year, and whilst there was a bit of a swell in the English Channel, on both the outward and return voyages, the North Sea itself, particularly close to the Dutch coast was calm and serene. I mentioned Queen Victoria earlier, which of course was the name of the cruise ship, we sailed on. This now completes, for us, voyages on all three of Cunard’s queen ships, (Elizabeth, Mary, and Victoria). These gracious vessel's will be joined next year by a 4th queen - the Queen Anne.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUvjs1Ea0eGTTliRLsB9DEv2HjMCwwqWJt8hbMrVJqac CbuGmrRnmg_TwME4s2HG_y-XuFCq5yT2k-UjJWSUSSPSnXDIkR1aVk70E0aqtslVCPr68ku8G_AGWs8HodsS 2zqALo730HvKGTvx6oV9LcsNX7wxmC_9OY3-RfPk-1AIZMoPTHNwcHFqPx/w400-h225/IMG_20221126_114557.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUvjs1Ea0eGTTliRLsB9DEv2HjMCwwqWJt8hbMrVJqac CbuGmrRnmg_TwME4s2HG_y-XuFCq5yT2k-UjJWSUSSPSnXDIkR1aVk70E0aqtslVCPr68ku8G_AGWs8HodsS 2zqALo730HvKGTvx6oV9LcsNX7wxmC_9OY3-RfPk-1AIZMoPTHNwcHFqPx/s4000/IMG_20221126_114557.jpg)
This particular cruise seemed almost exclusively made up ofUK residents, unlike last June’s voyage to the Norwegian fjords, where there was a large contingent of passengers from both North America and from Germany. This may have been reflected by the culinary offerings on board Victoria, where roast meats, casserole's, grills, and other British staples figured prominently on the menu, in contrast to the more international cuisine of previous cruises.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj0LFSLqV4TBqeYiav0M6V64RjnoDOUeViacqSH5El0I_ 1iXyrfZ_x7uhVIj3w_gq_hUii2lzLDkZJAkvzQMUg2xr4wS7NI zpkD3DiSEUpcOAg4heQULTBzvJyM7FUM5q5xwNm5qpLDKQzw3v 0PJGMhYwNH3v9MiYADCT8nEJAhBELJe--lID7fwev3/w400-h225/IMG_20221127_152755.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj0LFSLqV4TBqeYiav0M6V64RjnoDOUeViacqSH5El0I_ 1iXyrfZ_x7uhVIj3w_gq_hUii2lzLDkZJAkvzQMUg2xr4wS7NI zpkD3DiSEUpcOAg4heQULTBzvJyM7FUM5q5xwNm5qpLDKQzw3v 0PJGMhYwNH3v9MiYADCT8nEJAhBELJe--lID7fwev3/s4000/IMG_20221127_152755.jpg)
To sum up, we had an extended two-night stay in Amsterdamand being berthed within easy walking distance of the city centre gave us the perfect excuse to get off the ship and explore this friendly bustling and easy-going city. I shall be revealing more of my thoughts and observation about the Dutch capital in a later article, so for now it's back to the re-modelling and tiding of my office area. Follow Blog via EmailClick to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

More... (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-sailors-home-from-sea.html)