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18-11-2022, 12:00
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We’re voracious consumers of culture. And each week, a member of our team shares the words, images, and beers that inspired them.
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5055e59ce4b02b42cb30023c/c8c55a3e-db17-4dea-9501-1dd5e4a17bb0/RLD_263.png?format=1000w READ.// “NONVERSATION n. A wordless interaction wherein an entire conversation takes place.” I thumb through “The Emotionary: A Dictionary of Words That Don’t Exist for Feelings That Do (https://microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/books/10254)” by Eden Sher when I’m in the mood to recall some random, buried memories. Our lives are filled to the brim with inarticulate emotions, felt within ourselves and alongside others. It’s nice to sit and reminisce, prompted by this book’s little sea of verbal validation (especially during the holiday season, when the many faces of nostalgia start to pop up at an all-time high). A chuckle-worthy aspect of the book includes relatable comics by Julia Wertz of characters trying to untangle their lives. I, too, experience “FLOSSICHISM. n. the unique pleasure/satisfaction one gets from the pain induced by flossing” and forever hope that whoever is reading this feels “SOLIDATION. n. The relief of feeling wholly understood by another” at some point in their life.
LOOK.// Ever heard of hand ballet? Murmuration? There are so many breathtaking things about this performance by choreographer Sadeck Berrabah and dozens of dancers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9IxogvCvxo). The mixing of symmetry, philosophy, reflection, and connection aligns so perfectly, and fills me with awe. Each interpretation is a masterpiece, just as powerful with the volume off. I first got chills watching him choreograph a beautifully expressive hand ballet by 128 performers in wheelchairs for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games (https://laughingsquid.com/paralympic-games-wheelchair-hand-ballet/) and took a deep dive (https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSUb62DPGr/) from there.
DRINK.// Costco Cocktails
Every Friday night I’ll have whatever my friends are mixing as we fire up Xbox Kinect Sports. They’re stocked with big bottles from the almighty Costco and we sing along to “Can It Kirkland (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQUJH2b/)” TikToks as they stir in alcohol with what seems to be the perfect ratio of any tropical juice, maraschino cherries, and get this—water. I’d only ever expected water to dilute a drink, but multiple sources (old articles found on Google (https://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/28/dining/28curious.html#:~:text=It's%20true%2C%20as%20it%20 turned,of%20our%20enjoying%20their%20flavors.)) confirm that water enhances a spirit’s aroma by freeing up space for the aroma molecules to evaporate, thus tricking our noses, making it tastier. As this isn’t new information, it can be a nice reminder to just add water sometimes :) especially while kicking ass at game nights with friends.
http://goodbeerhunting.com/assets/authors/Holston.jpg Words by Colette Holston

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