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06-11-2022, 16:30
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/dictation-is-way-forward.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjimCUkuDJZGhZDiv4s7pD8lsdGA1DJQT-nnThtDlfWac-BeG4Vsu7GWxw6MnpWBeNBXK96WIvemd8N0sqpvI-91-7yJVL_FF5-FiS57nCApZj9UxQsMIsEUaVUZ8A-GN4dn5tBiZvloxJxKW97mUSzJ-n5C1wrHh69fwx2F2dA47oypz3Pnm_hwAun/w200-h200/microphone-gbb0283efd_1280.png (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjimCUkuDJZGhZDiv4s7pD8lsdGA1DJQT-nnThtDlfWac-BeG4Vsu7GWxw6MnpWBeNBXK96WIvemd8N0sqpvI-91-7yJVL_FF5-FiS57nCApZj9UxQsMIsEUaVUZ8A-GN4dn5tBiZvloxJxKW97mUSzJ-n5C1wrHh69fwx2F2dA47oypz3Pnm_hwAun/s1280/microphone-gbb0283efd_1280.png)
I treated myself to a new toy the other day, it's amicrophone, pretty basic you might think, but something that will undoubtedly help with my blogging output. I only became aware of the facility that is available in Office 365 Word, on my computer by accident, but after contemplating the possibilities that dictation could offer, I bit the bullet and ordered a microphone and stand from an online retailer and waited for it to arrive. The item arrived a couple of days ago, I unpacked and assembled the unit, plugged it in and waited for my computer to connect with the device. I was amazed how readily the microphone was able to recognise and pick up my voice, and how easily the software was able to convert my speech into text. I feel confident but this new addition to my computer, will greatly assist with my blogging and my output.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjtgXGAe2HttisqHKXiQYNdfJ_Hdjaxay5T8lZ32S0UT3 V8bUnGcTbImvmpUBBCXDwuJjBCT7lA5jdlIyh4_nT_2IycXchd hZzOcGeAtRt-vsyJG4wHflPdi5TflnxrkjEz_7_d8mRW2PLGc-xMMN3Ca-nCjDUowdcsX5ypp24yGRnAiFxCly1nwohx/w400-h224/Microphone.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjtgXGAe2HttisqHKXiQYNdfJ_Hdjaxay5T8lZ32S0UT3 V8bUnGcTbImvmpUBBCXDwuJjBCT7lA5jdlIyh4_nT_2IycXchd hZzOcGeAtRt-vsyJG4wHflPdi5TflnxrkjEz_7_d8mRW2PLGc-xMMN3Ca-nCjDUowdcsX5ypp24yGRnAiFxCly1nwohx/s3727/Microphone.jpg)
The output isn’t always word perfect, and sometimes you need to go back and correct what you've written, but it's still far quicker than typing, and is certainly good enough for my requirements. The only thing I have found is that sometimes your brain is thinking faster than you can get the words out, so it's best to consider what you're going to say and speak slowly. The only drawback I can see, is the other members of the household I think I've lost my marbles, and I'm talking to myself. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYWBSdXInVA5gxx1io0d5uZ0iEKoEX5do7uiCsUwMHrs xN27xyMCR1adr0QWXPOupi7xZwHTmNCn_eTtk94EnEL7Z-B_STd0iowus-OugDrjzbUQnPkqIwQfarEin_buBDCYmGOdcf8zFuXno8lG0t2O cOj_pb-AVwYpYkCtVwhM923gQsqhG1JVsq/w400-h225/IMG_20221106_130010.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYWBSdXInVA5gxx1io0d5uZ0iEKoEX5do7uiCsUwMHrs xN27xyMCR1adr0QWXPOupi7xZwHTmNCn_eTtk94EnEL7Z-B_STd0iowus-OugDrjzbUQnPkqIwQfarEin_buBDCYmGOdcf8zFuXno8lG0t2O cOj_pb-AVwYpYkCtVwhM923gQsqhG1JVsq/s4000/IMG_20221106_130010.jpg)I have become used to it now, although if I'm honest it still seems somewhat strange sitting here in front of my screen and talking into the microphone. I’d also add that it is worth spending a reasonable amount of money on this type of equipment, rather than purchasing something at the bottom end of the market. Ideally you want a device that is stable, not easy to knock over, robust and soundly constructed. You can see from the photo my microphone looks the part, and I’m pleased to say it acts the part too.
I look forward to many happy hours sitting here in front of the screen, waffling away, whilst in the process knocking out many more blog posts. You have been warned!
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