View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1885 William Younger X

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12-10-2022, 07:10
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/10/lets-brew-wednesday-1885-william.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEhtXHEPRkq9UJvijSn8lZo3kqsn0FEoEwBbAv_IXKVN 8uNOhWBCd5NSQBqo6B-2iS2BUnd1xcCyfsv9OmCnBc5lfxGVoLqvOixLagamIbnJnxn7X nj2K6bCDMfvVg3UZripEcsILR8BIAf2AZJnz3ytAijb1hP6BAI tVn9U7wL9n1Cxwx8vMmd3dO/w400-h333/Younger_Best_Mild.png (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhEhtXHEPRkq9UJvijSn8lZo3kqsn0FEoEwBbAv_IXKVN 8uNOhWBCd5NSQBqo6B-2iS2BUnd1xcCyfsv9OmCnBc5lfxGVoLqvOixLagamIbnJnxn7X nj2K6bCDMfvVg3UZripEcsILR8BIAf2AZJnz3ytAijb1hP6BAI tVn9U7wL9n1Cxwx8vMmd3dO/s939/Younger_Best_Mild.png)
Now we’re done with one set of Younger’s Ales, it’s time to start on another one: the X’s.

If the Shilling Ales are Milds and the X Ales are Milds, what the hell is the difference between them? You tell me. I can’t work it out. The Shilling Ales seem to be less well attenuated, but that’s about it. Perhaps the X Ales were draught and the Shilling Ales bottled.

This X is a little lower in gravity than its London equivalent. At least one from a large brewery. It’s still over 5% ABV, mind.

Another very simple grist from Younger. Just base malt and, er, that’s it. Oh, and “5 flgs pat”. Which is probably patent malt. But what the hell is a flg? If that indeed is what it says. I’m not totally sure. Getting back to the base malt, there are two types, one from the Middle East.

In contrast, there were many different types of hops. American from the 1884 harvest, Californian from 1884, Württemberg from 1884, Kent from 1884 and 1885 as copper hops. Loads of dry hops, too: American from 1884 and 1885, Californian from 1884, Württemberg from 1884 and 1885, EK from 1884.

1885 William Younger X

pale malt
11.75 lb

Cluster 120 min
1.00 oz

Spalt 60 min
0.50 oz

Fuggles 30 min
1.00 oz

Goldings dry hops
0.50 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
155º F

Sparge at
163º F

Boil time
120 minutes

pitching temp
59º F

WLP028 Edinburgh Ale

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/10/lets-brew-wednesday-1885-william.html)