View Full Version : Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Look, a decent pub, close to the hotel, well fancy that!

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23-09-2022, 12:32
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/09/look-decent-pub-close-to-hotel-well.html)

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My recent post about Barry Island’s excellent Craft Republicbar kicked off with a few slightly tongue in cheek comments about unexpected, or unplanned coincidences. Good ones, of course, but all revolving around the often-uncanny ability of choosing a hotel, and then magically discovering a really good pub or brewery tap in the immediate vicinity.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGDvhm6qCth8wX1ifNLvDl8TnbJE74v8putUcVPah34T K6TeAO_OcyZtsumzn-tAS3pB5DJEuOZ96PMF3VLfXRJusG0oUdUpD3vu0XaYFrbCHz8A q8zgT4cbY8xzOMUwgg0RHJVej7I62co6LmeBPjCgX7b6-ns1JNztHnMH_8yMtKBVJrIwf4OV4S/w400-h253/Hotel%20&%20Slamniku.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGDvhm6qCth8wX1ifNLvDl8TnbJE74v8putUcVPah34T K6TeAO_OcyZtsumzn-tAS3pB5DJEuOZ96PMF3VLfXRJusG0oUdUpD3vu0XaYFrbCHz8A q8zgT4cbY8xzOMUwgg0RHJVej7I62co6LmeBPjCgX7b6-ns1JNztHnMH_8yMtKBVJrIwf4OV4S/s2317/Hotel%20&%20Slamniku.jpg)
To this day, Mrs PBT’s swears I do this deliberately, but that’s just not true, as my main criteria in selecting somewhere to stay are as follows: A location that is pleasant, convenient and above all safe. A hotel where breakfast is included – even if it is just continental, a fair, reasonable, and affordable price, that offers free cancellation, just in case the unexpected occurs, plus decent reviews that are unbiased and give a good idea of what to expect.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhe4_PUzbe6H3cebDMlZk598WjTQmW_VQP-rJ_Z-Rmj_A5si5JVVgO9ozFzNpBLwx3ytUavv4T4l-Ui64WtoosYVSx79g4_wF5yEWdimAVOYweA2QxlrLxk-YnP-PDopv0ciOuGQ8RsFziFGeoKcNPaFh2aHcUf8XJoYFbz0FMg-1oLqgj1iKwxlstq/w400-h225/Hotel%20Schwaiger%20front.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhe4_PUzbe6H3cebDMlZk598WjTQmW_VQP-rJ_Z-Rmj_A5si5JVVgO9ozFzNpBLwx3ytUavv4T4l-Ui64WtoosYVSx79g4_wF5yEWdimAVOYweA2QxlrLxk-YnP-PDopv0ciOuGQ8RsFziFGeoKcNPaFh2aHcUf8XJoYFbz0FMg-1oLqgj1iKwxlstq/s2435/Hotel%20Schwaiger%20front.jpg)
In nearly 30 decades of domestic and foreign travel, I have only cocked-up on a handful of occasions and, fortunately for me, I was traveling solo each time. Furthermore, none of these booking “mistakes” were absolute disasters, they just didn’t live up to expectations, and if I’m brutally honest, were the result of penny pinching on my part. I won’t detail any of these poor choices here, as I want to get on with the main point of the article, but if you really want to know, then ask me privately, preferably over a pint.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3j_mE-3WTE9U2mF-Py_nUmEHFqaR_ROjZdwB8-0oaNmwVLetzA8nNOC7lHerzvCJGm3YEBbDbyL10UrL3aPp5dER tC0vMXKMRPco9chrnweynhTzRsbib3pCPJ7AMCME8-oJ4k86aNWc9j4eYOTuoIZNZRhNCSrtGgdErzKY2_8KWsm9RnBp nEnr3/w400-h240/Na%20Slamniku.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3j_mE-3WTE9U2mF-Py_nUmEHFqaR_ROjZdwB8-0oaNmwVLetzA8nNOC7lHerzvCJGm3YEBbDbyL10UrL3aPp5dER tC0vMXKMRPco9chrnweynhTzRsbib3pCPJ7AMCME8-oJ4k86aNWc9j4eYOTuoIZNZRhNCSrtGgdErzKY2_8KWsm9RnBp nEnr3/s2592/Na%20Slamniku.jpg)
So, let’s look now at some positive experiences when we have stayed somewhere, and there mysteriously just happened to be a top-notch pub or bar, possibly even one that’s nationally or internationally renowned as a place of excellence, and one that should be on every beer drinkers wish-list.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEguiSdy8YH29KJWdlNvvrCocIJqi5VoMYq3SaVpeQU0Im du4l8Nvdxv4LNFSTE15yuth-Xtw8kF9HpJ86YbxECA765DsBoAs5H6VgAMSbs9N2vWO99MdO0E rsCjSHBYAngZiloGa8n2tTrR34IveSz41mCJPTNuPhjIGSail5 ZOs7c-oXxbG71IbIHC/w400-h240/Hotel%20Schwaiger%20int.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEguiSdy8YH29KJWdlNvvrCocIJqi5VoMYq3SaVpeQU0Im du4l8Nvdxv4LNFSTE15yuth-Xtw8kF9HpJ86YbxECA765DsBoAs5H6VgAMSbs9N2vWO99MdO0E rsCjSHBYAngZiloGa8n2tTrR34IveSz41mCJPTNuPhjIGSail5 ZOs7c-oXxbG71IbIHC/s2592/Hotel%20Schwaiger%20int.jpg)
The first example that springs to mind, doesn’t fall into that last category, and if I’m being truthful was a place that my good lady wife urged us to try, probably on account of it being just a stone’s throw from our hotel. It was Mrs PBT’s first visit to Prague and the Czech Republic, and I had managed to secure us a really nice hotel, in the form of the opulent Villa Schwaiger, in the Bubeneč district, of Prague 6.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjjrm1rdlzSoR2l0fIsT9IYBwlIR1roUtaKSzxHFYuPOl NhXPD6Fzv80qTtrPvhU2fqu00d3POmGuA8pYisnIsD9wkJ67rq 7aE6SjsOqNDog-swkJWhG4j67tXoO8n3s2K_ba9Eb4TjOvZxXnyTVv4NF7IVudk_ cjkXzj5BP6os_qKnaey5D4CtbqA_/w400-h240/Na%20Slamniku%20top.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjjrm1rdlzSoR2l0fIsT9IYBwlIR1roUtaKSzxHFYuPOl NhXPD6Fzv80qTtrPvhU2fqu00d3POmGuA8pYisnIsD9wkJ67rq 7aE6SjsOqNDog-swkJWhG4j67tXoO8n3s2K_ba9Eb4TjOvZxXnyTVv4NF7IVudk_ cjkXzj5BP6os_qKnaey5D4CtbqA_/s2592/Na%20Slamniku%20top.jpg)
There, literally on the other side of the hotel forecourt, was a real local’s pub called Hostinec Na Slamniku. Offering traditional Czech food, and Únětické pivo 12˚ - a wonderfully tasty and bitter, pale lager, this pub had the perfect combination of good food, excellent beer along with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. It was certainly the find of the trip, so much so that we ate and drank at Na Slamiku on two of the four evenings we were in Prague.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivqH3138NtbxSLBSATKoP_Q456z3GcUpwBr8kG_Tl_1K gxQMTOTgP9hCqaosfe68qNwKXene3PvfLGG5Ncw2tNRClu_ytY obJ6nLPnoJwDFHlmT1mvIZuhwXaFasoJnioUsre_WPkzBoJSwk G5teXFoT_MdgEiRC1LgBzk8Lgxil8-l3EPoswagGJq/w400-h240/Prague%20Schnitzel.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivqH3138NtbxSLBSATKoP_Q456z3GcUpwBr8kG_Tl_1K gxQMTOTgP9hCqaosfe68qNwKXene3PvfLGG5Ncw2tNRClu_ytY obJ6nLPnoJwDFHlmT1mvIZuhwXaFasoJnioUsre_WPkzBoJSwk G5teXFoT_MdgEiRC1LgBzk8Lgxil8-l3EPoswagGJq/s2592/Prague%20Schnitzel.jpg)
The atmosphere of this unspoilt local pub reminded us of what pubs were like back in the UK, during their 1970's heyday. Even more amazing was the pub was run by just three people: a husband and wife, plus a cook. On our first visit, the place was heaving, and we were lucky to get a seat, and all the while, the husband-and-wife team were busy transporting plates weighed down with good wholesome dishes, and foaming mugs of beer, to the various tables. This they did with a cheery smile for us, and some friendly banter for the locals.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1cqkg0iIZF4BETC4kd73d14T6IfkDUBE14gNY6GL1fR p88XmV1eJvgT-j2jblBSeSgfKCoYPMcarheFbKul4iOeyIS4zhDMTbQfx9XxMiP Q6PYRA2nTaDH6IDKBHdT8vEZzCvhtchGtDwOrVhYma7q3wd797 GGHCeN-OTLd4yTuvYEVOs9baBfnAf/w400-h240/Bier%20Cab%20ext.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1cqkg0iIZF4BETC4kd73d14T6IfkDUBE14gNY6GL1fR p88XmV1eJvgT-j2jblBSeSgfKCoYPMcarheFbKul4iOeyIS4zhDMTbQfx9XxMiP Q6PYRA2nTaDH6IDKBHdT8vEZzCvhtchGtDwOrVhYma7q3wd797 GGHCeN-OTLd4yTuvYEVOs9baBfnAf/s2592/Bier%20Cab%20ext.jpg)
The following year, a visit to Barcelona yielded not one, but two excellent bars, both within easy reach of our hotel. A day or two before we left for Spain, whilst carrying out a spot of online research – as you do, I chanced upon a bar called Bier Cab. The place was listed as No. 4 of the top 100 beer bars in the world, and whilst I don’t pay a huge amount of attention to these sorts of “league tables,” what I did notice was BierCab being situated in the same street as our hotel! Fortunately, my wife didn’t realise at the time, the pure coincidence of this, otherwise I could have been accused of selecting the hotel purely on its proximity to this bar.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-Weiuvp7qWbXSsJqPHDqIl3qXON30RqFddkLQ5IZqkN4-FGyKSnGIyr5Yg0ejtU9Ire-o57cKlFnFRRzKuJAQ9B6uUVU50t0DxhMnW3ikfNadTEX8q38BU CAscJomyKdwO2Xx63PbQ2hPti-m8DZSSRIqlLm97CTl8Rc4R4z2TMfEcLdi5urk00Yt/w400-h240/IMAG2410.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-Weiuvp7qWbXSsJqPHDqIl3qXON30RqFddkLQ5IZqkN4-FGyKSnGIyr5Yg0ejtU9Ire-o57cKlFnFRRzKuJAQ9B6uUVU50t0DxhMnW3ikfNadTEX8q38BU CAscJomyKdwO2Xx63PbQ2hPti-m8DZSSRIqlLm97CTl8Rc4R4z2TMfEcLdi5urk00Yt/s2592/IMAG2410.jpg)
My opportunity to spend a bit of time there came on a very wet and windy Barcelona Saturday afternoon. We had spent much of the morning shopping, followed by a brief spot of lunch. We returned to the hotel to dump our respective purchases, and after several hours traipsing around the shops, both Eileen and Matthew were flagging. I informed them of my desire for a stroll up the road in order to pick up a few bottles of Spanish beer, and asked would they miss me dreadfully if I was to do so?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNwFnb4PJaqHyWleXmvSGJBegc6WWCzyZsaHDba3IeoU 1hBzsUNg2CWhlh7eKhL7gxrgFzp_xFiW94INNVJ2E3oWCKMg9g FTgoI1iKbpNrXC_ZVN65Zk21k9MWLM4hCzBYh7Llg83sATRxZE yIK_TlaN8Ge84X27nQQw0R1mUY_9zE6F4ZBY1rCRh5/w400-h240/Barcelona%20in%20the%20rain.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNwFnb4PJaqHyWleXmvSGJBegc6WWCzyZsaHDba3IeoU 1hBzsUNg2CWhlh7eKhL7gxrgFzp_xFiW94INNVJ2E3oWCKMg9g FTgoI1iKbpNrXC_ZVN65Zk21k9MWLM4hCzBYh7Llg83sATRxZE yIK_TlaN8Ge84X27nQQw0R1mUY_9zE6F4ZBY1rCRh5/s2592/Barcelona%20in%20the%20rain.jpg)
Of course, they wouldn’t, so off I went through the steady, but not too heavy rain. There is something about a wet Saturday afternoon, and it doesn’t seem to matter where in the world one experiences it. I was thinking this as I strode the few blocks up to BierCaB, (http://biercab.com/en/)a modern-looking bar housed in an equally modern block.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi__Af5A1tMSpvNYzuZ4rARHyA-FPRB6XeVKZser1G9qxIaFZOHepVzqVB_zjVOJ05WsEXjmTXDPO Tu6EdpV8CA5acjhWNf2JTjfLmTVWbyxWcJEBK7ntqTVAzXzq-8_GO55alXEBm0yJofJmhtcO795GSDLp9CWhg6Wlr0UIrt_qp-WQ_QNv4Wp7Sm/w400-h240/IMAG2414.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi__Af5A1tMSpvNYzuZ4rARHyA-FPRB6XeVKZser1G9qxIaFZOHepVzqVB_zjVOJ05WsEXjmTXDPO Tu6EdpV8CA5acjhWNf2JTjfLmTVWbyxWcJEBK7ntqTVAzXzq-8_GO55alXEBm0yJofJmhtcO795GSDLp9CWhg6Wlr0UIrt_qp-WQ_QNv4Wp7Sm/s2592/IMAG2414.jpg)The place had only been open just over a year but had quickly established a reputation for itself which has spread far beyond Barcelona. Stepping inside, there was a long room with the bar to the left, and a series of tables opposite. These extended to the rear of the room. BierCaBboasted 30 taps, with an impressive electronic display on the wall behind to inform punters of the choices available, their strength, colour, and cost. I joined the handful of other customers sitting at the bar in true Spanish style and pondered which of the 30 or so beers to order first.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYovrcIfVuJn2Y9mmW5jVM5mMEQqyzJw0v5kEEBaysc4 A3ziETJmSGfL0Z3ak6E7Lfd0UQRr-VtGzOrUfi9FkG-SZ_xhr-lxmNgedKThjHu9AcY1zFHxN-E68ea9pl-ueLv72DUMCIEE5mXnbfokTJ6qA_6hsq7pAogO2qjqgj3QoOxyV 97NfZRCa1/w400-h240/IMAG2464.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYovrcIfVuJn2Y9mmW5jVM5mMEQqyzJw0v5kEEBaysc4 A3ziETJmSGfL0Z3ak6E7Lfd0UQRr-VtGzOrUfi9FkG-SZ_xhr-lxmNgedKThjHu9AcY1zFHxN-E68ea9pl-ueLv72DUMCIEE5mXnbfokTJ6qA_6hsq7pAogO2qjqgj3QoOxyV 97NfZRCa1/s2592/IMAG2464.jpg)
I decided to stay local, and opted for the Spanish offerings, starting with La Pirata Viakrucis; (http://cervesalapirata.com/) a 5.6% American Pale Ale, brewed at Ca l’Arenys - Cervezas Guineu, a micro-brewery, in the mountains to the north-west of Barcelona. This was followed by a glass of Farmer’s Choice; a 7.6% Strong Golden Ale from Naparbier (http://www.sheltonbrothers.com/breweries/naparbier/)of Pamplona. My final beer was another American-style pale ale called Mango, which weighed in at 6.0%. The latter was the most local beer on sale at BierCaB, coming from the Piris Brewery who are based in central Barcelona. Whilst sitting at the bar, enjoying these beers, I indulged myself with a plate of nachos, covered in melted Mexican cheese, to help soak up the rather strong beer.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhrVn8oDFMn2WzP40n0v-LvE5QeLyUpLDenqk6L8m2GgqoTQupISSIGGHGJKIcDD-xC2Y_gLWD3Paap5WQ27lBgbwLaYs9clClBIKfXtkvXnC7gLBQ6 WFsHelzxgdTEWelyMV9JsQ9tX76npzlHeblbV1dblEhjXBtcog G3eIqcsFB6oXLt3l3kMaHu/w400-h240/Moritz%20Int%20B&W.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhrVn8oDFMn2WzP40n0v-LvE5QeLyUpLDenqk6L8m2GgqoTQupISSIGGHGJKIcDD-xC2Y_gLWD3Paap5WQ27lBgbwLaYs9clClBIKfXtkvXnC7gLBQ6 WFsHelzxgdTEWelyMV9JsQ9tX76npzlHeblbV1dblEhjXBtcog G3eIqcsFB6oXLt3l3kMaHu/s2592/Moritz%20Int%20B&W.jpg)
To have a top-rated beer bar at one end of the street, could be viewed as coincidence, but to have a brewpub just five minutes’ walk in the other direction from our hotel should surely be seen as deliberate influencing our base for the weekend. Again, I swear I picked the hotel purely for its central location, its price and its positive reviews and indeed knew nothing about the La Fabrica Moritz (http://moritz.com/en/section/fbrica-moritz-barcelona)just around the corner. The “Moritz Factory”is a popular and fashionable brew pub on the Ronda Sant Antoni that occupies the site of the original Moritz Brewery.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZiIOGegLaF3cajGrH2bcpKmJF9klcPBXJffL25KeIry UABCgjvh4wt5_YIyfAOE4Rfw9j_3zzjaTi2ldyvOqxX5TKz2Z2 UyRl8TtIgnNNlAVtI1aRZDpTXeSTPJPenZS87yB_rPlw_vmIqJ OJO4800ppCKd92v8zyqQCRsdTNFYr10CAdFS_nFjxM/w400-h240/Moritz%20shop%20-%20enhanced.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZiIOGegLaF3cajGrH2bcpKmJF9klcPBXJffL25KeIry UABCgjvh4wt5_YIyfAOE4Rfw9j_3zzjaTi2ldyvOqxX5TKz2Z2 UyRl8TtIgnNNlAVtI1aRZDpTXeSTPJPenZS87yB_rPlw_vmIqJ OJO4800ppCKd92v8zyqQCRsdTNFYr10CAdFS_nFjxM/s2514/Moritz%20shop%20-%20enhanced.jpg)
The Moritz Brewery was founded in 1856 when Louis Moritz Trautmann, who came from the Alsace region of France, brewed his first beer. Just eight years later, in 1864, Moritzconstructed a large modern brewery, which became known as the La Fabrica Moritz. Despite winning numerous awards and surviving the Spanish Civil War, the company hit hard times, closing the brewery in 1966 and moving production outside Barcelona to Parets del Vallès.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhAKU9nQd3dGCH5RmhAFjEFmeFwgrs4uY08_P0mF_-edz8ZasscQ1NE63n6ab03t3D2AzPiXbkdb1kL5NPWQsm2Tm2d-jE5CwrJkp549CrvRKDRG0G6p79znwE0Ow1bJlY_ZZLPyWrszf_ lo7XOh4qd0ctbz3Q-wDHgloKgMdinylVaAbNn6AjIYi49/w400-h240/Mortiz%20van.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhAKU9nQd3dGCH5RmhAFjEFmeFwgrs4uY08_P0mF_-edz8ZasscQ1NE63n6ab03t3D2AzPiXbkdb1kL5NPWQsm2Tm2d-jE5CwrJkp549CrvRKDRG0G6p79znwE0Ow1bJlY_ZZLPyWrszf_ lo7XOh4qd0ctbz3Q-wDHgloKgMdinylVaAbNn6AjIYi49/s2592/Mortiz%20van.jpg)
In 1978 Moritz closed completely, but the beer re-emerged in 2004when descendants of the Moritz family resurrected the brand, which is now brewed under license in Zaragoza. By re-launching the beer, they first brewed back in 1856, Moritz have succeeded in making a dent in Estrella'smarket dominance and remain a very visible emblem of Catalan autonomy.With its location in the heart of the city’s university district La Fabrica Moritz was especially popular with students and young people. We visited it three times during the course of our stay; once, in the morning, for breakfast and also on two occasions in the evening. The second of these visits was on our final night in Barcelona, and we had to wait in a queue for a vacant table, such is the bars popularity! So quite by chance I managed to visit two of Barcelona’smost memorable bars and enjoy some excellent beer and food in both.
Footnote: I wrote about all three of these bars, shortly after our visits to their respective cities, So, Prague was back in December 2013, and Barcelona, almost exactly one year later.

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