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15-09-2022, 15:40
Visit the Paul Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/09/craft-republic-at-goodsheds.html)

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I’m sure my wife thinks I do this deliberately, because more often than not, when we have stayed somewhere away from home, there mysteriously happens to be a really good pub or brewery tap in the immediate vicinity. This phenomena has occurred so frequently that It’s worthy of its own blog, but for the time being let’s have a look at the latest example of Paul’s “lucky streak,” and how I hit the jackpot in the most unexpected of places -Barry Island! You would expect me to have taken a look on What Pub, just to check on the pubs and bars in the vicinity of our hotel, and that is exactly what I did. Whilst not listed as stocking cask,Craft Republic (https://www.wearecraftrepublic.co.uk/about) was described as an excellent craft-beer bar, with 14 taps, which included one for cider, plus another for alcohol-free beer. Barry Craft Gin, produced on the premises, is also available, for those who enjoy something stronger.

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A look on the bar’s website, sent out all the right signals, so let’s take a closer look at Craft Republic’s credentials. Owned and run by, husband-and-wife team Tim and Claire, who are Barry residents. The couple pride themselves on being totally independent, with no investors, and no tie-ins with breweries or distributors. The location they chose was the GoodSheds, which is the brainchild of a local developer whose vision was to create a modern, urban development, with a strong community at its heart. This matched the ethos of what Tim and Claire wanted to achieve with their new bar.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgH1fjbFUCTo-1HjdmbaFpsXQqlIUv2zRq4kBAGYAqkY4Fp6Lb2NSNDdO2LRd0G c-Bb90H_83uVQ-wfpib7xASnbSI1AKww6irsCtlYVQxqw9cQFLnILnU3NuMHI2qK-swUI_0PlkYHJoKqzo45Mccq_ki5mBS9yYmMCr2Y52MVE5tTJb-EwzJkltm9/w400-h225/IMG_20220907_091445.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgH1fjbFUCTo-1HjdmbaFpsXQqlIUv2zRq4kBAGYAqkY4Fp6Lb2NSNDdO2LRd0G c-Bb90H_83uVQ-wfpib7xASnbSI1AKww6irsCtlYVQxqw9cQFLnILnU3NuMHI2qK-swUI_0PlkYHJoKqzo45Mccq_ki5mBS9yYmMCr2Y52MVE5tTJb-EwzJkltm9/s4000/IMG_20220907_091445.jpg)
The couple conducted most of the fitting out of the bar themselves, with the lion’s share of the work taking place during the Covid lock-down. Craft Republic opened to the public in August 2020, but was then subject to the various, and restrictions that followed, from the autumn of 2020, right through to spring, the following year. Remember the hapless Health Secretary, Matt Handcock, with his totally illogical “tier system” that mystified and frustrated drinkers and business owners alike?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhr--bfM-e7mLof0D7JOJtGo1f7HZXAZGxhh_PjUftcvhRK5CTRoWWL73Ta 7jWblj_9rB17Q5E1-4_rVvzz87vVrJ0jIzhzasgWWdZLwjOVfz0isdXwFV7iTsIMkNR F-hNjQjAshAW_d4WHeVHpxbLK8FoTkVGi1rCV7zAXfRJyyTVjFmn jIS2R0p7i/w400-h225/Containers.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhr--bfM-e7mLof0D7JOJtGo1f7HZXAZGxhh_PjUftcvhRK5CTRoWWL73Ta 7jWblj_9rB17Q5E1-4_rVvzz87vVrJ0jIzhzasgWWdZLwjOVfz0isdXwFV7iTsIMkNR F-hNjQjAshAW_d4WHeVHpxbLK8FoTkVGi1rCV7zAXfRJyyTVjFmn jIS2R0p7i/s4000/Containers.jpg)
Thankfully, these restrictions are now just an unpleasant memory, although there is still a need for vigilance. Fortunately, the health service seem well prepared for a potential increase in Covid cases this winter, with a new Covid booster vaccination being rolled out, as I type. For the record, Mrs PBT’s and I are due our shots at the beginning of next month, along with a flu vaccination at the same time – one in each arm?
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Returning to Craft Republic, the good news was the bar was less than 5 minutes’ walk from the Premier Inn we were staying at, so what not to like? On the second night of our stay in Barry, we took a stroll along to the GoodSheds – spoiler alert, Matthew and I had already taken a peep after breakfast that morning. As the name suggests, the complex is housed in some former railway storage buildings, and these have been supplemented by what is described as a “container village.”
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioNqwOd5tXhYZtjyRWgOtEaBfYff0JZxhVj-PmX82zhJBqJ2JDjT9laKs5AoHgAF3JafCRFoxnijoXEwGbNoX_ jOR2SQ8Lf8LLpaEy7dzLv7spRSH-8YNDIxHZvU-1_cySnPP9SuPtAqP4yrHjy4dbCGrRFKAzYlelu-L6S-FfB1lQZ_HtveTwuNV8/w400-h225/IMG_20220907_174412.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioNqwOd5tXhYZtjyRWgOtEaBfYff0JZxhVj-PmX82zhJBqJ2JDjT9laKs5AoHgAF3JafCRFoxnijoXEwGbNoX_ jOR2SQ8Lf8LLpaEy7dzLv7spRSH-8YNDIxHZvU-1_cySnPP9SuPtAqP4yrHjy4dbCGrRFKAzYlelu-L6S-FfB1lQZ_HtveTwuNV8/s4000/IMG_20220907_174412.jpg)
As most of us know, shipping containers can be adapted for a wide range of uses – two of the building contractors that Eileen does book-keeping work for, operate from fully-fitted offices, housed in such units. Continuing the railway theme, there are a number of former train carriages said to be former Gatwick Express rolling-stock. They have been painted black, in common with the majority of the surrounding buildings, and look quite striking in their new livery.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgnQ62H6OjDl9ReZVP_AaLyJkv3nfkqmouGJ7joRZ0mnN wGaNg-0ZKMNfqQByt9397uZUbG-G66WD4ovNlpA6CfWgWXFCgvgbpOs7pU1RWNZegm3tVueU-YN34EaNRtFD1JW0NttMBLM7DqLW301kY7w-9qpj4koNA2ZucBrG1GeWsu1WGBpBCay1NI/w400-h225/Chicken%20burger%20closed.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgnQ62H6OjDl9ReZVP_AaLyJkv3nfkqmouGJ7joRZ0mnN wGaNg-0ZKMNfqQByt9397uZUbG-G66WD4ovNlpA6CfWgWXFCgvgbpOs7pU1RWNZegm3tVueU-YN34EaNRtFD1JW0NttMBLM7DqLW301kY7w-9qpj4koNA2ZucBrG1GeWsu1WGBpBCay1NI/s4000/Chicken%20burger%20closed.jpg)
Upon arrival, we were shown to a table, and after a quick run through the beer selection, the food offering was explained. Craft Republicdoesn’t offer food, but the owners are more than happy for customers to bring food in with them. For those wishing to order from one of their GoodShedsneighbours, an App was available which, after scanning a QR code, enabled customers to select, order and pay for their food, and then collect, when ready from the takeaway point outside the main GoodSheds entrance.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwCQsQ4ZOvFb7msq8Y1z8BhAnU7FbgM50K7eNazDme9v _207M9oAvnmkjRtHuyC4YjJ7lgcJ58Irn3oMwwRygd_N-6CV4LFWd4BGBtPMKb7dBiOs440ec1sHkQXhQ6gSeOfyxRyH-XAerrlhIv2aPqXdmTB4-aAZqZhzzh1c5SBz_KGvGmydLMRMfF/w400-h225/Goodsheds%20outside.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwCQsQ4ZOvFb7msq8Y1z8BhAnU7FbgM50K7eNazDme9v _207M9oAvnmkjRtHuyC4YjJ7lgcJ58Irn3oMwwRygd_N-6CV4LFWd4BGBtPMKb7dBiOs440ec1sHkQXhQ6gSeOfyxRyH-XAerrlhIv2aPqXdmTB4-aAZqZhzzh1c5SBz_KGvGmydLMRMfF/s3872/Goodsheds%20outside.jpg)
The food was best described as “street food,” and there was a good selection of different options available. The Bailey family went for the burger option, and the friendly bar staff member, guided us through the process. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my payment to go through, so he directed me into the labyrinth of different food stall, inside the containers, where I was able to order and pay in person. Not long afterwards, I received a text, advising my order was ready for collection, so I popped along to pick it up. So, with everything we needed, served on compostable cardboard trays, with wooden knives and forks, the chicken burgers, served with lime-pickle dressing and chilli-jam, plus fries to die for, it was “finger-licking good,” as the Colonelwould have said, and the perfect accompaniment to the craft beer offerings on tap.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjl2rWubvdJW4TbS6-CYh_AdMjpcfXy_3hD2M5G3YjztqkaR8VpuHhCocUbfoJsup35e CYEDq7f6hf6H32EgDtPb58H1pE_WRGB-7iqRm9DI1X-suQMw7wOyQVayb5mYV-sSrxQZJrRsozA0jDT4lpKDlVk4FLyueT8VnefpBjIpWlHSPAql ww8VycT/w300-h400/DEYA%20Beer.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjl2rWubvdJW4TbS6-CYh_AdMjpcfXy_3hD2M5G3YjztqkaR8VpuHhCocUbfoJsup35e CYEDq7f6hf6H32EgDtPb58H1pE_WRGB-7iqRm9DI1X-suQMw7wOyQVayb5mYV-sSrxQZJrRsozA0jDT4lpKDlVk4FLyueT8VnefpBjIpWlHSPAql ww8VycT/s3962/DEYA%20Beer.jpg)
I started with a pint of DEYA Steady Rolling Man, a 5.2% New England IPA, and followed it with a brew, with a rather long name, from Cloudwater. It was certainly extremely cloudy, and not particularly enjoyable. Fortunately, I only ordered a half, but “The Interior Life and the External World," reinforced my view that Cloudwater are seriously over-hyped, and matched the premonition which led me to order a half in the first place. I fully expect now, to received hate mail from Cloudwater fans, and whilst I should perhaps have known better than to order a NIPA, brew I started off with from DEYA was fine, with just the merest hint of “murk.” This was in stark contrast to the turbid-looking Cloudwater offering! If you don’t believe me, check out the photos as “pond water” would be a more apt name.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEipUYhV374fkojGAN7iTuuy0SGwzHRLpdUyBB7PRANkaN 4L5Q3tJeqN7czgrqZ_hs6Q3bhlMX7UT8V3y8RxU0xFdVL9ytAi TkjXjRtSF9GtU4zN9I9fQMnSE4sSqucMmVeyivO8RH4QLnbRMY du4V1MRYCOAIvl4XKsdSrS2xWlorXm_HCGY7Vry9sM/w350-h400/Cloudwater%20murky.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEipUYhV374fkojGAN7iTuuy0SGwzHRLpdUyBB7PRANkaN 4L5Q3tJeqN7czgrqZ_hs6Q3bhlMX7UT8V3y8RxU0xFdVL9ytAi TkjXjRtSF9GtU4zN9I9fQMnSE4sSqucMmVeyivO8RH4QLnbRMY du4V1MRYCOAIvl4XKsdSrS2xWlorXm_HCGY7Vry9sM/s3327/Cloudwater%20murky.jpg)
A beer that was not to my liking is no reflection on Craft Republic, but fortunately my last beer of the evening, came up trumps. Much like I knew I was on potential dodgy ground with Cloudwater, I somehow knew that Night Swimming, a 6.8% coffee stout from Tenby Brewing, would come up trumps. It certainly ticked all the right boxes, as did Craft Republic itself. During the course of our stay, the bar started filling up nicely, with a good mixed crowd. There were a couple of families we could see sitting outside, complete with children and dogs. Speaking of our canine friends, Darcy the pub dog made a beeline for our table, as soon as he smelled the food. He hovered around, under our feet, waiting for the occasional chip to be dropped – as invariably happened. All in all, our visit was an extremely positive experience, made all the more enjoyable by the helpful and knowledgeable staff. As we left, we were thanked by owner Tim, who was sitting at a table, tapping away on his laptop, whilst enjoying a beer.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOoRYXikk9xWCcAGQzV6x3MJh3JwjtN72mPxk8XTVnDh JVB7rO4cp3Fstf8eYneW1XG7A1y4MxOqb5S7-GTSyz8bAwyecTZoKUJKEh7KzjtzG7vcsDqWdIWQo_LmJ68LKIj u81kXIP8AemOxnG_xESYmVh_3XorhguDyqeqPPsqQQNWKXZEeG KlO1I/w400-h225/Chicken%20burger%20open.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOoRYXikk9xWCcAGQzV6x3MJh3JwjtN72mPxk8XTVnDh JVB7rO4cp3Fstf8eYneW1XG7A1y4MxOqb5S7-GTSyz8bAwyecTZoKUJKEh7KzjtzG7vcsDqWdIWQo_LmJ68LKIj u81kXIP8AemOxnG_xESYmVh_3XorhguDyqeqPPsqQQNWKXZEeG KlO1I/s4000/Chicken%20burger%20open.jpg)
To sum up, I can thoroughly recommend a visit not just to Craft Republic (https://www.wearecraftrepublic.co.uk/about), but to the entire GoodSheds complex itself. The same recommendation applies to Barry Island, as the Bailey family found the town a lot nicer than we thought it would be. With sandy beaches, a High Street with plenty of independently owned shops, attractive looking and affordable houses, plus friendly Welsh people – I would say that, given my ancestry. I would also say that Barry Islandis well worth a visit, even if you’re not a fan of Gavin & Stacey! Follow Blog via EmailClick to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

More... (https://baileysbeerblog.blogspot.com/2022/09/craft-republic-at-goodsheds.html)