View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Brewing Doppelkaramelmalzbier (part 2)

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08-08-2022, 07:39
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/08/brewing-doppelkaramelmalzbier-part-2.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7FZ3UGstph1c_gtDtyQvTaxkT65SG4zdjj2FtCDifDg VzMr1LoI1n44cg5y13DPzY442AhkMw5cZfvCRlHG7RPkdkQANq uFTi-y_J34z9QszFtnH83gEu_CUTbYk_c4I4nuVtXDJZpiWR5X6ROhV mZYy27oCsnKnPu8ct43y18bDe-O3_3UKk-QYO/w400-h280/Luebzer_Doppelkaramel_3.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7FZ3UGstph1c_gtDtyQvTaxkT65SG4zdjj2FtCDifDg VzMr1LoI1n44cg5y13DPzY442AhkMw5cZfvCRlHG7RPkdkQANq uFTi-y_J34z9QszFtnH83gEu_CUTbYk_c4I4nuVtXDJZpiWR5X6ROhV mZYy27oCsnKnPu8ct43y18bDe-O3_3UKk-QYO/s1181/Luebzer_Doppelkaramel_3.jpg)
Exactly how did they get all that sugar into Doppelkaramel? remember, it was effectively doubling the OG of the beer. Which entails an awful lot of sugar.

"In the case of Doppelkaramelmalzbier, the finished drink must contain 6 kg (Fig. 259) of sugar per 1 hl of sales beer, based on an 11.7 to 12.2 percent pitching wort. This sugar is added in a concentrated aqueous solution as a sugar syrup before bottling. Since the syrup water means a dilution, Doppelkaramelmalzbier is blended to a higher gravity beforehand (7-8%). The mixing of the 7-8% beer with the syrup is done by repeated pressing between pressure tanks. At the same time, a few litres of thick mushy yeast are usually added to initiate fermentation again, which is intended to generate a higher carbon dioxide pressure in Doppelkaramelmalzbier.Doppelkaramelmalzbier is not filtered but pasteurized.Due to the addition of sugar, a lot of fermentable extract gets into Doppelkaramelmalzbier. If the remaining yeast and the added yeast could ferment this extract, all the bottles would burst due to the ever-increasing carbon dioxide pressure.However, a slightly higher pressure produces a better foam (see p. 434). To generate this increased pressure, the temperature at the beginning of the pasteurisation is increased to 30-35°C for about 2-4 hours. Then it is heated to around 65°C, which stops further fermentation and carbon dioxide formation by killing off the yeast cells."
"Technologie Brauer und Mälzer" by Wolfgang Kunze, VEB Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2nd edition, 1967, pages 451 452.6 kg per hectolitre is 60 gm per litre. That's a lot of sugar. I'll go out on a limb here and guess that the finished beer was pretty sweet.
I'm interested to see that fresh yeast was added along with the sugar. With all that sugar, fermentation must have started up pretty quickly. I was going to say that I wondered how long this fermentation was allowed to take place. But, from TGL 7764, I know the lagering time: 5 to 8 days. Is that before or after pasteurisation, though?

I'm left with one question? Who drank this stuff? And did they drink it straight or blend with another beer? Sorry, that's two questions. Where was it drunk? There, that's yet another question. My resident DDR expert couldn't answer them.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/08/brewing-doppelkaramelmalzbier-part-2.html)