View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew - 1885 William Younger H 60/-

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30-07-2022, 07:12
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/lets-brew-1885-william-younger-h-60.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjgPFVXiSYNr8_IO3GJ0KQmmrOYRH2aODu920vNSyrsLp HQHbNDwjOxvnlBSw8a3GrG-ea4z49vY0yeQtJW-k36tRzdYKetPFM8sizEma7M6OIPSMmkqFCOJmUqutScROsRGuR rh_K3XCBdZY4UwlaZAX2Qo-yDHQlLGxOuSL_ZgrV6woUa7tZh182u/w274-h400/Younger_Monk_Brand.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjgPFVXiSYNr8_IO3GJ0KQmmrOYRH2aODu920vNSyrsLp HQHbNDwjOxvnlBSw8a3GrG-ea4z49vY0yeQtJW-k36tRzdYKetPFM8sizEma7M6OIPSMmkqFCOJmUqutScROsRGuR rh_K3XCBdZY4UwlaZAX2Qo-yDHQlLGxOuSL_ZgrV6woUa7tZh182u/s768/Younger_Monk_Brand.jpg)
You’re probably starting to wonder about the logic of Younger’s naming conventions, as H 60/- is weaker than two 50/- variants. Confusing, or what?

While we’re on the topic of confusion, don’t confuse this 60/- with the modern style with the same name. They have nothing in common and there is no link between them. 1885 60/- is a type of Mild Ale, post-1945 60/- is a type of Pale Ale.

There’s the usual mix of base malts and bugger all else. Except for an enigmatic entry scribbled in above the malts “1 flg. Pat.” At least that’s what I think it says. Then in the copper columns "1 in C". Does that mean patent malt was added to the copper? If so, what unit is “flg.”?

Loads of different hops again. Two types of Kent, Californian, Spalt and American, all from the 1884 harvest. It’s unusual to see all hops from the most recent harvest in a beer. Other than some really posh ones. Younger wasn’t using any old hops at all.

Given the spread of barrels it was racked into, I’d say this was both a draught and a bottled beer.

1885 William Younger H 60/-

pale malt
9.25 lb

Cluster 120 min
1.00 oz

Spalt 60 min
0.50 oz

Fuggles 30 min
0.75 oz

Goldings dry hops
0.75 oz




Apparent attenuation



Mash at
154º F

Sparge at
163º F

Boil time
120 minutes

pitching temp
61º F

WLP028 Edinburgh Ale

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/lets-brew-1885-william-younger-h-60.html)