View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - 1953 DDR malt characteristics

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18-07-2022, 08:20
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/1953-ddr-malt-characteristics.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4TR0ZgZsmzpDa2EEOo2agGGdlEAVm3C6r3HqnKVltP6 xn7Yz7Sk80oyZsYMonqNrISWZvXJbNnyKEjoM-4ykwUQQNWDMUp0c0ocTks_85taxFVy4Ltxf8G0PjWi4yerOKaV 1Rr2411vak_dkwQCvDwZFF5GmWfzwQlyrOZWrIyl5cBL7Ubx4M D2n4/w400-h265/Gliech_Malzbier_2.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4TR0ZgZsmzpDa2EEOo2agGGdlEAVm3C6r3HqnKVltP6 xn7Yz7Sk80oyZsYMonqNrISWZvXJbNnyKEjoM-4ykwUQQNWDMUp0c0ocTks_85taxFVy4Ltxf8G0PjWi4yerOKaV 1Rr2411vak_dkwQCvDwZFF5GmWfzwQlyrOZWrIyl5cBL7Ubx4M D2n4/s1078/Gliech_Malzbier_2.jpg)
For all you technical freaks, we get into the real meat of TGL 6841:1. With the specs of the different malts.Don't you just love how well organised everything was in the DDR? Each type of beer and each type of malt had a legal definition. Perfect for keeping "innovative" brewers at bay.
This first table has some information about the appearance and flavour of the different types of malt. I'm surprised by how dark the Caramunich could be. Almost three-quarters of the way to Farb-Malz.And enormously darker than Munich malt.But all is not quite what it seems.
Two different colour scales are used in the table. Caramunich and Farb-Malz are on the Lintner scale, all the rest on Brandt. What the hell? All these obscure colour scales drive me nuts. I've some conversion from Brandt to EBC. But not for Lintner. If anyone has full conversions of these scales to something normal like EBC, I'd be very grateful.

The flavour descriptions are much as you would expect. But a bit heavy on negative rather than positive descriptions.

1953 DDR malt characteristics

Appearance of grain interior

Wheat Malt
aromatic malt
0.20 to 0.35

malty not very bitter, burnt or predominantly bready
40 to 90
dark brown

0.70 to 1.50
golden brown

not strongly bitter or burnt
min. 140
dark brown, not black

Brüh malt
aromatic malt
min 2
golden brown

Munich Malt
0.80 to 1.20
light brown

Pilsner malt
0.16 to 0.26

Vienna Malt
0.28 to 0.40


1953 TGL 6841:1 page 1.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/1953-ddr-malt-characteristics.html)