View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - 1953 DDR Overview of malt types

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17-07-2022, 07:16
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/1953-ddr-overview-of-malt-types.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTZD9QLnFIcP7QlOE5MjH26jzutQ7_dmsg_lwFmgxIGA uvDrOFVGSoiKg-e0kjkahVoMArVL7dAw5bakr1_dqqYpsmpvhOvQG5P5fKNjAz-_JbjgepoTt568z7Gv_UCtJSxrvmkCX-agJgrpUne0Jg-PQw3Js0d4EIVDSeZoOOA73qML4OJg9VBds0/w400-h266/Colbitzer_Malzbier_3.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTZD9QLnFIcP7QlOE5MjH26jzutQ7_dmsg_lwFmgxIGA uvDrOFVGSoiKg-e0kjkahVoMArVL7dAw5bakr1_dqqYpsmpvhOvQG5P5fKNjAz-_JbjgepoTt568z7Gv_UCtJSxrvmkCX-agJgrpUne0Jg-PQw3Js0d4EIVDSeZoOOA73qML4OJg9VBds0/s1072/Colbitzer_Malzbier_3.jpg)
As threatened, here's a look at another DDR standard, TGL 6841:1 from 1953. It's for malt.
There were just seven types of malt specified. And one of those is wheat malt.

The only real surprise was seeing Brüh-Malz. Which I'm pretty sure is the same thing as "broeimout", which you may remember from various old Heineken recipes. A quick poke around on the internet indicated that it is still produced and is sometimes called honey malt in English.

"Honey malt is the best description for European malt known as ‘Brühmalz’. Its intense malty sweetness makes it perfect for any specialty beer. This highly versatile, multifaceted malt brings flavors of honey, bread crust, toast, pretzel, grain, and a hint of tartness. Great for adding depth and complexity to the malt profiles of styles like Märzen/Festbier, Bock, Dunkel, Altbier, Scottish ale, brown ale or mild ale, pale ale, and many more."
The rest are pretty much the base set of German-style malts. I'm guessing that Farb-Malz was mainly used in Porter. Probably not in Schwarzbier, though, as that didn't have a roasty flavour.
This list of malts will come in dead handy for anyone wanting to brew beers according to TGL 7764. Because these are the only malts allowed. They should be plenty, though, shouldn't they?

1953 DDR Overview of malt types

Type of malt
Commercial designation

Wheat Malt
Pale malt made from wheat

Malt made from malting barley, which is subject to a special malting process.



Malt made from malting barley that is subject to a special roasting process.

Brüh malt
Dark malt made from malting barley

Munich Malt

Pilsner malt
Palemalt made from malting barley

Vienna Malt


1953 TGL 6841:1 page 1.

Next time we'll be looking at these malt types in more detail.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/07/1953-ddr-overview-of-malt-types.html)