View Full Version : Fuggled - The Full Schilling - Der dritte Teil

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26-04-2022, 17:17
Visit the Fuggled site (http://www.fuggled.net/2022/04/the-full-schilling-der-dritte-teil.html)

I have owned this fact many a time on Fuggled, I am a Germanophile, especially when it comes to beer. One of the main reasons I go to Kardinal Hall as much as I do is that they are a reliable source of German beers, whether Rothaus, Köstritzer Schwarzbier, or something from Weihenstephan, as well as the near ubiquitous Bitburger (though I much prefer their stable mate König Pilsener). The fact that Schilling also produce a wide range of German styles, in addition to their Czech style stuff, is just another reason that I wanted to visit the brewery when we were up in New England a couple of weeks ago.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhxkQ6QSMGP4tudgg9Y2bvIsW81ZIu3cFeZIGJp--k9FjzkymLnw509FAkd9ek5ftC6Ughj6KdZ5HDr6YZCSIPOFYGt FqKLq6fEFJvaGJHUrt6pk2QB0lo64ktWyi2s0F4yL0MNO8uD9D AvKtBYV6VJltJUlhj6yg1LlCrSr8VMF7928cFMflwb55Yd/w200-h200/IMG_20220426_111349.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhxkQ6QSMGP4tudgg9Y2bvIsW81ZIu3cFeZIGJp--k9FjzkymLnw509FAkd9ek5ftC6Ughj6KdZ5HDr6YZCSIPOFYGt FqKLq6fEFJvaGJHUrt6pk2QB0lo64ktWyi2s0F4yL0MNO8uD9D AvKtBYV6VJltJUlhj6yg1LlCrSr8VMF7928cFMflwb55Yd/s1564/IMG_20220426_111349.jpg)

The other beers in the stash that made the trip back to central Virginia were:

Paulus - Munich style helles
Rennsteig - schwarzbier
Nordertor - northern German style pilsner

With those styles, this is basically a quick three beer tour of Germany from Bavaria in the south, to Flensburg in the north, with a quick stop in Thuringia in the middle.

Without further ado, then on to New Hampshire's interpretation of Munich. Fun side fact, not too far from Littleton is a place called Franconia...

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXeUOISSC0uxHxQAaqqJbVd1DJ0M4jSSLEL7wpB3N7N0 TuffQyD6IDM4FCQDPRX8IEfvMPpAUhCfXBU4gNTlon00ibyk7E 4MCDomh0OOGWF6tvTHglaLpk7fXIesg2I-KPZ_rZE5hRWDdjzZ4op_7L_2Je1IF0kYrTrSX-CqJLVUfIi554-Q7ahlzR/s320/20220424_155626.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXeUOISSC0uxHxQAaqqJbVd1DJ0M4jSSLEL7wpB3N7N0 TuffQyD6IDM4FCQDPRX8IEfvMPpAUhCfXBU4gNTlon00ibyk7E 4MCDomh0OOGWF6tvTHglaLpk7fXIesg2I-KPZ_rZE5hRWDdjzZ4op_7L_2Je1IF0kYrTrSX-CqJLVUfIi554-Q7ahlzR/s4000/20220424_155626.jpg)


Sight - clear yellow, quarter inch white foam, wonderful clarity
Smell - doughy, lightly yeasty, floral hops, subtle citrus note (Tettnang perhaps?)
Taste - bready with a nice schmeer of honey, clean floral hops
Sweet - 2.5/5
Bitter - 2/5

Helles is one of those styles of beer that I think is best on tap, but this particular batch was canned just 11 days ago, so when I had it on Sunday it had been in the can a mere 9 days. Freshness matters, and this was as fresh as you will likely ever get in central Virginia. Full disclosure, I asked Beer Run to get me a case, and it was from that case that I drank, rather than one of the 4 packs that came back from NH with me, which was canned in mid-March. Anyway, the beer itself, gorgeous in a word, as good a helles as I have ever had. As I sat in my kitchen drinking it, looking out over my backyard, I realised I need to plant some more trees to convert a patch of the yard into my own little biergarten, just to enjoy Paulus in.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWO2lCbuSctgMbEhJAQFsa4eqrNppEz8xiaOlCFeaFas E7_jaYDYRCVVTKSdEetJPSf3j_m0LZ1zgnAk-AgYQH2AJc-ySIGIiv8nZBTNMvXiFvVQlpppg9RuCVOIu0cIGp3_2MsBF7k9g jfzMsZ4Ha-bnWCRfA8DROCAvbUmE1zCFsuw0sY7h9XDoq/s320/20220424_163926.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWO2lCbuSctgMbEhJAQFsa4eqrNppEz8xiaOlCFeaFas E7_jaYDYRCVVTKSdEetJPSf3j_m0LZ1zgnAk-AgYQH2AJc-ySIGIiv8nZBTNMvXiFvVQlpppg9RuCVOIu0cIGp3_2MsBF7k9g jfzMsZ4Ha-bnWCRfA8DROCAvbUmE1zCFsuw0sY7h9XDoq/s4000/20220424_163926.jpg)


Sight - deep mahogany, dark red edges, ivory foam
Smell - medium-dark roast coffee, crusty toast, subtle grassy/hay notes, hints of chocolate cake
Taste - cold espresso, singed toast, some floral character, bitter chocolate
Sweet - 2/5
Bitter - 3/5

Named, apparently, for the Rennsteig ridge walk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rennsteig) in Thuringia and just a lovely schwarzbier. The balance is beautiful, making it insanely easy to drink while hitting all the right flavour notes. I think I am going to have to rehash my schwarzbier blind tasting of last year with this in the mix.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaTfKaGvrGDLdI68wJNm2u_968FwEFMx3Yb0_Fyjqsk9 jq-3ytkcdvlp90SpKyL7gZtGy5q6WIGK4uoOTycMmh_kGc5LaDMA7 vCQ9Rxkv3Re3PMrhX02KGQazy0bFy5qRDHzsWuTM4G4I-nMmKZMw1EGYQOvSLCWNajr2E3lY2d7POGzCdJcrKVr2g/s320/20220424_161146.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaTfKaGvrGDLdI68wJNm2u_968FwEFMx3Yb0_Fyjqsk9 jq-3ytkcdvlp90SpKyL7gZtGy5q6WIGK4uoOTycMmh_kGc5LaDMA7 vCQ9Rxkv3Re3PMrhX02KGQazy0bFy5qRDHzsWuTM4G4I-nMmKZMw1EGYQOvSLCWNajr2E3lY2d7POGzCdJcrKVr2g/s4000/20220424_161146.jpg)


Sight - pale yellow, large white head, beautifully clear
Smell - crackers, hay, some herbal notes
Taste - more crackers, noticeable lemony zing, maybe some cantaloupe in the background
Sweet - 2/5
Bitter 2.5/5

When it comes to German style pilsners, I find myself preferring those more in the northern, drier, more pronounced bitterness camp. Nordertor, named for the eponymous gate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordertor) in Flensberg on the Danish border and depicted on the label, sits very much in that camp, and I love it. The finish is cracker dry and lingers, begging to be followed up by another mouthful, and who am I to deny it?

As I mentioned in the first part of this little Schilling trilogy, I made a point to try all the German inspired beers on tap at the brewpub when we were there, but I wasn't taking notes or pictures - seriously, who does that when you are hanging with mates? Safe to say though that all of them were top class, especially the Seidla kellerbier, and whenever they make it down this way, I will continue to buy them, safe in the knowledge that Schilling know what they are doing, and they do it so damned well.

More... (http://www.fuggled.net/2022/04/the-full-schilling-der-dritte-teil.html)