View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - West Coast trip this summer

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13-04-2022, 13:53
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/04/west-coast-trip-this-summer.html)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSsC3ZCg816wZRXwTJOTJ7PyuVmugFx4rzNXCAUhJ3MI EqSkLhVYVmA32OWDJ-q9sXhUGK4eJeVoRUPlolyN_AbJZOjt5a_DPKONNMkggGAAQLBg 3gNqskSbyLA0BSWkXlwCh3rk9qluf2YTNu0-bOshJiCtgM7gEBXj7Z7cU9oWpZXqgPc4x5UH8L/w400-h254/Foggy_Noggin.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSsC3ZCg816wZRXwTJOTJ7PyuVmugFx4rzNXCAUhJ3MI EqSkLhVYVmA32OWDJ-q9sXhUGK4eJeVoRUPlolyN_AbJZOjt5a_DPKONNMkggGAAQLBg 3gNqskSbyLA0BSWkXlwCh3rk9qluf2YTNu0-bOshJiCtgM7gEBXj7Z7cU9oWpZXqgPc4x5UH8L/s1200/Foggy_Noggin.jpg)
With the kids. Who are now both of legal drinking age. Which is going to make things a whole lot more fun. While being heavy on my wallet.To try and lighten the load a little, I'll be available to give talks, throw a few hops in a brew, sign books. Anything you fancy, really.
This is our schedule:

Tuesday 26th July and Wednesday 27th July: Portland
Thursday 28th July to Saturday 30th July: Los Angeles
Sunday 31st July to Tuesday 2nd Aug: San Diego
Wednesday 3rd Aug to Friday 5th Aug: Vancouver Get in touch if you'd like me to drop by. I'm sure the kids won't mind. They're getting a free holiday, after all.
We kick off in Seattle, where on Sunday 24rd July, I'll be at Foggy Noggin (http://www.foggynogginbrewing.com/). The theme is one of my obsessions.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/04/west-coast-trip-this-summer.html)