View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cartagena Beer

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12-04-2022, 08:14
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/04/cartagena-beer.html)

You may have guessed from what I wrote earlier about my time in Columbia that it wasn’t a beer trip. Well, not in that sense. I wasn’t going out of my way looking for good beer.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6v5yILD7R6QrCBTGgaIcnpBOw8wK1jA3d5G_pKWFzl7 YDh4digol96NtNbjBW0xf4uDNY67q4ZAzsS_nGGkOHAClx_Q1_ TkyApluWNTQDweoixMkFX7ebO2EU1teEPqCG1CX-NBNVF9_b5Klo-eYy_MkHjfXOu79UqKGJlgeQ3Y3WkvLy0ipo29S8/w640-h456/Club_Colombia_2.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6v5yILD7R6QrCBTGgaIcnpBOw8wK1jA3d5G_pKWFzl7 YDh4digol96NtNbjBW0xf4uDNY67q4ZAzsS_nGGkOHAClx_Q1_ TkyApluWNTQDweoixMkFX7ebO2EU1teEPqCG1CX-NBNVF9_b5Klo-eYy_MkHjfXOu79UqKGJlgeQ3Y3WkvLy0ipo29S8/s1325/Club_Colombia_2.jpg)

Club Colombia was what I mostly drank. A perfectly OK Lager. If you drink it while it’s cold. As good an incentive as any to keep up the drinking pace. I was perfectly happy to drink it. Always from a bottle. I don’t think I ever saw it on draught.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_LuckjKWKIYNhWRSSDbGzZAuwIzicP7bfRAWwLtrjSw IN9IpocFGRQl4dfzqnNPl0AyxloLggT3z7xzc79OYd9mKb66TI xw50IYs73DNO4hrMsB-_jF55Um2faVlJtY0IE3KlhjVlOEKzwQ-0amSV97TD0jamiBOuZKwrSf_r5pULGAtcTU_RYLp2/w640-h360/Club_Colombia_Dorada.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_LuckjKWKIYNhWRSSDbGzZAuwIzicP7bfRAWwLtrjSw IN9IpocFGRQl4dfzqnNPl0AyxloLggT3z7xzc79OYd9mKb66TI xw50IYs73DNO4hrMsB-_jF55Um2faVlJtY0IE3KlhjVlOEKzwQ-0amSV97TD0jamiBOuZKwrSf_r5pULGAtcTU_RYLp2/s2000/Club_Colombia_Dorada.jpg)

Over at Beer Advocate, Club Colombia gets varied reviews. A few gushing with praise and a few others gushing with venom. And lots of mediocre scores. The negative comments I find undeserved. It’s a perfectly practical drinking beer. Which was all we needed. One that was easy to get hold of.

While having a breakfast – the one with the very loud man – I spotted a “craft beer” sign on the restaurant opposite.

“Do you fancy a quick one over the road? It is almost ten, after all.”

It didn’t take much arm twisting to get Mikey to agree. He’s as big a pisshead as I am, when on holiday.

We took seat on the balcony, which overlooked a small square. Very scenic to look down on. And we were beyond the clutches of the dreadful buskers.

They sell three 3 Cordilleras beers on draught: Blanca, Rosada and Negra. We both opted for the latter. It’s nice and dark, with a hint of roast. A pleasant enough Dark Lager, I thought. According to both RateBeer and Beer Advocate, it’s a Stout. OK. Didn’t particularly strike me as being a Stout.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjkaZz5H8WcO1bXk0bD6mLhBEZvdt18iDd3ZXsfBvBJOa OABlxGRJcLRI3KMC_h0cmvMcdNHTaw_3DmXUNyoeO1xcZhcETw d0Wyd9S-Ba78rpq_hEb-qnvNWLXpVIQjf6TEL_idgroVa_U1gcF41SDa0BFk22sYLSizY4 srIRTxgSRe2RZ4YDVJD3E_/w640-h480/3_Cordilleras_Negra.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjkaZz5H8WcO1bXk0bD6mLhBEZvdt18iDd3ZXsfBvBJOa OABlxGRJcLRI3KMC_h0cmvMcdNHTaw_3DmXUNyoeO1xcZhcETw d0Wyd9S-Ba78rpq_hEb-qnvNWLXpVIQjf6TEL_idgroVa_U1gcF41SDa0BFk22sYLSizY4 srIRTxgSRe2RZ4YDVJD3E_/s2000/3_Cordilleras_Negra.jpg)

A perfectly drinkable beer, but pricey at $14,000 for 30-35 cl. I knew I had zero chance of getting Mikey to have a second one.

“Fancy moving on to the local?”

“Sure, Mikey.”

Which is what we did for a few hours. Bottles of Club Colombia Negra and shots Medellin 3 year old rum. Very nice that is. The rum, I mean.

More about that next time.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2022/04/cartagena-beer.html)