View Full Version : Ed's Beer Site - Carling is back to 4% ABV

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18-02-2022, 12:00
Visit Ed's Beer Site (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2022/02/carling-is-back-to-4-abv.html)

Back in 2017 it came out that the alcohol content of Carling was 3.7% ABV, not the 4% stated on the cans. Molson Coors have got good lawyers too, as they successfully argued that this was due to natural variation in brewing (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41059610) and were able to pocket the tax saving from making the beer weaker than the strength stated on the packaging. Quite how this natural variation occurs in something brewed to 8% ABV and then diluted to sales strength prior to packaging was not revealed. As far as I can see they were blatantly taking the piss, but then I'm a brewer not a lawyer.
So when I spotted that the Quality Assurance proficiency testing scheme (https://www.campdenbri.co.uk/blogs/brewing-analytes-proficiency-scheme.php) we're part of sent round cans of Carling for testing I viewed the ABV results with great interest. And I have to say I was surprised at the results: the ABV is back to 4%. Thought HMRC lost the court case to claim back the money Molson Coors had been saving I guess they found a way of closing the loop hole and bringing them back to the straight and narrow.

More... (http://edsbeer.blogspot.com/2022/02/carling-is-back-to-4-abv.html)