View Full Version : Tandleman's Beer Blog - Plenty Kisses and No Frogs

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14-12-2021, 12:46
Visit the Tandleman's Beer Blog site (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2021/12/plenty-kisses-and-no-frogs.html)

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A few short weeks ago, my local CAMRA Branch had one of our days out by coach. This time - and we have been there before - Skipton in North Yorkshire - was the venue. No great distance from us, probably 45 or so miles depending on where you measure it from, and a busy market town with lots of pubs beckoned. What would it be like? Now, the way we operate, we aim to get to whatever venue it is by around 12 noon. On this chilly but bright Saturday, we were dropped off at the coach park bang in the centre, more or less on the dot of twelve.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhbZ_SX8j8-L4GQa46GbzQtN_iZ7B93S7AQg_CAHRUi_TfLhKGkido6pjvWNi qhTQv3IjQ6YjK4txmsOkWtBkhCGX-Wlb61ofFwfYZDgDqoZ4vcFAhNlXgNJQMuKgY3D286sy6QZYRV1 75FqJgzkttlyYzz6e2ZMkmd0SrAICvte0h93PM-K7avZID3Nw=w163-h218 (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhbZ_SX8j8-L4GQa46GbzQtN_iZ7B93S7AQg_CAHRUi_TfLhKGkido6pjvWNi qhTQv3IjQ6YjK4txmsOkWtBkhCGX-Wlb61ofFwfYZDgDqoZ4vcFAhNlXgNJQMuKgY3D286sy6QZYRV1 75FqJgzkttlyYzz6e2ZMkmd0SrAICvte0h93PM-K7avZID3Nw=s4640)On these events, our social secretary usually prepares a list of pubs to visit. These are recommendations, not a route to be followed, as naturally we are all free to wander where we choose, as long as we are back at the announced departure time. The bus does not wait around. This time our list was around ten pubs and micropubs, and as soon as we were let loose, off we went, dragging our thirsts behind us. Of course, we don't visit pubs mob handed, people deciding with their cronies where and when they'll go first, if at all, but inevitably groups bump into each other and exchange information. That's always handy, and it is great to meet our lot along the way.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjL__AFa_LO8i3jsuUjQRG-P8lZ78n2pp_mu5HFSIwFweBGjaHaGJ0TlKKTGpkKzuyfjanIOE hX6ewk2n-PJfWUdKK3QFP67VJG9L7WKB7h7aM1-v5aw2YCE1nlVXhh06sAhSIBEQTX2adqkFoJSqJH1O0qlPQJ2KD jyJfLsmFkJ5OsZy--8t_XJ9wPsg=w160-h214 (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjL__AFa_LO8i3jsuUjQRG-P8lZ78n2pp_mu5HFSIwFweBGjaHaGJ0TlKKTGpkKzuyfjanIOE hX6ewk2n-PJfWUdKK3QFP67VJG9L7WKB7h7aM1-v5aw2YCE1nlVXhh06sAhSIBEQTX2adqkFoJSqJH1O0qlPQJ2KD jyJfLsmFkJ5OsZy--8t_XJ9wPsg=s4640)
Skipton is a great mix of pub types and micropubs, café bars and micropubs, quite a few of which didn't exist on our last visit around four years ago, but my little group started at a couple of old canalside favourites. These weren't lacking at all on the cask ale front. Another thing is that the town is compact and while there are pubs further out, such was the quality, ambience and friendliness, particularly of the micropubs, that we found ourselves enjoying the places so much, that sometimes a couple of beers were decided upon, so good was the place and company. In fact, we got nowhere near our list of ten before the witching hour of bus departure, but did in fact, on recommendation from fellow topers, venture off-piste with great success. It was a happy bunch of CAMRA members that departed back to Lancashire, although we left with great reluctance.
So, what does this all tell you? Firstly, when cask beer standards are so high - and I didn't hear of anyone getting a duff pint - as a pub or bar, you simply have to raise your standards, or you will be left behind. Where standards are high, you can shift a lot more beer, which in turn means you can offer greater choice without diminishing quality. This is the virtuous circle that cask beer needs to thrive.
How does this apply elsewhere? While nothing is certain, it all starts with having exemplary standards in serving cask beer. Do that, and you should get the custom needed to maintain it. Then, hopefully, others will follow. Cask beer dead? Not a bit of it. Just do it well and see how that helps it thrive and survive.
This is happening in practice in my CAMRA branch area. Rochdale has an increasingly great cask offer - and it has been pretty good for years. There the pubs get together to offer weekly discounts, annual ale trails and more. Bury is up and coming and the Oldham real ale revival is well under way.
Another point to make was the great welcomes we all had. Locals keen to chat, friendly bar staff and great beer. Dour Yorkshire folks? Not a bit of it. As always, get the offer right, and you are much more likely to succeed. Get it wrong and you certainly won't.
I haven't mentioned craft beer. When cask is this good, why would you?

More... (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2021/12/plenty-kisses-and-no-frogs.html)