View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Back in the USA

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24-10-2021, 21:01
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2021/10/back-in-usa.html)

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O__Eb_rKrGs/YXWR8cUvrcI/AAAAAAAAjrc/-HZ0oGerL8w0MmZyq487qsIWxZxf8h7YQCLcBGAsYHQ/w283-h400/Bass_No1_Barley_Wine_poster.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O__Eb_rKrGs/YXWR8cUvrcI/AAAAAAAAjrc/-HZ0oGerL8w0MmZyq487qsIWxZxf8h7YQCLcBGAsYHQ/s640/Bass_No1_Barley_Wine_poster.jpg)
You can probably guess why 2020 and 2021 were the first years in yonks when I didn't visit the USA.Assuming the world doesn't turn to total shit again in the next few months, I'm planning my return to North America. In February 2022.
After a hellish February experience in Boston a few years back, all the cold bits of the US are definitely out. I'm happy to visit place that get a bit chilly. Definitely not the bollock-freezing parts. If you're from the US, you know which bits they are. Anywhere where the daytime temperature is above freezing works for me.
Here's my extremely vague plan. Fly into Atlanta and spend a couple of weeks in the US.After that, everything is up in the air. One of my priorities is ticking off more US states. As I'll be in the South, Tennessee and Florida are obvious candidates. But I'm up for other suggestions like Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.
If you have a brewery and fancy hosting a red faced old English bloke, get in touch. I can knock up a dead interesting old recipe for you to brew and I can weave one of my magical talks around it. All for a very reasonable fee.

I'm getting on a bit. Officially an oldie person since crossing the 65-year barrier. It may be your last chance to see me spout my nonsense. None of us lives forever.
Get in touch if you're interested. Especially if you fancy brewing a strong Mild or a Burton Ale.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2021/10/back-in-usa.html)