View Full Version : Retired Martin - THE JEWELS OF SHIPLEY TOWN CENTRE

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09-10-2021, 07:23
Visit The Retired Martin site (https://retiredmartin.com/2021/10/09/the-jewels-of-shipley-town-centre/)

Sometime in mid September, I think. You left me in Leeds, I rejoin you in the breakfast room at Shipley IBIS the next morning. Mrs RM was working a week of mornings which started with her bellowing “Bonjour” into her laptop so it was time to escape. “Bonjour” is foreign for “what do you want… Continue reading THE JEWELS OF SHIPLEY TOWN*CENTRE (https://retiredmartin.com/2021/10/09/the-jewels-of-shipley-town-centre/)

More... (https://retiredmartin.com/2021/10/09/the-jewels-of-shipley-town-centre/)