View Full Version : Tandleman's Beer Blog - A Tale of Two Holt's Pubs

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22-09-2021, 15:51
Visit the Tandleman's Beer Blog site (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-tale-of-two-holts-pubs.html)

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On Saturday just gone, E suggested we go to the Manchester Transport Museum. Actually almost entirely a bus museum, but hey ho. While it was by no means busy, I enjoyed the old buses and E liked seeing buses of her Manchester youth, dolled up as they were in their former council liveries. All, more or less, were from the local area and most, surprisingly, were in working order, with some of the latest looking like they could nip out and pick fares up there and then. Better than some of the old wrecks that First Bus continue to use, but I digress. Apart from a mock-up of the first Metrolink tram, the sole other non bus was a dray from Beverley's Brewery in Wakefield, so this being a beer blog, here's a photo of it. We left, seeking a pint on this hot day. E suggested the Holt's Brewery Tap, the Derby Brewery Arms, about half a mile away, and so there we went. Outside enjoying the traffic views on Cheetham Hill Road were a few lads drinking lager and inside a couple doing the same. I swerved the cask on the basis that nobody was drinking it, for a couple of pints of nitro stout, which was refreshing in the sunshine. We reflected that the pub was absolutely deserted and while we enjoyed watching the astonishingly varied Cheetham Hillites, but seeking something a little more lively, we caught a bus back to Shudehill and, after a swift one in the newly refurbished Sadler's Cat - see below - we decided on a last one in the recently Holtised, Lower Turk's Head. Now this, at around five pm on a Saturday, was absolutely rammed. Both fairly large rooms were bulging at the seams and bar staff flew up and down serving as quick as they could. It was standing room at the bar only. What a contrast.https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ciGXMjQFlQo/YUtAz405XzI/AAAAAAAARbc/5R73Q9cqtLMWUNVx14HCWlgcezo8mvBQQCLcBGAsYHQ/w234-h248/Turks.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ciGXMjQFlQo/YUtAz405XzI/AAAAAAAARbc/5R73Q9cqtLMWUNVx14HCWlgcezo8mvBQQCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/Turks.jpg)
We stood at the corner of the bar, me feeling like I was back in the good old days, and E, probably a bit less keen, keeping her eye open for leavers, so she could nab a seat. I had a pint of Holt's Mild, which was superb. Eventually we got a seat opposite the bar where we could easily watch the mayhem. It took me a few minutes to adjust. This was like old days, with an astonishingly varied clientele. Older couples mixed easily with younger folks seeking a few cheaper drinks before venturing into town for the evening. Some though were clearly there for the long haul and were getting rather merry. This was a throwback to when pubs weren't quite so segmented and compartmentalised. Only the needless repetitive music, just loud enough to be annoying amid the revelry, struck, literally, a discordant note. I was, though, for a bit, slightly uncomfortable, thinking about Covid. E perhaps more so, but that passed, and we braved another pint before nipping over the road to get the bus home.
Joseph Holt has spent money on both pubs recently, but I rather fancy that it is better spent on the Turk's Head.
Sadler's Cat was rather empty inside. Formerly the Pilcrow and now operated by Cloudwater, it has a new ventilation system, but you'd be wisely advised to put a coat on here. There can't be a colder pub around. No wonder most were outside in the windy square and hats off to the hardy bar staff.
E resisted my bright idea of having one in the Hare and Hounds, another splendidly old-fashioned boozer selling Holts.
What do you note about the pub from the photo (left)?

More... (http://tandlemanbeerblog.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-tale-of-two-holts-pubs.html)