View Full Version : Retired Martin - MRS RM GOES TO WORK IN A PUB

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06-09-2021, 22:02
Visit The Retired Martin site (https://retiredmartin.com/2021/09/06/mrs-rm-goes-to-work-in-a-pub/)

From End of the Road we made a hurried journal across Cranborne Chase and the famous Zig Zag Road to Shaftesbury. You’ll remember Shaftesbury. In 1981 a giant loaf of bread got stuck at the top of Gold Hill and the entire population of the lower town starved. Mrs RM was doing something called “work”… Continue reading MRS RM GOES TO WORK IN A*PUB (https://retiredmartin.com/2021/09/06/mrs-rm-goes-to-work-in-a-pub/)

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