View Full Version : New pub, new What?ub site.

23-08-2021, 16:35
The Carlton Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23799/) - could you remove the What?ub link? It relates to the old pub, the new version has a new What?ub site rather than an updated one: https://whatpub.com/pubs/WLD/17223/carlton-tavern-kilburn


sheffield hatter
23-08-2021, 22:44
The Carlton Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23799/) - could you remove the What?ub link? It relates to the old pub, the new version has a new What?ub site rather than an updated one: https://whatpub.com/pubs/WLD/17223/carlton-tavern-kilburn


It seems that the local Camra people have created a "demolished Carlton" entity, which is a shame. Because we can only have one WhatPub link on the pub's main page. So I've had to delete the old link, which gave a bit of the history of the illegal demolition. Here it is for future reference: https://whatpub.com/pubs/NLD/6149/carlton-tavern-demolished-kilburn.

Maybe Dave can add it somewhere, or perhaps Tris you could incorporate the link in a review when you go to the new version of the demolished building? Surely the whole point of the court order to rebuild the pub was to recreate it exactly as it was, so it's THE SAME PUB!

24-08-2021, 18:03
I'll add a link to the review. CAMRA has also pubbed up a bit because some of the building below ground level is the same building too.
