View Full Version : The Beer Nut - Waiting for Trouble

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28-04-2021, 09:10
Visit The Beer Nut site (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2021/04/waiting-for-trouble.html)

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xSyRdzZljJo/YHLrbweaQXI/AAAAAAAAT70/j6Aa5DqgQmkutGJtZIWMillI29jqytpwgCLcBGAsYHQ/w170-h200/trouble_lucky_pale_ale.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xSyRdzZljJo/YHLrbweaQXI/AAAAAAAAT70/j6Aa5DqgQmkutGJtZIWMillI29jqytpwgCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/trouble_lucky_pale_ale.jpg)Last year (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2020/11/november-grain.html) Trouble released a pair of twin pale ales called Didi and Gogo. They've followed this up now with something similar but different.

The lighter of the pair is Lucky, a 4.4% ABV pale ale with Citra, Talus and Simcoe, canned the day before I purchased and drank it. It's a pithy sensation, the aroma and foretaste going big on grapefruit. But that's not the whole picture. A bright and happy peach and apricot buzz spreads quickly across the palate adding much needed balance. Gentle vanilla cream adds subtly to the sweet side. The texture is full and fluffy, with a touch of grittiness, but nothing too upsetting. That citrus pith we came in on sees us out as well, though doesn't hang around long. I suspect this benefits a lot from the freshness, but it's also a sound flavour combination and will still be enjoyable if there's any left in the months to come.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F9qf-mdcnPs/YHLrbwJi4YI/AAAAAAAAT74/o60P1dgKzIwf3BJgLPrkzuBYoo9leXOpACLcBGAsYHQ/w178-h200/trouble_pozzo_pale_ale.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F9qf-mdcnPs/YHLrbwJi4YI/AAAAAAAAT74/o60P1dgKzIwf3BJgLPrkzuBYoo9leXOpACLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/trouble_pozzo_pale_ale.jpg)Its companion piece is Pozzo at 6.6% ABV. Released at the same time, this had had an extra week languishing in the can. It seems to have been time well spent, however, as this is altogether clearer than the previous. Here Talus and Simcoe are joined by Amarillo instead of Citra, and I guess that explains why the flavour is softer and mellower. It's no less fruity, and I get juicy watermelon in particular, with a little strawberry and red cherry. Although it's quite dense, it's not sickly due to the dry and husky finish which substitutes for bitterness. This is another summery one, maybe lacking the balance of Lucky but still fine drinking.

Assuming the naming convention continues, the fifth in this series will likely be called Godot. Trouble has not yet indicated when it will arrive.

More... (https://thebeernut.blogspot.com/2021/04/waiting-for-trouble.html)