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22-01-2021, 13:24
Visit The Good Beer Hunting site (https://www.goodbeerhunting.com/blog/2020/9/239-read-look-drink)

These are the words, images, and beers that inspired the GBH Collective this week. Drinking alone just got better, because now you’re drinking with all of us.
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5055e59ce4b02b42cb30023c/1611165869999-TZNUZPQO5VM6EC48DAJE/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kLkXF2pIyv_F2eUT9F60jBl7gQa3H7 8H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLf rh8O1z4YTzHvnKhyp6Da-NYroOW3ZGjoBKy3azqku80C789l0pE4cef1KNtWo36k-CFnr6wOF2g5O-PFkVuvW_ba6dQUZZpzEt6WQHHQe4EHY-NJIA/RLD_239.png?format=1000w SAMER KHUDAIRI http://goodbeerhunting.com/assets/authors/RLD/Khudairi_RLD.pngREAD.// “In Puerto Rico, where 90 percent of the food is imported because of the colonialist, archaic Jones Act as well as the U.S. empire’s destruction of the agriculture industry in the mid-20th century, no ingredient can be taken for granted. We are lucky to go to a farmers’ market every Saturday, to have the resources to bounce around to every grocery store to make sure we have a pantry stocked to our liking.” As many continue to use the trope of a fast-food worker during debates on federal minimum wage, it’s clear how little we value those whose labor keeps us fed. Likewise, we rarely consider the often-invisible, exploitive, and extractive work that goes into procuring the ingredients we need for recipes. Alicia Kennedy examines this state of affairs, and looks at the food writers struggling to create ethical recipes, in On Ingredients (https://www.aliciakennedy.news/p/on-ingredients?utm_campaign=cta&utm_medium=email)—the latest piece in her must-read newsletter, From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy (https://www.aliciakennedy.news/).
LOOK.// I look forward to the release of the New York Times’ Year of Illustration (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/14/multimedia/year-in-illustration.html) collection every year, and this year no different. The only difference was my curiosity in seeing how artists and illustrators creatively interpreted the heavy stories that defined 2020.
DRINK.// Polar Seltzer Raspberry Lime (https://polarseltzer.com/raspberry-lime/)
Polar is a ubiquitous brand in Massachusetts, but I never really got into seltzers or sparkling water until I decided to participate in Dry January. In fact, the more I think about it, I developed a preference for seltzer through alcoholic seltzer over the past few summers—not the other way round. When I go back to drinking alcohol, I may even consider Polar and Mass Bay Brewing’s line of hard seltzers, Arctic Chill.
ASHLEY RODRIGUEZhttps://goodbeerhunting.com/assets/authors/RLD/Rodriguez_RLD.jpgREAD.// “It took four doctors and one hour for Hicks to feel well enough just to leave the grounds. He had lost eight pounds during the course of the race, and declared, ‘Never in my life have I run such a touch course. The terrific hills simply tear a man to pieces.’” The 1904 Olympic Marathon was bizarre to say the least. The winner, Thomas Hicks, who is mentioned above, was given strychnine, brandy, and egg whites by his trainers—it’s a wonder he didn’t die. One guy ran a few miles and then hitched a ride for 11 miles and tried to pretend he won the race. The runner who represented Cuba lost all his money in a dice game, had to have his pants cut into shorts since he didn’t bring running attire, and also stopped midway in the race to take a nap and eat rotten apples. This Smithsonian article (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-1904-olympic-marathon-may-have-been-the-strangest-ever-14910747/) breaks down just how weird this event was.
LOOK.// If you’ve followed my past RLD submissions, you might know that I love sports triumphs. Ice skater Nathan Chen just won his fifth straight U.S. championship—a record, by the way—and can land quad jumps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQDUiUoqpz4) better than anyone else. It’s rare to see someone so dominant, and it helps that many of the events include Tara Lipinski and Jonny Weir as commentators.
DRINK.// Broc Cellars’ Le Clairet: The Perfect Red, ’19 (https://www.permanwine.com/shop/products/broc-cellars-le-clairet-the-perfect-red-19)
If you’re looking for wine that tastes like fruit, this is the perfect sweetberry wine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfL_PwWdNGU).
JAMAAL LEMON http://goodbeerhunting.com/assets/authors/RLD/Lemon_RLD.jpgREAD.// “I can 100% understand it’s upsetting to think that old pink building will be razed for God knows what (hotel, condo, luxury apartments, parking lot?!). But truth is our actions don’t match the outrage. Furthermore, Martha Lou Gadsden is 90 years old! If anyone deserves to retire, it’s her. Let’s work on centering her comfort instead of creating false narratives about the ravages of gentrification snuffing the light from yet another Black business. Yes, that does happen, but I don’t believe that was the case in this regard.” So much of my hometown has changed due to gentrification. Some of the changes have been beneficial and some not as much. It’s a complex issue to comprehend because of its nuances. At times I feel the changes could have been prevented, then I realize how deep historic inequalities run in Charleston. As a result, many local restaurants I enjoyed as a kid are now gone (https://blackfoodfridays.com/blogs/news/give-martha-lous-her-flowers-while-simultaneously-getting-over-yourself).
LOOK.// I miss people and I miss crowds. More than those, I miss steamy and crammed dance parties. January is a big month in our house because our son, my wife, and myself all celebrate birthdays this month, in consecutive weeks. Due to COVID-19 and its rudeness, this year we bought a cake, beer (for the parents), and played Kaytranada’s LA DJ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_VlLp-BA7E) set all night—and danced in the kitchen.
DRINK.// 3 Stars Brewing Company’s Peppercorn Saison (https://shop.3starsbrewing.com/product/peppercorn-saison-12oz-6pk/)During quarantine, we’ve been keeping the beer drinking as local as possible. My first love as a craft beer fan began with this Peppercorn Saison, and it’s been a pleasure to revisit it.
http://goodbeerhunting.com/assets/authors/Collective.jpg Curated by
The GBH Collective

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