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11-01-2021, 07:37
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/another-pub-fight.html)

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More trouble in a WW II pub. At least it's not more endless bloody tables.
Good old-fashioned violence, this time.

Three Assaults In Public House
Victor Pawlak (34), a Polish subject, described as a training centre manager, 13 Hope Street, Motherwell, appeared before Bailie Archibald at Motherwell Police Court on Monday on a charge of assaulting three men in the Royal Hotel, Brandon Street, on Monday, December 11.

An agent tendered a plea of guilty.

The charge was that the public bar of the Royal Hotel, Pawlak assaulted Almo Tedeschi, restauranter, striking him on the face with his clenched fists and kicking him on the body with his booted feet, all to his hurt and injury, and at the same time and place, he assaulted Carlo Zambonini, fish restaurant, 6 South Bridge Street, Airdrie, striking him on the face with his clenched fists and also assaulted James Swan, process worker, 78 Oakfield Road, by striking him severe blow on the face with his clenched fist, to the effusion of blood.

The agent remarked that it was unfortunate this affair took place in public house, as that was not the proper place to argue matters out. The accused had an excellent record of service the Polish Army, and had latterly been discharged. He had been taunted in the public house about some matter and, being unable to explain himself in English, he was at a disadvantage and expressed himself by other means. A bit of a scuffle started and blows were struck. Accused now regretted very much what he had done.

Continuing, the agent said he explained to accused that he must be careful to obey the laws of this country and to live in peace. Accused had already tried make amends to the people he had wronged. He had repaid the damage of glass broken and paid for the repair of a coat belonging to one of the complainers.Bailie Archibald imposed fine of £3 or ten days."
Motherwell Times - Friday 22 December 1944, page 3. Interesting that two of the three men Pawlak smacked had Italian names. Presumably second- or third-generation immigrants. I was surprised to discover how many Germans moved to Glasgow in the lat 19th century.
I'd love to know how the three men were taking the piss. Could it have been about his English language skills? No problem with his thumping skills.
If a pub wasn't the place to "argue matters out", that implies there was a right place. Perhaps, out on the street.
The Royal Hotel no longer appears to exist.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/another-pub-fight.html)