View Full Version : Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Dial-a-pint, Bolton, c.1977

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02-12-2020, 07:17
Visit the Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog site (https://boakandbailey.com/2020/12/dial-a-pint-bolton-c-1977/)

If photographer Don Tonge hadn’t snapped the shot above, we’d probably have no record of Dial-a-Pint, Bolton 31922.We came across it last week in a Twitter thread, without credit. In fact, worse, someone had gone to the trouble of carelessly snipping Mr Tonge’s credit off the picture, leaving just a few scraps of letters in the bottom left corner.
A brief digression: nostalgic photo accounts that do this kind of thing are awful. They often know who took a photo or, with reverse image search and the like, could easily find out. They choose not to credit because (a) they might get told to take it down and (b) they want to keep shares and likes for themselves rather than the original creator.
So, if you’ve ever @-ed us into a Tweet with a cool picture and wondered why we weren’t more enthusiastic, it’s probably because of this.
Anyway, back to Dial-a-pint: we asked Mr Tonge if he could remember when and where it was taken. He said: “I can only imagine it was someone doing homebrewing and trying to be entrepreneurial. Bolton mid 1970s.”
So, nothing precise.
What additional information can we glean from the photo? We know that the van was registered in 1972.
And as our pal @teninchwheels (https://twitter.com/teninchwheels) pointed out, the gawking man is wearing a Starsky cardigan;*Starsky & Hutch was first broadcast in the UK in 1976 so we can probably assume this picture dates from around 1977. (Could we even guess that his mum knitted it for him from this Sirdar pattern (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/starsky-and-hutch-style-jacket) for Christmas 1976?)
1977 would also tie in with the height of the real ale craze when all sorts of people were setting up beer-related businesses.
That phone number ought to tell us something, right? Bolton 31992. Well, so far, it hasn’t. We can’t find any current Bolton numbers with those digits, or any historic classified ads in local papers.
Ah, yes… Searching newspapers let us down on this occasion. You can usually rely on finding a smirking story about anything beer related but we couldn’t dig up anything searching dial-a-pint, beer delivery, or related terms.
There is always one last goldmine to explore, though: Facebook local history chat. This photo has been shared quite a few times, including by Mr Tonge himself, and Jan Taylor asks an interesting question in one comment: “Is this the back of Kingholm Gardens?” (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=817614815387617&set=basw.AboVseFBWDb2m_3WltknrDfQowFzrEY1mhqn1l9ep Z-H4txPOZ3eRlcVqqOyH8slnMbsU5Zhq-7rBDCO10DBz7RWn5D8kWZQwoPbJEq1Br5lkSeHR4AlnnyNoSmy o5FGS3IetEXjCbpa0dpY0eVXcBqY&opaqueCursor=Abp0MpBgpCCIkvWWGYAQCVh0l2jWx93Z2Gp96 s7pNPnB-P4_b9R10Cg86F21jmFKI9vUHV5hvopOpNRnjS-MAwBCQwp2CMyMcdKPCbiJ-HBA_HUNEyD_n2WxK1f1kfNiFhkDNp2Z1u5pPbYFNIJG15CdHot aMuXuQO7KFeeKSafgrQDwbCshhXSP3I1n4q4b7LmxmiWBxC_5E Ec_nGwOGWT6ZFcpkL0UL9OpqcxMfx6MHL0gYPVN3UsHslMtyIW oESmh3SNy9csR6gdGMvKMw3o3YzVzOdFRTbceBg8MWVDkqIxOV c9PFC-mMDaOrzUYw3931jNLrjY8q0GuN_eTuM5qnpn9tnfMwknbt1FYQ g26-k6PGcWSZv9hm4VuPG-PNXD1ppFkcStxCPjjW-uCdAioWSkReggiIPcV2D8VxN3gARiblVJq5-Daih7W6kToKyuhVlbMhqyieZb2uotiqphHe_To0Y-KK6i8CI_b2sJ36dvS6C6ec4AjYsIYy7JmGRkQN0MbycexoPIM8 JA5B6UV5hh6AZTgBEFNPYq_RTyybEwi8ZUY058jfXTEevgg0DB VU9qTg69vI5A0Nzih5sS1T2_HEl43W8tMz61x9Il6mwLprg0ez agfCG0LN_uQpHw-xzPWDX2au1SjEF8dt6qMdQM7s2UOQFA04TACr_vKdKTrfeN4w3 rHJZlrBwwg0PVeYSHJEur0glwF1oFdM4PzSvXunaAFjUEa1l22 4AKbrUk79u_Ma0oFMsgXWysIPZUrEtPJ-PWEMDp87mVdwAYnqmVnV1pLTt21tSeg5hpqdNRZOTjLQk0zYg1 gmir9Nuo). And do you know what, it could well be. (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Back+Kingholm+Gardens,+Bolton/@53.5881131,-2.4413104,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s*211m2*211y5222951829472210161 *212y15836627139207178232*215m2*211x0*212x0!6s%2F% 2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fmaps%2Fphotothumb%2Ffd%2Fv1%3Fb pb%3DChEKD3NlYXJjaC5nd3MtcHJvZBIgChIJ8eyqOgSne0gR-CfBIHoAx9sqCg0AAAAAFQAAAAAaBAhWEFY%26gl%3DGB!4m13! 1m7!3m6!1s0x487ba7043aaaecf1:0xdbc7007a20c127f8!2s Back+Kingholm+Gardens,+Bolton!3b1!8m2!3d53.5879406 !4d-2.4412476!3m4!1s0x487ba7043aaaecf1:0xdbc7007a20c12 7f8!8m2!3d53.5879406!4d-2.4412476) Someone else suggests Cramond Walk. Consensus seems to be that it’s Halliwell, anyway.
So, for now, we have no way to be sure what was going on here. Our guess is that it was someone delivering cask ale to drink at home, probably a spin-off from an off-licence.
If you were knocking about Bolton in 1970s, or have access to local sources we don’t, and can provide more information, please comment below.
Dial-a-pint, Bolton, c.1977 (https://boakandbailey.com/2020/12/dial-a-pint-bolton-c-1977/) originally posted at Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog (https://boakandbailey.com)

More... (https://boakandbailey.com/2020/12/dial-a-pint-bolton-c-1977/)