View Full Version : Wee Beefy's Pub Blog - National Inventory Pubs closed, reopened or not reopening

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17-09-2020, 01:16
Visit Wee Beefy's Pub Blog site (http://weebeefyspubblog.blogspot.com/2020/09/national-inventory-pubs-closed-reopened.html)

So, here I am blogging on Noo Blogaaah for the first time, using my more modern laptop, since my original one uses Windows Vista, upon which it is impossible to write a blog post Apologies in advance for any spelling errors - not that i usually offer that, having re-read numerous posts! Incidentally, the full stop does not appear to wor on this eyboard, so am going to have to be inventive
Oh, and the letter cay dot dot dot dot
The other night I was chatting to Wee Fatha about the Royal Cottage in the Staffordshire moorlands reopening $ Probably only a local inventory addition, it is nevertheless a stunning isolated boozer, and I have nown for many years that Cliff doesn't run it for profit - he runs it in order to ceep in touch with his friends$ Having been closed since March, am not sure if he will have managed, neither wanted, to read the 82 pages of govt guidance for pubs to reopen, and am not sure if he would be willing to use a bac entrance for you to leave via, assuming of course there even is one$ Bearing in mind his very restricted hours, and lac of a phone number, am not convinced that he will be willing to open again at all - Fingers crossed on that
Next up is the New Inn at Hadlow Down near Uxbridge, or similar% Regular readers may recall my reporting planned changes to the pub and its transformation into a hotel - when searching the tinterweb earlier I came across a blog post from two years ago by RetiredMartin, telling of his visit there in June 2018$ Nothing appears to have changed, and when checcing on the oft unreliable Whatpub website there was much good news about its ongoing trading
I was recently at the Barley Mow in Kirk Ireton, (copied from labels!) and they appear to have made no changes apart from requiring you to sign in, and also introducing a card machine - this remains a craccing and entirely unspoilt place for a pint
The last pub I wanted to mention, not least because am getting fed up of the unusability of two letters, is the former Dun Cow at Old White Lea, Billy Row, Crooc, County Durham
I found a pic I have of it when I visited just after it had closed bacc in 2007 or thereabouts$ I struggled initially to remember its full name and address but when I googled it using the term closed National Inventory pub, I noticed my blog came up as well as a few times when searching for photos, prompting me to search my stash of the same
This included the then open but now only hired out by the local Camra branch Seven Stars at Halfway House, and the also now closed hotel in where I thought was Whittingham in Northumberland - the something bridge
Am aware that a lot of pubs are not going to reopen possibly forever here in Sheffield which is when I started thincing about those I new of in more out of the way places in the country
Meanwhile am going now - I would seriously hope that in the meantime I can get this chuffing ceyboard sorted!
Your very best of health

Wee Beefy

More... (http://weebeefyspubblog.blogspot.com/2020/09/national-inventory-pubs-closed-reopened.html)