View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - No more travelling

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16-06-2020, 07:06
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2020/06/no-more-travelling.html)

At least, for a while.

I was in Brazil when, in March, the US government barred entry to anyone from a Schengen country.

"Well, that's my next two trips buggered." I thought to myself

Seattle and Portland in May. Then Atlanta and Nashville for the Home Brewing Conference in June. All scuppered.

By the time I was in Thailand a little later, the whole world was grinding to a halt. Quite worrying when you're in a different continent to your home.

I'm sort of glad the trips were cancelled. Dolores warned me that I was crazy making two trips to different continents in quick succession. She was right. I was totally knacked by the time I arrived, with much relief, home. Despite having spent my time in Thailand just lazing around.

I don't really expect to travel again this year. It's fun to visit new places and I'll miss that. But I'd rather wait until everything is properly sorted before jumping around the globe again.

Three months it is since I last visited a pub. They've been open a couple of weeks here. With distancing rules. Not been tempted, myself. I can wait. It might have been different if they were a bit cheaper. Or offered cask beer.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sM_8AX9OJ0Q/Xud4TYT_IdI/AAAAAAAAiB8/s9QEegptfK433hQO267VZc0WkkfFicp1gCLcBGAsYHQ/s640/Westlandgracht_beach.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sM_8AX9OJ0Q/Xud4TYT_IdI/AAAAAAAAiB8/s9QEegptfK433hQO267VZc0WkkfFicp1gCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Westlandgracht_beach.jpg)

My social drinking has been limited to a few cans down at the "beach"* with my mate Mikey. At opposite ends of a park bench. All strictly according to the rules.

Can of choice, for me at least, is Gulpener Gladiator, a cheeky little ten percenter. Much loved by street drinkers due to its very reasonable price: 99 cents for a half litre. Cheaper than that, when on special offer. Less expensive and better tasting than Grolsch Het Canon. Biggest problem is finding the stuff. The shelf in the local supermarket is empty more often than it's full.

The Home Brewing Conference is sort of going ahead (https://www.homebrewcon.org/) and I will be speaking. Just all virtually, meaning I miss out on the free beer. And getting to chat to loads of people, obviously. I'll be on at 11 AM (mountain time) talking about Brettanomyces in British Brewing.

* Westlandgracht.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2020/06/no-more-travelling.html)