View Full Version : Pubs Galore Fantasy Football League 2010/11

13-07-2010, 14:51
As promised elsewhere, I have now set up a Pubs Galore Fantasy Football League for the new season at http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ . The league is simply called "Pubs Galore" and to join all you need to do is register, spend up to £100m in picking your team and then to find the Pubs Galore league, enter the code number 59078-19791. It's free to enter and you win bog all at the end but it will hopefully give us some fun over the next 10 months!

13-07-2010, 15:43
I'm in, although my expectations of success aren't that high after the last time I tried this sort of thing. :(

13-07-2010, 16:38
My record isn't that great either but I did manage to scrape into the overall top 200,000 at one stage last season!

Oggwyn Trench
13-07-2010, 17:45
Im in , should be a laugh:D

Soup Dragon
13-07-2010, 22:23
i think our teams should be named after our favourite pubs - I can see it now, the Railwaymans Arms (Bridgnorth) 3 - 0 The Baum (Rochdale)!!!!!!! :p

13-07-2010, 22:28
Mine (Arctic Thistle) is loosely based on a Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine Lyric!

Soup Dragon
13-07-2010, 22:37
In that case, MrB, sign Wayne Rooney, he looked shagged out in South Africa!

13-07-2010, 22:45
In that case, MrB, sign Wayne Rooney, he looked shagged out in South Africa!

I have managed to accomodate Shrek in my team alongside Didier Drogba and Jermaine Defoe as a third striker. It's the defence I am a bit worried about!

Soup Dragon
13-07-2010, 23:03
I have managed to accomodate Shrek in my team alongside Didier Drogba and Jermaine Defoe as a third striker. It's the defence I am a bit worried about!

Yes, you probably only have £2.50 left - that's not even a pint of Black Sheep - if you get me half a Batham's MILD, i'll play for you - i was a good left-back in my day!

13-07-2010, 23:06
I think I'll be a spectator on this one. Gave up after failing to get a team together.

Soup Dragon
13-07-2010, 23:13
I think I'll be a spectator on this one. Gave up after failing to get a team together.

Hello Fabio, i didn't realise you drank real ale;)

Dave M
13-07-2010, 23:20
Right, I've signed up. Good chance to show up my dismal lack of knowledge on the Premier League!

I think I'll be a spectator on this one. Gave up after failing to get a team together.

I couldn't be bothered to work out a team initially, there was a button that just picked a team for me automatically so I went with that. I will modify it a bit when I find time and do some research!

14-07-2010, 07:59
i was a good left-back in my day!
I was a big lump centre back in my Sunday League days! I was happy to throw myself in front of balls and cynically take out anyone of dwarf proportions but always went into a blind panic if anyone passed to me so I perfected a hoof it anywhere approach to the game. Being 6'3'' I was quite good at winning balls in the air but I must have had a head shaped like a threepenny bit as the balll never went where I intended it. I did have a decent shot when I ventured forward but silky skills and a footballing brain weren't among my obviously attributes! I was better at cricket and even had a coaching session with Surrey. Having Geoff Arnold bowling at you is quite scary and what Graham Roope did to my bowling has been etched from my memory!

14-07-2010, 09:38
Nice one soupy.

Maybe I will have another look as I couldn't do a worse selection job!

14-07-2010, 09:56
For better or worse, the Welly Wanderers are in!!

Oggwyn Trench
14-07-2010, 17:29
Despite being 6 foot 3 , i was a pretty good winger(either side) when i was young , non of this silly tracking back and helping out the defence nonsense though ;) , my last few years were spent at centre forward , even less tracking back:D

14-07-2010, 18:16
I,m in. Realale Madrid.

What is this strange desire i have developed lately to display to the world how little i know about football.

14-07-2010, 18:45
Realale Madrid.
Like It! :D

14-07-2010, 19:14
I was pretty sure we used that site a few years back for a league at my work. Having just read the rules I was right ... and it is as complicated now as it was then !!
I will definately join when i have the time to pick a team. It was great fun over the season and well done for setting it up.



14-07-2010, 20:11
I,m in. Realale Madrid.

What is this strange desire i have developed lately to display to the world how little i know about football.

Join the club. I didn't recognise the names let alone how good they are - apart from 2 or 3 who make the tabloids. Just a bit of fun. My son has a team on the main site here, and I want to beat him. As a footy expert he only just beat me on the first group of the world cup matches, so you don't need insider knowledge for this game really.

14-07-2010, 20:45
My son says I have a better chance of picking a winning team than Fabio.

I can pick foreign players!

15-07-2010, 11:03
Is it not possible to view other managers' teams within the PG league? Must be, surely?
Also, the site selects players & subs for you - can the manager not over-ride the starting 11? I couldn't see how to do so.

15-07-2010, 11:15
Is it not possible to view other managers' teams within the PG league? Must be, surely?
Also, the site selects players & subs for you - can the manager not over-ride the starting 11? I couldn't see how to do so.

OK, I've sussed out how to change my starting line-up, but not how to view other managers' selections, which I would have thought would be a quintessential element of the game?

15-07-2010, 11:16
I thought they only make the selection if you failed to do it. As I know nothing about my players I am just letting them do it for me.

I would like to find my son's team on the main site though so I can check his progress. He's been doing it for years, so I will ask him how to do it.

15-07-2010, 11:21
OK, I've sussed out how to change my starting line-up, but not how to view other managers' selections, which I would have thought would be a quintessential element of the game?

You have always been able to see the other teams teams when I have done it in the past - maybe it is only once the season has started and everyone starts getting points on the board!.

15-07-2010, 11:30
You have always been able to see the other teams teams when I have done it in the past - maybe it is only once the season has started and everyone starts getting points on the board!.

Yep, I can see the team names, but not the players; let's hope all will become visible once the cloak&dagger stage of the pre-season transfer market comes to a close...
My first pass came to £15.5m over budget, so had to sacrifice Mr Lampard, among others, in the subsequent pruning - probably a bad move as he is always a starter, and a sure-thing for midfield goals.
How did other participants fare in their initial choices (vs budget)?

Dave M
15-07-2010, 11:36
Really is a pain not being able to see other peoples team, I was hoping to er, 'take inspiration' from some of the other teams. Now I'm going to actually have to think about it myself though!!

15-07-2010, 12:01
How did other participants fare in their initial choices (vs budget)?

My team was picked without too much hassle. I was surprised that I had something like £35m left before I had got to my strikers so grabbing Shrek, Didier Dropdown and Defoe up front without needing to juggle too many players around wasn't too much of a headache. I did however end up with too many Spurs players and had to sacrifice Modric (who did well for me last year) for Pienaar. I had Torres last season but he's crocked too much these days. I was hoping to get Bale as a defender but they have him down as midfield. My squad is; Goalkeepers - Robinson (Blackburn) and Howard (Everton). Defence - Dawson (Spurs), Shawcross (Stoke), Upson (West Ham), Cahill (Bolton) and Konchesky (Fulham). Midfield - Bale (Spurs), Parker (West Ham), Pienaar (Everton), Petrov (Villa) and Malbranque (Sunderland). Strikers - Drogba (Chelsea), Rooney (Man U) and Defoe (Spurs).

15-07-2010, 12:16
Interesting RB, I've got Shawcross too, I'm sure he'll be an England player some day, and then for quite some time - I wish City had gone for him rather than paying bundles after being held to ransom for Lescott, one of the worst deals ever with Dunney exiting for about one-fifth of the price!
Needless to say, no representatives from castle greyskull in the Alestars team! (Tevez & Defoe up front)

15-07-2010, 12:40
How did other participants fare in their initial choices (vs budget)?

I had 0.5 million left or as it's known to Rochdale AFC, the midfield and a back four. :D

15-07-2010, 17:22
Interesting RB, I've got Shawcross too, I'm sure he'll be an England player some day, and then for quite some time - I wish City had gone for him rather than paying bundles after being held to ransom for Lescott, one of the worst deals ever with Dunney exiting for about one-fifth of the price!
Needless to say, no representatives from castle greyskull in the Alestars team! (Tevez & Defoe up front)

Gone for Shawcross as well plus Tevez and Defoe also up front.

Oggwyn Trench
15-07-2010, 18:03
I got Shawcross as well ! Kuyt and Cahill in midfield with Bent , Defoe and Doyle as my strikers

17-07-2010, 10:35
Just entered my team, Ale & Pace. You can actually change the name of your team mid season which is a bit of fun. Last year as I had Drogba for most of the year I started off with Feed the Drog then changed it to Droggone when he was at the ANC. Transferred in N’Zogbia of Wigan and called it Drog’n’Zog. I guess if Torres gets injured again (as he surely will) and Liverpool play N’Gog I could pick all three and call the team Drog‘n’Zog‘n’N’Gog :D

Damn difficult to pick a good squad this year though with the prices set as they are. I felt I needed to get Drogba in as Chelski have a cracking first 6 fixtures and he could well bag a few. Also gone for Defoe as Spurs have some decent ones as well. This made it difficult to get in a top priced midfielder so I went for Malouda (the poor man’s Lampard) along with Arteta and Modric.

My cheapies, and probable bench warmers, are Geordies Andy Carroll and Steven Taylor plus Ben Watson of Wigan who I reckon might get some game time. Stayed away from Shawcross for now as Stoke play Tottenham, Chelsea and Villa in their first 4 games. Gone for Howard in goal but will be keeping an eye on what Moyes is doing pre-season as he’s just bought the Slovakian World Cup keeper Mucha.

Oggwyn Trench
17-07-2010, 11:39
Just changed the name of my team to Shrewsbeery Town though my luck in these things means i will probally change it to Knackers Yard UTD by the end of the season

17-07-2010, 13:56
Just changed the name of my team to Shrewsbeery Town

Good one! I'd have gone for summat like Didsbeery FC if I'd thought of it - had a bit of a blank, inspiration-wise, when considering team names.

19-07-2010, 16:30
Ah well Garble Soup has joined the league now. I will have to try and sit down and work out a team (although that will probably make it more embarrassing as I will have no excuse).

Evil Gazebo
20-07-2010, 13:41
Sparta FC have just joined the league.

Oggwyn Trench
20-07-2010, 20:30
Sparta FC have just joined the league.

Heading for a(the) Fall

J Withers
21-07-2010, 19:40

Just joined the league and this forum.

Berbatov, Anelka and Agbonlahor up front

22-07-2010, 09:31
Well we currently have 13 teams which is more than the SPL but not good for triskadecaphobics.

22-07-2010, 12:02
14 now as I've just joined.

Not much work been done this morning!!

23-07-2010, 06:50
just signed up

23-07-2010, 07:29
Last season I was in 2 leagues, one set up by a mate and one set up by the rock band Ash. For some reason, this season I have found myself automatically entered into 4 leagues, Pubs Galore (obviously), the Ash league and 2 of which I know nothing about and for which I don't recognise any names whatsoever! Since there are a couple of names in the Pub Galore Premiership that I'm not familiar with, there may be a couple of waifs and strays that have wandered through the wrong catflap without knowing. Could be a good way of press ganging some new members. On that very subject, Mr Withers - welcome aboard - did you find Pubs Galore through the Fantasy League or vice versa?

25-07-2010, 07:07
one of my forwards is injured already :rolleyes:

25-07-2010, 07:16
one of my forwards is injured already :rolleyes:

Drogba presumably (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/chelsea/8851598.stm). I spotted that this morning, might need to rethink my early season strategy now. The thing with this game is that, once it gets going, the player's values rise and fall depending on the number of transfers in and out. So if loads of people who picked Drogba at the outset then realise he's not playing the first game and transfer him out his value might drop.

25-07-2010, 11:36
Perhaps I can get this guy into my team.


25-07-2010, 12:05
Nice one! And I love the fact that the keeper appears to start complaining - 'Oy Ref! That can't be allowed, can it?'

25-07-2010, 12:13
That's nothing compared to this one...


25-07-2010, 14:50
Surely that's offside after the first pass isn't it?

25-07-2010, 15:03
Surely that's offside after the first pass isn't it?

No. You can see defenders standing on the edge of the penalty area and the second player would have been outside the box at the time Cruyff initially plays the penalty kick. He would have been at least level with one of the other defenders before charging in and returning the ball for the tap in. It should perhaps have disallowed for ungentlemanly conduct although with the score already 5-0, I don't suppose anyone cared. It's definately a case of taking the p1ss if ever I saw one!

25-07-2010, 15:08
Yes, but it's the return pass that I thought would be off, or am I losing the plot? I may be actually after the afternoon I've had with my new PC.

25-07-2010, 15:12
Yes, but it's the return pass that I thought would be off, or am I losing the plot? I may be actually after the afternoon I've had with my new PC.

The ball isn't passed forward so no, not offside on the return pass.

25-07-2010, 15:21
Just viewed it again and yes, spot on. Obviously well rehearsed in advance.

Clever, but risky. take a look at this gem.


25-07-2010, 17:02
And the gooners badly failing to recreate it against us. I so wish we'd equalised that day!


09-08-2010, 09:51
We have 18 takers so far (including 2 or 3 who I have no idea about!). Anyone else wishing to participate needs to get their teams together pronto. You can join after the season has started but obviously you will be at a disadvantage so get in now!.

13-08-2010, 14:17
Still 18 teams so if you want to get in but not give everyone a head start you need to get in sharpish!

Like the Prediction Competition, I seem to have acquired at least 4 teams that I don't think belong with us so they will be deleted unless anyone wants to claim being HarveyPriceRetards, PSV Scrotum (both of which deserve to be deleted), Bullchester United or Spiders From Mars. Also, since Mr Withers appears to be a hanger on having made no further contributions to the Forum or main site, he may also disappear unless anyone knows something I don't. I'll give them all a week or so before dishing out the red cards.

13-08-2010, 22:00
Like the Prediction Competition, I seem to have acquired at least 4 teams that I don't think belong with us so they will be deleted unless anyone wants to claim being HarveyPriceRetards, PSV Scrotum (both of which deserve to be deleted), Bullchester United or Spiders From Mars.

Spiders From Mars is Peter Ashworth and I've seen many of his photos on the main site so think his team should probably stay. Don't recognise any of the others.

Peter Ashworth is definitely a big PuG contributor http://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/userinfo.php?name=sniffer

13-08-2010, 23:03
thought I'd enter in attempt to re-enter the world I left after ditching the other site and going offline for a bit :(

Bongo Mart AFC is your late entry, named in honour of Chesterfield market, which I discovered last month is a hotbed of second-hand bongo mags.

The pubs were better :cheers:

13-08-2010, 23:41
WooHoo Quinno!

Chesterfield? Bongo? Nags Head? Retreat from Retreat?

Good to see ya matey...

14-08-2010, 01:31
Welcome Quinno!

Team selection thoroughly tampered with and ended up as my original selection. I believe we have till 11:30 on Saturday to pick the week's final 11. Not too sure if my choice of Tevez is too good now looking at City's expanding squad. Will he play each week?

14-08-2010, 06:44
Not too sure if my choice of Tevez is too good now looking at City's expanding squad. Will he play each week?

Good point, but if we've a player that even Mancini won't risk unsettling then surely it's Tevez?
I'm a big supporter of Stephen Ireland and can't believe that anyone could rate Milner £18m better than him! I fully support 'Superman's claim for comp, after the way he's been treated (after being our player of the season '08/09!). And Bellamy was a huge influence for us last year and is equally cast aside. I don't see a smooth road ahead - plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...

14-08-2010, 07:16
I've decided to leave Tevez in, other dilemma up front is whether to pick Van Persie or Agbonlahor.

14-08-2010, 08:28
Welcome Quinno, I spotted your team in the league this morning.

I wish the season would hurry up and start, more tinkering with my team this morning as I’d ended up with three Wigan players. I’m risking Wenger’s new wonder boy Chamakh up front with Rooney. Bit concerned that Lampard may not start given that he’s using up so much of my spending power.

Couple of cheap midfielders that I’m taking a punt on, Watson of Wigan (especially as N’Zogbia seems to want out) and Albrighton of Villa who’s had a good pre-season.

As Maldenman says the cut-off time for finalising your team is 11:30 today and that’s the cut-off time for transfers most weeks. After the cut-off time you will be able to see everyone’s current team.

Good luck to all - and I hope Lampard plays :pray:

14-08-2010, 08:46
other dilemma up front is whether to pick Van Persie or Agbonlahor.

Well Van Persie isn't injured but, like Fabregas, lacks match fitness and Wenger will need to make a decision whether or not he risks them in what is an important opening game.

As for Agbonlahor, this article appeared on the Villa website (http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~2121732,00.html) yesterday (scroll to the bottom) which infers he won't play in the opening game due to an injury.

14-08-2010, 09:09
Cheers Millay. I just noticed in this morning's paper that Agbonlahor is out with a hamstring problem till 22nd August. It seems that Bale, Konchesky and Schwarzer are doubts too, I have all three.

14-08-2010, 10:01
Sky super six is free to enter with weekly prize of £5000 and a season's bonus of a lot more. Some of you may want to have a go... http://super6.skysports.com/home

14-08-2010, 10:33
Spiders From Mars is Peter Ashworth and I've seen many of his photos on the main site so think his team should probably stay. Don't recognise any of the others.

Peter Ashworth is definitely a big PuG contributor http://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/userinfo.php?name=sniffer
Yeah Dave mentioned he noticed Peter was in the fantasy football, I should have realised it would be confusing. As you say, huge contributor to the site, and regular feedback (Contact us form) corrections.

thought I'd enter in attempt to re-enter the world I left after ditching the other site and going offline for a bit :(

Bongo Mart AFC is your late entry, named in honour of Chesterfield market, which I discovered last month is a hotbed of second-hand bongo mags.

The pubs were better :cheers:
One of those coincidences, we had a drink with Gann at the pub yesterday (great to meet him and fantastic bloke). Interestingly he was commenting on the deficit of reviews around Pembroke, and we were wondering if you covered it on your sites, just double checked and not quite, good to see you back.

14-08-2010, 22:53
Guess which idiot dropped Drogba on the basis that he was doubtful to start due to an injury! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!:moremad:

Evil Gazebo
14-08-2010, 23:25
Guess which idiot dropped Drogba on the basis that he was doubtful to start due to an injury! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!:moremad:

Me too :(

15-08-2010, 01:18
Couple of cheap midfielders that I’m taking a punt on...Albrighton of Villa who’s had a good pre-season.

Good call...he got a couple of assists today. I'd never heard of him before.

15-08-2010, 08:36
Good call...he got a couple of assists today. I'd never heard of him before.

It would have been if I hadn't left him on my bench :o , played Watson instead who got me just two points.

If Rooney doesn't play on Monday, which The Mirror (http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Wayne-Rooney-is-an-injury-doubt-for-Manchester-United-s-season-opener-against-Newcastle-with-a-hamstring-injury-article554629.html) reports is possible then Albrighton will come off my bench and the captain's armband will pass to Lampard.

22-08-2010, 09:53
Drogba did me well this week having reinstated him even though he didn't manage to bag any goals in 6 but he popped up with 3 assists (+ I made him skipper for the week). Bale came good for me. Still time to pick up some points today if Shrek can shake off his goal drought.

Hondo is the man to catch at the moment and unless anyone knows who Ryan Droudge, Jamie Withers, Carl Sheldon, Gary Duxberry or Hector Sam are or they make themselves known as being contributors to PG, they will all get red cards this week.

22-08-2010, 10:16
I am doing fairly badly as expected !! My gamble on a Blackpool defender paid off last week but backfired this week.

As for the mystery members, I looked at thier teams and they seem to be in a load of different leagues. They are also making transfers and seem to be taking it very seriously. I say kick em out !!

That should move me up a couple of places !!!



22-08-2010, 10:24
As for the mystery members, I looked at thier teams and they seem to be in a load of different leagues. They are also making transfers and seem to be taking it very seriously. I say kick em out !! That should move me up a couple of places !!!

Looking at some of their teams, 3 of them aren't taking it seriously enough! ROB Camra is gonna find himself plunged to the foot of the table without kicking a ball!

22-08-2010, 10:25
A bit of an improvement for me this week, mainly entirely due to Bale. Still got Gerrard and Tevez to play on Monday night though. :pray:

Oggwyn Trench
22-08-2010, 10:45
I cocked up this week , was going to drop Shawcross for Cahill and as Defoe was out drop him for Doyle , i was at work Saturday morning and forgot to do it , so missed the deadline , 8 points dropped :moremad:

22-08-2010, 11:04
Looking at some of their teams, 3 of them aren't taking it seriously enough! ROB Camra is gonna find himself plunged to the foot of the table without kicking a ball!

There are two good reasons why I'm bottom.

a) Seven of my team haven't played this week yet.

b) I'm crap at this :D

22-08-2010, 11:31
Drogba did me well this week having reinstated him even though he didn't manage to bag any goals in 6 but he popped up with 3 assists (+ I made him skipper for the week). Bale came good for me. Still time to pick up some points today if Shrek can shake off his goal drought.

Didn't pick either Drogba or Bale and they're killing me. Time for some transfers maybe.

Wouldn't rely on Rooney tonight Roger, once again he is reported as doubtful, this time with a stomach bug according to the Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/aug/22/wayne-rooney-fulham-stomach-bug).

I think Rooney for Drogba has to be the transfer.

PS Assume you've heard the Gallas transfer is confirmed (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/t/tottenham_hotspur/8930128.stm)

22-08-2010, 12:20
PS Assume you've heard the Gallas transfer is confirmed (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/t/tottenham_hotspur/8930128.stm)

Oh dear. I was hoping he would fail the medical! He will get a rough ride from the fans.

22-08-2010, 12:48
I cocked up this week , was going to drop Shawcross for Cahill and as Defoe was out drop him for Doyle , i was at work Saturday morning and forgot to do it , so missed the deadline , 8 points dropped :moremad:

I think you'll get the Defoe/Doyle switch as an automatic substitution as JD was crocked. They apply those changes after the whole round has finished (ie after City beat the micks on Mon). I'm in the same boat, with the same players...

Got 2 scorelines correct on my super six, but no cigar..

Oggwyn Trench
22-08-2010, 16:27
I think you'll get the Defoe/Doyle switch as an automatic substitution as JD was crocked. They apply those changes after the whole round has finished (ie after City beat the micks on Mon). I'm in the same boat, with the same players...

Got 2 scorelines correct on my super six, but no cigar..

Hope so , relying on Joe Hart for city tomorrow , he`s my top scorer so far , good Shrewsbury Lad

23-08-2010, 09:42
Actually, I think I went for 1-1 in the Sportsguru prediction thingy but don't mind getting that wrong (in the right way).

Re automatic substitutions; I notice Dunn wasn't fit for Blackburn so I'm hoping that puts Bale into my weekend team to grab a few points, all gratefully accepted.

24-08-2010, 07:55
Well that was inspired wasn't it!

Made Gerrard captain instead of Tevez this week.

24-08-2010, 09:26
Not sure of my fantasy football games as I don't know the players so let them do the selecting etc on that one. I still feel good when I am not proping the rest of you up with my lack of footy knowledge!

Found I can predict on both SportGuru and the Fantasy game page, and enjoy doing those. Don't write them down so probably predict different on them, but like the taking part.

My son and his wife play and predict on the fantasy game, so I can see how far ahead of me 2 footy crazy folk are in a league and prediction table.

24-08-2010, 09:45
Thank god Rooney was ill ( or rather dropped ! ). It meant Carroll came off the bench with a hat trick.

Only problem is it was against the Villa !!


24-08-2010, 10:15
Thank god Rooney was ill ( or rather dropped ! ). It meant Carroll came off the bench with a hat trick.

Only problem is it was against the Villa !!


I would have thought that Villa flag would have been replaced with a white flag after Sunday's performance.:D

24-08-2010, 10:47
Time, as usual, to play my wildcard after the second set of games as the sheep start to emerge from amongst the goats...11 transfers made!

24-08-2010, 11:16
Not sure of my fantasy football games as I don't know the players so let them do the selecting etc on that one. I still feel good when I am not proping the rest of you up with my lack of footy knowledge!

Found I can predict on both SportGuru and the Fantasy game page, and enjoy doing those. Don't write them down so probably predict different on them, but like the taking part.
With you on all of this, I am watching this thread evolve and thinking I really should try and improve my team, maybe one day.

24-08-2010, 11:57
There are two good reasons why I'm bottom.

a) Seven of my team haven't played this week yet.

b) I'm crap at this :D

See, I've hurtled up to next to bottom!!

b) Still applies :D

Oggwyn Trench
24-08-2010, 20:31
I just made a few transfers to tweek the team , will improve hopefully

24-08-2010, 20:49
Time, as usual, to play my wildcard after the second set of games as the sheep start to emerge from amongst the goats...11 transfers made!

Sounds like you've played this game before Quinno, although I thought the usual time for an early wildcard was during the first international break, which is after week 3. Having said that prices are starting to change early and I have to admit to having joined the sheep. Got so hacked off with Drogba and Bale that I got home p1ssed at the weekend and transferred them both in.

To add to my frustration, in the first week I left two assists on my bench with Albrighton and last week it was Andy Carroll's hat-trick sitting there :moremad: . Starting to hate this season already.

25-08-2010, 17:06
prices are starting to change early

Yeah, that's why I piled in. eg Walcott's value (was 7.1) will go through the roof if he stays fit for the next few weeks. And if he gets injured...well I will make money off his back and hire in an established midfielder. Mate of mine made several mill playing those tactics last season and could afford 4 top players by March, rather than the usual 2 and a bit.

25-08-2010, 20:35
Just had a little tweak myself. Carrol in for Defoe and Walcott for Nasri. I didn,t realize you could alter you original squad. Does it last all season or just while the transfer window is still open.

25-08-2010, 22:34
I didn,t realize you could alter you original squad. Does it last all season or just while the transfer window is still open.

Seems to last all season, but every 'match-week' transfer over one (player) costs you 4 points. You can play a joker once a season by doing unlimited transfers in a single week with no points deduction. I've been messing around with that option today.

25-08-2010, 23:56
Been to Fulham tonight and Gera looks very hungry and fluid albeit against a dismal Port Vale side. Anyone who thought Zamora's season was a one off too may be wrong, two cracking goals, one from a tight angle and another good free kick. New signing Dembele looks useful too, rasping shot on him.

26-08-2010, 00:03
reckon Hughes can keep Fulham on the straight and narrow? I've never been convinced by him myself...

26-08-2010, 00:42
reckon Hughes can keep Fulham on the straight and narrow? I've never been convinced by him myself...

Not sure, early days but better I think than the early favourite Sven. Fulham murdered Vale tonight it could have been 9 or 10, which is unusual in the early league cup rounds, but the team were up for it and seemingly keen to prove their worth. Hughes seems to be looking at players, he gave a starting debut to young Matthew Briggs who did very well as an attacking left back, setting up the first with a very good cross after chasing a lost ball to the line. Nice to see a kid coming through the academy into the first team.

26-08-2010, 10:03
Have to say we weren't too convincing at WHL last night despite the scoreline. Reckon we will do well to put 6 past Wigan on Saturday at this rate.

26-08-2010, 17:02
Maybe Spurs got the worst of the draw for English clubs in CL, but they avoided Group G!

Evil Gazebo
26-08-2010, 17:07
Maybe Spurs got the worst of the draw for English clubs in CL, but they avoided Group G!

Group G is the European Cup Collectors' Convention - 20 titles between Real Madrid, Milan and Ajax. Auxerre can polish the trophies.

30-08-2010, 10:44
See, I've hurtled up to next to bottom!!

b) Still applies :D

Every one of my first 11 scored points this week which means I've climbed to the dizzy heights of 13th. :)

30-08-2010, 11:10
Quite close at the top with Hondo, Delboy and Evil G setting the pace. I see we are the 88,469th most sucessful league in the country at the moment (out of 200,701).

31-08-2010, 09:29
I think I should get extra credit for skillfully mimicking my real team's league performance!

20 Gateshead 5 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 4 4 -2 5
21 Bath City 6 1 1 1 4 5 0 1 2 2 4 -3 5
22 Histon 6 1 1 1 4 5 0 1 2 3 6 -4 5
23 Kidderminster 6 0 1 2 6 9 1 1 1 4 6 -5 5
24 Altrincham 6 0 1 2 2 7 0 0 3 1 6 -10 1

Evil Gazebo
31-08-2010, 09:35
Drogba is obviously my star player so far - but having Arshavin and Bale in midfield is helping, as did Roger Johnson's first ever Birmingham goal.

09-09-2010, 07:22
It's back to Preniership action this weekend so get all your team changes sorted. I've managed to lose Defoe & Dawson for a few weeks so it could be a trip to the shops for me next week.

18-09-2010, 09:55
Thanks to long term injuries, made a few signings during the week. Lost 8 points in the process but I aim to claim back my Champions Legue 5th spot from Quinno by the end of the weekend. Up the Thistle!!!

19-09-2010, 18:34
How can I possibly still be bottom after a week like that that, a travesty?

20-09-2010, 12:27
Gah, I must find the time to do some transfers

23-09-2010, 08:58
Gah, I must find the time to do some transfers

You need to, you've still got Mascherano in your team and he plays for Barcelona !

Mind you you're still ahead of me!! :D

04-10-2010, 13:53
I got the highest score of anyone this week with all my forwards plus Alex scoring.

This means I'm back up to the dizzying heights of 13th again.

Watch out Oggy, you're next (I hope). :D

04-10-2010, 14:05
Pretty average weekend for my lot. Just the one goal (Drogba) and still stranded in mid-table mediocrity. Half my team seem to be injured. Might have to pay a visit to the tranfer market again.

Oggwyn Trench
04-10-2010, 17:09
I got the highest score of anyone this week with all my forwards plus Alex scoring.

This means I'm back up to the dizzying heights of 13th again.

Watch out Oggy, you're next (I hope). :D

Made a few tweeks for next week , just starting to get the hang of it i think

04-10-2010, 19:49
Made a few tweeks for next week , just starting to get the hang of it i think

Or maybe not - no matches next week !:D

Sorry , couldn't resist :lol:

18-10-2010, 08:21
Just thought I'd bump the thread seeing as I'm now top :whistle:

19-10-2010, 11:25
I seem to be playing with 9 men every week. :mad:

19-10-2010, 11:52
I seem to be playing with 9 men every week. :mad:


You must have your hands full.:whistle:

24-10-2010, 08:49
Just thought I'd bump the thread seeing as I'm now top :whistle:

And you still are Quinno after an excellent Saturday. 67 points when the competition average score was 27, and the highest 81. I see you still have Nani and Chamakh to play today and as I have them both as well I hope they both score well.

24-10-2010, 19:39
Hats off to Quinno :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Enjoy it while it lasts. I was top for a couple of weeks - I am now Sixth !!!

Mostly down to some questionable managerial decisions ... although I have been told I have the full support of the chairman :D

Look at this week. My 2 keepers, Carson and Schwarzer were playing each other. I went for Carson. He would have kept a clean sheet if he hadn't scored an own goal :whistle:

You couldn't make it up.....

I'll be back though .. it ain't over yet !!!

25-10-2010, 08:20
Getting lucky with my Captain selections and have been able to extract a lot of points from my keepers so far.

Unlike last year there are many bargains to be snapped up this year.

26-10-2010, 10:46
Unlike last year there are many bargains to be snapped up this year.

Mostly in midfield though so I'm tempted to go 3-5-2 from now on. I see you have Elmohamdy at the back so there's another midfielder, I went for Everton's Coleman as my 'defender who plays in midfield'.

31-10-2010, 12:03
Well I'm sat here hoping that any one of my 3 players for today don't play.

Why? I've got Vidic as first reserve and he scored 14 points yesterday.

I said to the other half, I've dropped Vidic to the bench today to make sure he scores for United.

Best prediction I've done this year sadly. :p

31-10-2010, 14:38
My skipper Kevin Nolan has just racked me up 34 points on his own! :cheers:

31-10-2010, 14:40
My skipper Kevin Nolan has just racked me up 34 points on his own! :cheers:

I'd noticed. :( I'd just gone above you as well. :moremad:

31-10-2010, 14:53
Sod's law that I had Tevez in my team (didn't play) and Bent on the bench - scored!

31-10-2010, 15:09
Sod's law that I had Tevez in my team (didn't play) and Bent on the bench - scored!

That should mean that Bent will be auto subbed in for Tevez. You'll get those points too. Depending on your sub priority order of course.

01-11-2010, 05:59
That should mean that Bent will be auto subbed in for Tevez. You'll get those points too. Depending on your sub priority order of course.

You've got Bent as your third sub Roger so he won't come in. Good news though is that your first sub is Luke Young who got a clean sheet in the Villa Brum bore draw so you'll get six points with him. There's a chance Charlie Adam won't play tonight for Blackpool, if so then Pienaar will come in with three more points.

With Nolan's bonus he got 20 points in all so that doubles to 40 for you. This weeks top scorer, but no yellow cap in this game.

Quinno, who also had Nolan, continues to race away at the top and still has Brunt to play tonight, as have I. Here's hoping he does a Nolan

01-11-2010, 08:01
The 5 goals that Sunderland conceded would have probably offset Bent's goal anyway. My week's tally has pinged me up from 12th to 5th so can't complain. I may have to nobble Quinnos team somehow.

29-11-2010, 08:33
Well that's Quinno's moment of glory gone. All downhill from here. A dismal performance from my lot - a record number of Premiership goals scored and I didn't bag any of them. :mad:

29-11-2010, 09:21
A dismal performance from my lot...
I daresay you'll swap that for the late winner from your other lot though?

A poor show here, too, in both this and the predictor game.
Curiosity had me looking at the overall leading team, which had berbatov as captain...

29-11-2010, 11:07
Well that's Quinno's moment of glory gone.

I'll be back.

26-12-2010, 09:34
For anyone still contemplating this weeks transfers, the Blackpool v Liverpool game is off today.

28-12-2010, 08:40
Do my eyes deceive me, a Grand Slam for Conrad :confused:???????

That's sent you up the table by a good few places. :)

28-12-2010, 08:49
Do my eyes deceive me, a Grand Slam for Conrad :confused:???????

That's sent you up the table by a good few places. :)

Wrong thread again mate, this should be in the Predictions one, please pay more attention, or post when sober :D:D

Excellent performance by Conrad though

28-12-2010, 10:15
Wrong thread again mate, this should be in the Predictions one

Close enough. :p

I think the other one has fallen into disuse.

Who else is still in the cup? My team got me through another round and also up 2 places in the league this week.

If I'm not careful I'll be up into mid-table mediocrity. :)

Evil Gazebo
28-12-2010, 12:05
I'm still going in the cup, although God knows how, as every week I forget to sort my team out with transfers etc until it's too late and the deadline has passed.

I'll probably be knocked out in this round, as I'm drawn against someone with loads more points than me.

28-12-2010, 12:22
Wrong thread again mate, this should be in the Predictions one, please pay more attention, or post when sober :D:D

Excellent performance by Conrad though
Pah I blame it on this cold :(.

Not quite sure how I did that mind.

30-12-2010, 08:13
My team got me through another round and also up 2 places in the league this week.

If I'm not careful I'll be up into mid-table mediocrity. :)

With Nani, Tevez, Nolan & Jagielka not playing this week I got knocked out of the cup and also went back down two places.

Back to square one. :mad:

30-12-2010, 15:29
With Nani, Tevez, Nolan & Jagielka not playing this week I got knocked out of the cup and also went back down two places.

Back to square one. :mad:

I'm out of the cup as well. My last two transfers have been,

1. Dann to Skrtel and gave him the armband sure that he would get a clean sheet aginst Wolves :moremad:

2. Malouda, who scored after xx weeks of doing sod all to Maxi who didn't play :o

I hate this game !!

30-12-2010, 16:02
I got knocked out of the cup in week 18 when there were only a couple of fixtures. I think I only had 2 players !! Surely that round should have been postponed due to the bad weather:whistle:

On a more positive note I managed to score 72 points this week - Ill be getting a nose bleed if I get any higher !

30-12-2010, 16:20
Poor FFL week for me with my captain Tevez consigned to the bench with an alleged sprain, or somesuch. Nil points there then, but doubled!

Watched a Dzeko compilation on youtube; kinda reminded me of Torres in style, albeit maybe against lesser(?) defences - have to suppose his proposed £30-40m arrival might upset the apple-cart still further at City...

Evil Gazebo
30-12-2010, 16:23
I'm somehow still going in the cup - anyone else left in?

30-12-2010, 16:27
I got knocked out by some Polish bloke. Oh the indignity...'74 and all that.:mad:

30-12-2010, 16:48
I'm somehow still going in the cup - anyone else left in?

yup - squeezed past this weeks Antipodean opponent by a single point :)

07-01-2011, 13:09
For some reason they don't seem to have run the automatic substitutions yet this week.

I'm still awaiting an extra 13 points for Nolan being substituted for Carroll. :(

07-01-2011, 13:26
Out the cup & awaiting Hibs annual :ohumiliation:o in the Scottish cup this weekend

07-01-2011, 17:05
For some reason they don't seem to have run the automatic substitutions yet this week.

I'm still awaiting an extra 13 points for Nolan being substituted for Carroll. :(

They won't do automatic subs yet as the gameweek is still open.

The re-arranged Blackpool - Liverpool game in the week has been included in this gameweek. At least I think that is the reason:confused::confused:

07-01-2011, 17:45
They won't do automatic subs yet as the gameweek is still open.

The re-arranged Blackpool - Liverpool game in the week has been included in this gameweek. At least I think that is the reason:confused::confused:

Yeh, i noticed that myself but i wouldn,t have thought it could be right. It would mean that anyone with players from either Blackpool or li-liv-liver arggh that team from the other end of the East Lancs would have two bites of the cherry that week and the omit the players later on.

Unless it reverts back to the week of the postponed fixture. Confused.

07-01-2011, 18:31
They won't do automatic subs yet as the gameweek is still open.

The re-arranged Blackpool - Liverpool game in the week has been included in this gameweek. At least I think that is the reason:confused::confused:

I suppose that's fair as Liverpool didn't play earlier in the week when Blackburn twamped them. :D:D:D

Evil Gazebo
07-01-2011, 18:43
Surely this argument is irrelevant, as by now nobody will have any Liverpool players left in their team? (Puts on tin hat.)

07-01-2011, 21:09
I suppose that's fair as Liverpool didn't play earlier in the week when Blackburn twamped them. :D:D:D

Come on now Rob. Thats not fair. They haven,t played much since 1989

08-01-2011, 08:41
Yeh, i noticed that myself but i wouldn,t have thought it could be right. It would mean that anyone with players from either Blackpool or li-liv-liver arggh that team from the other end of the East Lancs would have two bites of the cherry that week and the omit the players later on.

That's right Liverpool and Blackpool have a 'Double Gameweek' this week with two games against the other teams one. That's why I have five in my team :), not that having two Liverpool defenders is doing me any good :o.

You should all note that due to earlier postponements Liverpool and Blackpool also have a double gameweek in a couple of weeks time, as do Villa, Fulham, Man U and Wigan.

10-01-2011, 08:04
anyone with players from either 'x or y' would have two bites of the cherry that week and the omit the players later on.

Unless it reverts back to the week of the postponed fixture.

It would seem it does - locked into the original gameweek stats, so players nominated then must be fixed on record.

Liverpool... That's why I have five in my team :)

Good luck with that Clive!

You should all note that due to earlier postponements...
Nope, don't think you can affect original nominations.

11-01-2011, 09:25
It would seem it does - locked into the original gameweek stats, so players nominated then must be fixed on record.

Nope, don't think you can affect original nominations.

I'm not sure you are right with that assumption Trainman, but we'll see tomorrow night. The Liverpool Blackpool game was supposed to be played in Gameweek 19 but was postponed. After that Gameweek closed I have transferred in three Liverpool & Blackpool players. So using your theory they will not score points tomorrow because I didn't have them in GW19 when the game was originally going to be played. Using my theory they will score points, assuming they play and do something :pray:, I'll let you know.

11-01-2011, 10:20
Using my theory they will score points, assuming they play and do something :pray:, I'll let you know.

A Liverpool player not only playing but doing something. How optimistic. :D

By "doing something" I'm excluding getting sent off or picking the ball out of the back of the net. :p

11-01-2011, 10:38
A Liverpool player not only playing but doing something. How optimistic. :D

By "doing something" I'm excluding getting sent off or picking the ball out of the back of the net. :p
What about being able to Photoshop (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9352443.stm)?

11-01-2011, 11:46
A Liverpool player not only playing but doing something. How optimistic. :D

By "doing something" I'm excluding getting sent off or picking the ball out of the back of the net. :p

torres scored for crawley does that count

11-01-2011, 13:10
my new forward line
http://video.uk.msn.com/watch/video/worst-football-team-on-earth/1j4b8ifde?from=video_module :lol:

17-01-2011, 12:08
My best week ever with 80 points and up to the dizzy heights of 9th. :eek:

Time for a crash & burn. :D

Evil Gazebo
18-01-2011, 14:04
Aston Villa have revealed that their £24m bid for Darren Bent consists of £26m cash, plus Emile Heskey.

(Gets coat)

18-01-2011, 14:14
Aston Villa have revealed that their £24m bid for Darren Bent consists of £26m cash, plus Emile Heskey.

(Gets coat)

My favourite football comment this week was

"If that's how Wayne Bridge performs on a Saturday, you've got to feel sorry for Frankie Sandford" :D:D

If you need an explanation as to who Frankie Sandford is, then I'm afraid it wouldn't be funny anymore, sorry.

18-01-2011, 15:17
If you need an explanation as to who Frankie Sandford is, then I'm afraid it wouldn't be funny anymore, sorry.

I didn't know who Frankie Sandford was, but John Terry was happy to point her out.

18-01-2011, 15:59
Fantasy Football?
I reckon £24 million for Darren Bent is further into fantasy as I wish to go...........:whistle::drinkup::drinkup:

18-01-2011, 21:29
I have both Bent and Pienaar in my squad - not sure if their transfers today will be a help or a hindrance.

02-03-2011, 13:11
Well according to this months stats I was top of our league for February.:eek:

Still can't get above 9th overall though. Looks like I'm learning how to play the game just as it's nearly over :(

21-04-2011, 12:23
Scored 88 last week which was my best ever and went up to 6th on the back of it.

Conrad however scored a very impressive 104. Still 15th though but now putting Gill under pressure in the wooden spoon stakes. :p

21-04-2011, 12:55
I thought my 52 was pretty good but I am rather left in the shade. I had to make seevral transfers as I was being froced to play out the season with 10 men once Tevez was added to my bunch of crocks. The transfers cost me 4 pts but the introduction of Nani and Hernandez will hopefully give me a boost in the closing weeks. Now just worried about Bale limping off last night.

21-04-2011, 15:16
Scored 88 last week which was my best ever and went up to 6th on the back of it.

Conrad however scored a very impressive 104. Still 15th though but now putting Gill under pressure in the wooden spoon stakes. :p
Oh dear, I stopped paying attention to this a few months ago, when I discovered the more I fiddled the worse I did. Not seeing anything to deny that theory here ;).

21-04-2011, 15:22
I thought my 52 was pretty good but I am rather left in the shade. I had to make seevral transfers as I was being froced to play out the season with 10 men once Tevez was added to my bunch of crocks. The transfers cost me 4 pts but the introduction of Nani and Hernandez will hopefully give me a boost in the closing weeks. Now just worried about Bale limping off last night.


Have you used your Wildcards? You get two a season whereby you can make as many transfers as you like without losing points.

21-04-2011, 17:23

Have you used your Wildcards? You get two a season whereby you can make as many transfers as you like without losing points.

No - never even noticed that rule but it's a) a bit late to worry about it now and b) probably wouldn't have done me much good if I had seen it. Will remember for next season and just be content with my current mid-table mediocrity!

21-04-2011, 20:32
Gill not feeling the pressure as she hasn't changed her team since it started, and doesn't know what to do with the players apart from let them get on with it.

Just doing the prediction bit, and getting that wrong too. At least I am consistantly bad. Well done lads!!

22-04-2011, 10:29
Gill not feeling the pressure as she hasn't changed her team since it started, and doesn't know what to do with the players apart from let them get on with it.
Dear God that makes my feeble attempts to catch up all the more embarrassing :)

22-04-2011, 21:05

18-05-2011, 09:40
One week to go and I think the winner is pretty much sorted. I seem to have been in 10th place since Christmas but have made a couple of last ditch changes ahead of "Survival Sunday" albeit too late to make any great difference to my final placing. Dropping Adam last week against Spurs (he scored) and selling Tevez who I thought wouldn't play again this season (scored twice last night) didn't help my cause!

18-05-2011, 09:56
Well my last minute surge in form has enabled me to achieve mid-table mediocrity but the season's highlight to date must be this week's leapfrogging of the Beerseeker Alestars.

18-05-2011, 10:39
Going into the last week I've managed to climb to 4th following in Oggys slipstream.

I'm very happy with that after spending the first couple of weeks as last.:(

Roll on next season, now I've realised how to play. :p

18-05-2011, 11:15
I cant access that site at work could somebody copy the league table

18-05-2011, 12:17
1 CliveJ
188.50 21.63 210.13
2 Strongers
176.50 16.65 193.15
3 Evil Gazebo
171.00 12.98 183.98
4 Crossste
163.25 18.73 181.98
5 ROBCamra
165.75 15.98 181.73
6 delboy20
160.75 19.66 180.41
7 trainman
159.25 20.91 180.16
8 hondo
159.50 12.32 171.82
9 Dodgeworld
156.50 10.40 166.90
10 Conrad
152.75 12.32 165.07
11 gill
134.75 18.65 153.40
12 Pubsignman
139.50 12.99 152.49
13 Dave M
139.25 11.33 150.58
14 Lucy
133.00 16.73 149.73
15 gann
132.00 9.91 141.91
16 soup dragon
69.00 4.33 73.33

Blimey--- it worked. I'm chuffed with 11th.

18-05-2011, 12:22
This is the Premier League one. Gills is the prediction game one.:)

1 Ale & Pace Clive Thompson 49 2042
2 Bongo Mart AFC Quinten Taylor 57 1961
3 Shrewsbeery Town ogg wyn 75 1871
4 The Baum Supremacy ROB Camra 65 1839
5 Realale Madrid . Crossste 56 1827
6 Spiders From Mars Peter Ashworth 76 1823
7 Not Very Athletic Delboy 20 58 1780
8 Notalty Steve Wilson 78 1779
9 Beerseeker Alestars James Beswick 44 1758
10 Arctic Thistle Roger Button 73 1727
11 Sparta F.C. Evil Gazebo 24 1667
12 Daves Galorious Team Dave McNally 33 1655
13 hibeernian hondo . 66 1597
14 Welly Wanderers Gill Smith 58 1498
15 Garble Soup Conrad Heard 52 1487

18-05-2011, 12:54
Thanks gill & rob:notworthy:. It was the fantasy team league 3rd bottom :o Hibeernian have successfully:rolleyes:mirrored Hibernian roll on next season for both my teams.
545 546 :notworthy::pray: eddie turnbull 12 April 1923 - 30 April 2011

Oggwyn Trench
18-05-2011, 17:08
Had a really good run in , finally worked out how to do it near the end of the season , typical:confused::D

18-05-2011, 19:04
Fat Frank will score 6 on the weekend and the title will be mine*

* - may be somewhat exagerrated.

18-05-2011, 20:06
Welly wanderers are not bottom. I am gobsmacked as I have left them to their own devices as I wouldn't have a clue what to do about changing them. They have done well.

20-05-2011, 07:31
the season's highlight to date must be this week's leapfrogging of the Beerseeker Alestars.
It didn't go unnoticed! A (nother) bad round for me with the newly adopted scouse forward line shooting blanks. Like Roger, I thought Tevez was out for season & now can't afford to buy him back for last game.

21-05-2011, 08:49
A difficult call for the last game, what side will Ferguson pick? I have Nani & Berbatov, neither may play if he rests them for next week but am I brave enough to drop them? Tempted to get rid and buy in Bent but am dithering.

Wild Rover
21-05-2011, 09:07
Yes i am in similar position,i think Berbatov will play but I have transferred Rooney and brought Bent in,i have to many injuries to put him on subs bench,with Huth,Van Der Vaart and Zamora all struggling to start.

21-05-2011, 09:24
A difficult call for the last game, what side will Ferguson pick? I have Nani & Berbatov, neither may play if he rests them for next week but am I brave enough to drop them? Tempted to get rid and buy in Bent but am dithering.

Although you can never really trust what SAF tells the press he says on this BBC report (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13469187.stm) that Berbatov will play. Also VDS, Evra, Fletcher, Scholes and Anderson. I've bought in Berbatov and Fletcher on the strength of this and got rid of VDV who, although I think he will play, is doubtful.

22-05-2011, 10:39
It would be harsh if ferguson doesn't play berbatov when he is level with Tev in pursuit of golden boot. Who'd have thought that, after firing so many blanks last season? And bless him for another classic from 1 yard in the semi! :p

Congrats to our undisputed champion Millay for doing the double, even before the last round, and to runners up Quinno & Strongers in respective competitions.

The tight finish seems to be in prem-predictor where the last champions league spot is covered by just 1.82 points between 4th & 7th, with EG's 3rd not quite cemented yet either.

I feel for the fans of the 'actual' clubs at the bottom - we've been down (& downer) often enough to identify with that pain...

22-05-2011, 15:32
Not happy, replaced Nani and he's started for MU. Modric is my new man, get involved son and soon!

22-05-2011, 22:44
Not happy, replaced Nani and he's started for MU. Modric is my new man, get involved son and soon!

Modric doesn't score enough goals!

It's all over now and congrats to Clive for his inspired (read lucky) team choices. Surprisingly I finished where I expected but have learnt a few tactics through the season to inspire me to greater things come August.

17-07-2011, 08:19
Modric doesn't score enough goals!

It's all over now and congrats to Clive for his inspired (read lucky) team choices. Surprisingly I finished where I expected but have learnt a few tactics through the season to inspire me to greater things come August.

Dunno if it's all this speculation over Modric but it doesn't look good for Tottenham this season Roger, fancy losing to a rock band! :eek:

Kaizer Chiefs 1 - 0 Tottenham

17-07-2011, 09:43
Dunno if it's all this speculation over Modric but it doesn't look good for Tottenham this season Roger, fancy losing to a rock band! :eek:

Kaizer Chiefs 1 - 0 Tottenham

I initially thought 5 v 11 would be a bit one sided but they obviously brought some mates along who could play a bit!