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View Full Version : The Pub Curmudgeon - Ring in the new

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05-01-2018, 10:23
Visit The Pub Curmudgeon site (http://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2018/01/ring-in-new.html)

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ91MMzWdZM/Wk4d-7nog1I/AAAAAAAAGHs/g8Bx-S-A7EI7srhueaijETk-GYvCaIh5ACLcBGAs/s200/murky%2Bpint2.jpg (https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ91MMzWdZM/Wk4d-7nog1I/AAAAAAAAGHs/g8Bx-S-A7EI7srhueaijETk-GYvCaIh5ACLcBGAs/s1600/murky%2Bpint2.jpg)
Before Christmas, the Morning Advertiser published a piece entitled What are the major beer trends for 2018? (https://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Article/2017/12/21/What-are-the-major-beer-trends-for-2018) The ones it listed were:

Higher ABV
Double IPA
Sour beer
Non traditionalImperial stouts

On reading the article, it becomes clear that it is basically an extended advertorial for craft beer distributor Eebria. Had it referred to “major craft beer trends” then it might have been more accurate, although I’d say even within the sphere of craft (however defined) most of these are pretty niche.
But what it certainly isn’t is a prediction of the major trends in the overall beer market. I doubt whether any of then will have much impact on what’s on the bar in your average Wetherspoon’s, let alone the Jolly Crofter. And the general trend in the beer market continues to be to reduce strengths, not increase them.

More... (http://pubcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2018/01/ring-in-new.html)