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View Full Version : Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Scotland! vol. 2

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22-11-2016, 18:48
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2016/11/scotland-vol-2.html)

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MtHEWQa9X0I/WDSTW5iEUlI/AAAAAAAAa9M/svmKiWlJ9yctLMRG4u5w4nxcoI9ArU__wCLcB/s400/Scotland_front_with_words.jpg (https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MtHEWQa9X0I/WDSTW5iEUlI/AAAAAAAAa9M/svmKiWlJ9yctLMRG4u5w4nxcoI9ArU__wCLcB/s1600/Scotland_front_with_words.jpg)
is becoming a reality. It's so exciting.

I've assembled a mighty army of recipes, several hundred strong. And I'm starting to occupy the chapters - last weekend my forces conquered most of the ingredients and beer styles sections of the first and third.

Obsession. A dead handy trait. How else could I remember so much bollocks about brewing in the land of Irn Bru? Without all that crap stewing in my brain, I'd be frantically flicking through files every five seconds. Luckily it's all lurking in some lobe or other.

"Why are you writing this book, Ronald?"

See above. I'm an obsessive. And I want to wangle a wander of the wild ways of the USA with a book to tart. Just about worn out the last one.

Plus no-one else has done it yet. Uncharted territory is so beguiling. Scottish brewing has, like the Western Isles, been neglected by cartographers surprisingly long. Mapping it accurately is my goal.

On the way, overloading you with way, way too many recipes. But which captain complains of maps too accurate?

I've no publisher. Though I'm writing it as a "proper" book. If you feel like saving me from the shame of self-publishing my Meisterwerk, get in touch.

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2016/11/scotland-vol-2.html)