View Full Version : Pub Blog

Al 10000
08-01-2016, 17:19
I started a pub crawling blog just before Christmas called The Never Ending Pub Crawl,it is to be a blog of my many pub crawls over the years
with photos of pubs done,i did have lots of help in getting it going as i am not clever enough to do it,but all text and pictures are mine.

I was not going to talk about it on here until i really got going,but today i looked at Tandelmans blog and he is talking about a post on my blog
so i was well pleased.

A quick way to see all three posts on the blog is to type never into the google address bar.

I would like any feedback good or bad on my first few posts on this new blog.

Cheers Alan

08-01-2016, 18:36
I enjoyed your blog, Al, and admire your stamina. I went to Oldham back in the mid 70s, but don't really remember the pubs. The highlight beer was Holts in (I think) Heaton Park.Keep up the good work.

08-01-2016, 19:16
Very good work I say! Contemporaneously means at the same or similar time.
I thought I had visited Oldham on the way back from Hebden Bridge to Manchester Victoria but there doesn't seem to be a station there so I may have got that completely wrong. Those trips always ended up on the Milk Train back to London but those services disappeared years ago.

08-01-2016, 19:38
F*****g brilliant Al. Hats of to you, It's nowhere near where I am from but pub life and history is great reading and very interesting which ever neck of the woods you hail from. Hope to read more in the future.

08-01-2016, 20:14
F*****g brilliant Al. Hats of to you, It's nowhere near where I am from but pub life and history is great reading and very interesting which ever neck of the woods you hail from. Hope to read more in the future.
I have bookmarked it so I don't forget about it in the future.

Bucking Fastard
08-01-2016, 23:35
Alan thats really interesting ,especially the photos of your Oldham crawl back in the 80's.It made me wonder how many of the pubs you visited with your wife that day are still standing today ? Very atmospheric photos ,well done for documenting and photographing with such diligence.

08-01-2016, 23:45

This is the sort of thing friends/family/people/any landlord/customer who wandered why you were in their pub told my mate and I that we should've done from when we started in 1996-1999 then eventually continued like Blitzkrieg from 2011 of expanding outwards from Bristol since the internet grew to what it is and was becoming in the early noughties, but sadly I'm to lazy to write a review and my mate who isn't and more articulate put the onus on me to do so.

However thankfully there was another like minded bunch of Bristolians doing what I should've so it saved me the hassle.


Al, I dof my cap to you on the detail and retention of information. I assume it will to grow capturing all the years you've got documented as well of the new ones?

09-01-2016, 09:48
I thought I had visited Oldham on the way back from Hebden Bridge to Manchester Victoria but there doesn't seem to be a station there so I may have got that completely wrong.

Oldham has always had a station on the Manchester-Oldham-Rochdale line but it closed a few years ago to be changed to the now open Manchester-Oldham-Rochdale Metrolink tram line.

09-01-2016, 10:18
Great to read Al. I got into pub history too late to save my old pub books and photos from the late '60's to the '80's. How sorry I am now!

I will follow your blog as it expands with special interest to the past and present pubs in the Manchester area.

09-01-2016, 10:44
Oldham has always had a station on the Manchester-Oldham-Rochdale line but it closed a few years ago to be changed to the now open Manchester-Oldham-Rochdale Metrolink tram line.

In fact there were two. Oldham Mumps & Oldham Werneth. Effectively at either end of the town.

The Werneth stop doesn't exist anymore but there are tramstops at Mumps, Oldham Central & Oldham King Street.

Al 10000
09-01-2016, 13:09
I enjoyed your blog, Al, and admire your stamina. I went to Oldham back in the mid 70s, but don't really remember the pubs. The highlight beer was Holts in (I think) Heaton Park.Keep up the good work.

I think you are thinking about the Holts houses that are in Prestwich which is close to Heaton Park,i took the wife there in the 80s it was our first visit to any Holts pubs,so we were well pleased to get a few of them done,i took photos of all but one pub on that crawl.

Al 10000
09-01-2016, 13:13
Many thanks for all of your positive comments,

There are so many pub crawls to add to the blog i really dont know where to start,but the older pub crawl round Oldham seems to have gone down
better than the newer Bradford crawl.

I will still be doing reviews on Pubs Galore and try and keep my own pub stuff up to date,so lots to do.

09-01-2016, 18:49
Many thanks for all of your positive comments,

There are so many pub crawls to add to the blog i really dont know where to start,but the older pub crawl round Oldham seems to have gone down
better than the newer Bradford crawl.

I will still be doing reviews on Pubs Galore and try and keep my own pub stuff up to date,so lots to do.

Al, loved the Oldham crawl blog, a story of a time now gone. Keep it going but if you have any old 70s and 80s missions you still have please post. Plus how the hell did you manage to pull someone who enjoys pub crawling and doesn't give you grief for it? You've done well mate.

Al 10000
11-01-2016, 17:36
Al, loved the Oldham crawl blog, a story of a time now gone. Keep it going but if you have any old 70s and 80s missions you still have please post. Plus how the hell did you manage to pull someone who enjoys pub crawling and doesn't give you grief for it? You've done well mate.

I fell lucky after a few duffers,my mates thought i had made the wrong choice with my wife to be being very quiet and me being the one who lead the group,the second bit of luck was when i asked her for a second date she said no,when i asked why she said ime going to watch Nottingham Forest play Celtic in the cup.

My wife to this day loves football probably more than me,she has knocked the long distance pub crawls on the head due to having really bad knees,already had one replacement and having the other done later this month.
I do consider myself to be very lucky in getting such a great partner,we have lived together for 30 years and been married for 29 years.

11-01-2016, 19:31
I fell lucky after a few duffers,my mates thought i had made the wrong choice with my wife to be being very quiet and me being the one who lead the group,the second bit of luck was when i asked her for a second date she said no,when i asked why she said ime going to watch Nottingham Forest play Celtic in the cup.

My wife to this day loves football probably more than me,she has knocked the long distance pub crawls on the head due to having really bad knees,already had one replacement and having the other done later this month.
I do consider myself to be very lucky in getting such a great partner,we have lived together for 30 years and been married for 29 years.


london calling
17-01-2016, 18:05
The Pub Curmudeon also has mentioned your blog and posted a link. cheers john

18-01-2016, 12:00
Excellent work, looking forward to seeing more posts! :notworthy:

19-01-2016, 08:22
Good mention on Boak and Bailey today.

sheffield hatter
19-01-2016, 17:33
I've enjoyed reading your pub crawl blog, Al. However, I've just noticed that the Eccles and Oldham crawls both have the same date: 21 February 1987. Please tell me this is just a glitch - you didn't really do both on the same day?

Al 10000
19-01-2016, 17:57
I've enjoyed reading your pub crawl blog, Al. However, I've just noticed that the Eccles and Oldham crawls both have the same date: 21 February 1987. Please tell me this is just a glitch - you didn't really do both on the same day?

Yes a glitch,i will take a look at it tomorrow and try and edit the date,ime pretty sure i put the right date in when i posted it.

Thanks for letting me know Will

19-01-2016, 20:22
I really enjoyed your Eccles Holts crawl. It proves that nostalgia really is as good as it used to be. As I was reading it, my mind was on the crawl with you in all the pubs that I know (or knew) so well. Some days we did the Holts 13, and on other days we did an all brewery tour. Eccles was (and still is to a lesser extent), a tourist destination for lovers of the street corner local. the larger ornate pub and Real Ale. 46 of the 54 pubs sold it! I must make an effort to return soon. Even though there are less pubs now, there are still plenty of good ones.

31-01-2016, 13:57
Next installment added. Bradford & Queensbury Crawl plus a few in Leeds 2 January 2016.

Al 10000
31-01-2016, 16:11
Next installment added. Bradford & Queensbury Crawl plus a few in Leeds 2 January 2016.

Thanks for highlighting my new Pub Crawling Blog Jon,
It is still early days,but i am slowly getting into doing the blog and editing it if needed.
The next couple of pub crawls will be in areas where i have not done many reviews on Pubs Galore,so there may be some pubs and photos that appear that may not be on this site,i have not checked so may be wrong.

07-02-2016, 23:10
Next installment added March & Peterborough 1989, with Mrs W in a very fetching 80's pink dress.

Al 10000
08-02-2016, 17:50
Next installment added March & Peterborough 1989, with Mrs W in a very fetching 80's pink dress.

Thanks Jon,

For highlighting my blog again,i hope you liked the read and old photos,
not sure what to do next so many to do.

Cheers Alan

Al 10000
27-03-2016, 17:42
Ive done three more pub crawls on my blog,
Rochester a new one,Oxford a weekend crawl including a match at the Manor ground where Forest had a really bad day and Witney and Eynsham.

I have been told that my viewing figures are pretty good,i dont really know that much about that but i was well pleased and i have even had a comment from someone in america who also links his pub crawling blog,i know where i would rather do pub crawls.
The blog is in my opinion improving, but i would like any feedback good or bad regarding how i go along with the blog as it is still a learning process.

Cheers Alan

29-03-2016, 19:42
My comments would be get more blogs added... Excellent read just needs more to read.

sheffield hatter
30-03-2016, 19:12
Ive done three more pub crawls on my blog,
Rochester a new one,Oxford a weekend crawl including a match at the Manor ground where Forest had a really bad day and Witney and Eynsham.

I have been told that my viewing figures are pretty good,i dont really know that much about that but i was well pleased and i have even had a comment from someone in america who also links his pub crawling blog,i know where i would rather do pub crawls.
The blog is in my opinion improving, but i would like any feedback good or bad regarding how i go along with the blog as it is still a learning process.

Cheers Alan

Agree that it's improving, and I'm enjoying reading them.

One suggestion - from my own experience, when I've written something (especially on a computer) I have difficulty spotting typos. Especially typos that result in a real word that the spell checker doesn't spot. For example, you made a mistake typing "drink" and ended up with "dink". One way I've found useful to overcome this is to revisit what I've written the next day. That way it reads as a fresher piece of writing and the mistakes, if any, are easier to spot.

Hope this helps.

Forgot to mention, the photos are really good. I don't know how you manage it after all the beers you get through on these crawls!

30-03-2016, 19:27
I see that in 1987 a Full Winfield was 34. Even I can't manage that!

Al 10000
31-03-2016, 17:15
I see that in 1987 a Full Winfield was 34. Even I can't manage that!

That was over three sessions on two days so not that good,
I could blog some really massive pub crawls,but most lack some photos,i think my record for a day that had a dinner session and evening session was 35,it could be more but i have not checked yet.

@ bcfczuluarmy My blogs seem to be quite long so it takes quite a bit of time to do it,i dont really want to cut down on the text so i will hopefully get two a month done,if i have time.

@ Sheffield Hatter, Thanks for the comments and help,i will take a look at all text at some point to do a proper spell check.

Many thanks for all of your comments regarding my blog Alan

31-03-2016, 18:09
Appreciate the time and effort it takes with sorting pictures and adding reviews/text etc. I just look forward to reading the new blogs and would like more to read. If I could muster the effort to blog my visits I would.

Keep up the good work.

03-04-2016, 11:14
Ive done three more pub crawls on my blog,
Rochester a new one,Oxford a weekend crawl including a match at the Manor ground where Forest had a really bad day and Witney and Eynsham.

Really enjoyed reading your Oxford crawl, Al - a city I hold dear to my heart. I especially love the pictures, which is bittersweet, seeing as many of those pubs are no longer with us... :(

Al 10000
03-04-2016, 17:04
Really enjoyed reading your Oxford crawl, Al - a city I hold dear to my heart. I especially love the pictures, which is bittersweet, seeing as many of those pubs are no longer with us... :(

Many thanks for taking the time to read my blog,we really had a good time in Oxford a city i have done a few pub crawls in over the years since that one.
My next pub crawl has just been published a bit different to Oxford in being Salford a city where i have done loads of pub crawls.

03-04-2016, 20:15
My pleasure Al; it really was great to read. I'd certainly look forward to any more Oxford-related crawls you'd care to post. I've done the lot (considering my location), but to see your notes/photos would be awesome.

I'm presuming it's you in the photograph outside the Morrells brewery gates? I'm guessing you've maintained the same physique 25-plus years later (perhaps without the denim jacket)...? ;)

Al 10000
04-04-2016, 16:46
I'm presuming it's you in the photograph outside the Morrells brewery gates? I'm guessing you've maintained the same physique 25-plus years later (perhaps without the denim jacket)...? ;)

Yes you are spot on,it was me in the denim jacket and i dont wear them anymore,i have also stayed roughly the same weight since my early 20s,my wife is the other person posing for a photo outside the Morrells brewery gates.

04-04-2016, 22:49
Another great pub blog from Al, from Salford in 1988. I was crawling around the same pubs about the same time so have visited most, but just a bit vague about one or two.
Salford has suffered a huge destruction of pubs since, with only 5 of the 21 pubs still open. Only 3 with Real Ale, Eagle and the Union Tavern with Holts beers and the reopened "New" Oxford, now a Free House with many beers.