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08-06-2022, 06:39
Wild weather - banana split imp stout 13.0 £15 ,a pint in the weather station reading tonight on cask
Wow, surprised they would be selling that by the pint(?) but I suppose, if we think of a 13% wine, a bottle for £15 would be very reasonable in a pub, and an absolute steal in a restaurant...

08-06-2022, 07:31
Wow, surprised they would be selling that by the pint(?) but I suppose, if we think of a 13% wine, a bottle for £15 would be very reasonable in a pub, and an absolute steal in a restaurant...
Definitely not designed to drink by the pint but I guess some nutters do, pricing by the pint is a unit we can easily equate to I suppose.

sheffield hatter
08-06-2022, 10:14
Definitely not designed to drink by the pint but I guess some nutters do...

I remember describing how I recruited my daughter and her boyfriend to share a half of Steel City x Brasserie Fantome Taxi Vader, a 20% hors catégorie beer at Shakespeares in Sheffield before the first lockdown. The bar staff very kindly provided extra glasses so we all had one-sixth of a pint, which works out at 1.89 units of acohol. I can't remember what the half pint cost. Aqualung commented on here that he only ever drank pints. I hesitate to call him a nutter, as he is no longer here to defend himself (or accept it as a compliment). I do recall that he described an occasion, possibly at the William the Fourth in Leytonstone, when he drank a pint of something too strong and then went home and set fire to his kitchen. We may draw our conclusions.

08-06-2022, 10:29
I do recall that he described an occasion, possibly at the William the Fourth in Leytonstone, when he drank a pint of something too strong and then went home and set fire to his kitchen.
Excellent, though did he suggest that to be a related one-off, or could it have been a regular occurrence..?

08-06-2022, 10:29
I remember describing how I recruited my daughter and her boyfriend to share a half of Steel City x Brasserie Fantome Taxi Vader, a 20% hors catégorie beer at Shakespeares in Sheffield before the first lockdown. The bar staff very kindly provided extra glasses so we all had one-sixth of a pint, which works out at 1.89 units of acohol. I can't remember what the half pint cost. Aqualung commented on here that he only ever drank pints. I hesitate to call him a nutter, as he is no longer here to defend himself (or accept it as a compliment). I do recall that he described an occasion, possibly at the William the Fourth in Leytonstone, when he drank a pint of something too strong and then went home and set fire to his kitchen. We may draw our conclusions.


08-06-2022, 17:13
I do recall that he described an occasion, possibly at the William the Fourth in Leytonstone, when he drank a pint of something too strong and then went home and set fire to his kitchen. We may draw our conclusions.

Certainly, but it wasn't this (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=BoWF5Fe7&id=F82BC669A1525D10206BD36DB2D317F075844730&thid=OIP.BoWF5Fe7xURWEKe9txpqaQAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2funtappd.akamaized.net%2fsit e%2fbeer_logos_hd%2fbeer-1733383_81ed8_hd.jpeg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.068 585e457bbc5445610a7bdb71a6a69%3frik%3dMEeEdfAX07Jt 0w%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=500&expw=328&q=truman%27s+firestarter&simid=608051259314478004&FORM=IRPRST&ck=6AB6D35FEDD0881913BED6B61EF23A11&selectedIndex=0&idpp=overlayview&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0).

london calling
11-06-2022, 20:02
Definitely not designed to drink by the pint but I guess some nutters do, pricing by the pint is a unit we can easily equate to I suppose.

Cask beer tends to be priced by the pint but £5 a third doesn't make it any cheaper.Had a lovely half of Elb- imperial stout 10.0 in the Hackney tap probably £5.50 a.pint.Mentioned to the manager that this beer would be a hard sell but he told me that there were only a few pints left in the firkin.He came outside and sat with me talking beery things and then said the beer which was in great condition had been on for 10 days.Iwas amazed.

13-06-2022, 15:45
Cask beer tends to be priced by the pint but £5 a third doesn't make it any cheaper.Had a lovely half of Elb- imperial stout 10.0 in the Hackney tap probably £5.50 a.pint.Mentioned to the manager that this beer would be a hard sell but he told me that there were only a few pints left in the firkin.He came outside and sat with me talking beery things and then said the beer which was in great condition had been on for 10 days.Iwas amazed.

I had almost the exact same conversation about this beer, in this pub, presumably with the same manager, back in early May! I was already well into a session, so opted for something else, but he gave me a taster and it was great, although a whole pint might've tested my enjoyment.

london calling
13-06-2022, 20:10
I had almost the exact same conversation about this beer, in this pub, presumably with the same manager, back in early May! I was already well into a session, so opted for something else, but he gave me a taster and it was great, although a whole pint might've tested my enjoyment.

Probably the same firkin as it was about a month ago.

18-06-2022, 10:13
Hit a new PB yesterday in the Beer Merchants Tap (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86076/), £6.50 a 1/3, I don't regret it though, 2750 , gorgeous. Certainly a sipping beer though. 2751

sheffield hatter
19-06-2022, 09:10
Hit a new PB yesterday in the Beer Merchants Tap (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86076/), £6.50 a 1/3, I don't regret it though, 2750 , gorgeous. Certainly a sipping beer though. 2751

I've had several Pohjala beers, and they're pretty much all for sipping! Worth every penny, though.

19-06-2022, 19:11
Just £8.25 a pint, or the equivalent thereof, if you go for the beer flight at Kingsmead Street Bottle (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/90101/)

29-06-2022, 15:54
The Princess of Shoreditch (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23439/) - last night £6.30 for a pint of Mad Goose; not even Hogwart's in Preston dares charge this much!

29-06-2022, 17:57
The Princess of Shoreditch (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23439/) - last night £6.30 for a pint of Mad Goose; not even Hogwart's in Preston dares charge this much!

.. "I won't be returning..." Maybe they've been waiting patiently for the last six years to get their revenge.

sheffield hatter
29-06-2022, 22:20
.. "I won't be returning..." Maybe they've been waiting patiently for the last six years to get their revenge.

Ha ha! Well spotted! But how would they have recognised Tris now that he's wearing "a hipster beard, ...a checked shirt and [has] EC2 tattooed on [his] wrist"?

30-06-2022, 16:12
.. "I won't be returning..." Maybe they've been waiting patiently for the last six years to get their revenge.

I never try to read my reviews on my phone as it's too tricky, otherwise I wouldn't have gone. It's actually worse now in that virtually all tables were laid for dining; I only went as I was aiming for the The Griffin (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23420/) nearby, but it was rammed.

Ha ha! Well spotted! But how would they have recognised Tris now that he's wearing "a hipster beard, ...a checked shirt and [has] EC2 tattooed on [his] wrist"?

Ha indeed! I'm actually wearing a blue checked shirt and haven't shaved for four days; no tattoos as yet...

23-07-2022, 13:04
£13.60 for a pint of Amundsen Brewery's "Donut Series" Peanut Butter Cup With Salted Caramel Glaze Stout in BrewDog Bristol Harbourside (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/90250/)

23-07-2022, 16:26
£13.60 for a pint of Amundsen Brewery's "Donut Series" Peanut Butter Cup With Salted Caramel Glaze Stout in BrewDog Bristol Harbourside (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/90250/)

£13.60 for a 7% beer (https://www.beerritz.co.uk/international-beer/donut-series-choc-peanut-butter-cup_amundsen_24-x-440ml-cans)? Was the price not displayed?

london calling
23-07-2022, 19:54
Did you get a flake with that.

24-07-2022, 17:41
Did you get a flake with that.

I think you have to ask for a '69'.

24-07-2022, 17:59
I think you have to ask for a '69'.

This might precipitate a slap. I think you mean '99'.

01-08-2022, 15:25
£13.60 for a 7% beer (https://www.beerritz.co.uk/international-beer/donut-series-choc-peanut-butter-cup_amundsen_24-x-440ml-cans)? Was the price not displayed?

It was, although I didn't realise it was for a half, I missed the small print. Fortunately although I wanted to try it, I wasn't sure I'd want a whole pint and so only ordered a half. I was just a bit surprised when my bill was £6.80 rather than £3.40.

Although it rather pales in to insignificance anyway when compared to the £17.70 per pint for another of the same brewer's "Donut Series", this time the Dark Chocolate With Candied Pecans And Coffee Glaze in BrewDog Bath (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/89363/)

london calling
01-08-2022, 19:57
It was, although I didn't realise it was for a half, I missed the small print. Fortunately although I wanted to try it, I wasn't sure I'd want a whole pint and so only ordered a half. I was just a bit surprised when my bill was £6.80 rather than £3.40.

Although it rather pales in to insignificance anyway when compared to the £17.70 per pint for another of the same brewer's "Donut Series", this time the Dark Chocolate With Candied Pecans And Coffee Glaze in BrewDog Bath (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/89363/)

Donut buy it is my advice

sheffield hatter
02-08-2022, 15:45
Donut buy it is my advice


london calling
09-11-2022, 20:28
Got charged £5.90 for Dark Star - green hop in a Fullers pub.I did ask the price before I bought it and considering I started the thread complaining about the same beer being £5 a pint in 2017 its not too bad considering.Not as good a beer this year but still great. I then went across to the Sussex arms but didn't check the price of my beer as they are now usually £4.80.Oakham -obsidian order 6.2 cost me £6.50 slightly more than the £2.69 I paid in Mc spoons about 4 months ago.

23-11-2022, 18:27
£3.00 for a half of Fuller's Red Fox (4.3%) in West Ealing (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/64618/) last Friday.

£2.65 for a half of Moor Stout (5%) in Belgravia (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22865/) two days earlier.

23-11-2022, 18:36
£3.00 for a half of Fuller's Red Fox (4.3%) in West Ealing (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/64618/) last Friday.

£2.65 for a half of Moor Stout (5%) in Belgravia (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22865/) two days earlier.

Fullers pubs know how to charge.

23-11-2022, 18:49
Fullers pubs know how to charge.

Yes. But why £3.00 for a half of a 4.3% beer in West Ealing then £2.65 for a 5% beer in Belgravia, where property prices are, pro rata, about ten times more expensive. Surely the weaker beer in an unaffluent area should cost less than the stronger beer in an area of enormous wealth? :confused:

23-11-2022, 18:54
Yes. But why £3.00 for a half of a 4.3% beer in West Ealing then £2.65 for a 5% beer in Belgravia, where property prices are, pro rata, about ten times more expensive. Surely the weaker beer in an unaffluent area should cost less than the stronger beer in an area of enormous wealth? :confused:

I match your :confused: with a :confused: .

23-11-2022, 18:57
£3.00 for a half of Fuller's Red Fox (4.3%) in West Ealing (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/64618/) last Friday.

£2.65 for a half of Moor Stout (5%) in Belgravia (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22865/) two days earlier.

The Forester could help itself by spending some of its income on making a web site that works properly.

london calling
23-11-2022, 21:01
Had a superb pint of Darkstar-apa in the Foresters on Monday £5.80

24-11-2022, 16:50
Had a superb pint of Darkstar-apa in the Foresters on Monday £5.80

If but the Dark Star options had been available last Friday...Still, £5.80 is a lot for central London, so this price is the new Ealing comedy?

I paid £2.40 for a superb half of White Horse Trojan at the The Fox (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24838/) earlier on the same evening, but then I suppose the price would increase from W7 to W13, but not by that much.
Prices in the [Hackney] Cock, Wenlock, Queens Head [King's Cross] or Southampton are typically no more than £2.50 a half, sometimes surprisingly less and better still with a CAMRA card. A half of Anspach & Hobday's The Ordinary Bitter and a half of Three Acres Ruby Porter at the Old Fountain came to a total of £5.40 yesterday.

london calling
24-11-2022, 19:27
Fullers are charging >£5.60 and upwards for darkstar and guests.i usually ask for a Camra discount but forgot the other night.(seventh pint syndrome) but did ask for it in my next pub also . Fullers but they don't always do it in tenanted pubs So £5.80 for my eighth pint .Darkstar ,- xpresso which was decent.

25-11-2022, 17:16
Fullers are charging >£5.60 and upwards for darkstar and guests.i usually ask for a Camra discount but forgot the other night.(seventh pint syndrome) but did ask for it in my next pub also . Fullers but they don't always do it in tenanted pubs So £5.80 for my eighth pint .Darkstar ,- xpresso which was decent.

A far more abstemious mini crawl of East and North London yesterday threw up these price comparisons; quality pubs, all four halves in excellent condition:

The Lord Tredegar (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24990/) - Thornbridge - Jaipur (5.9%) £2.75.

The Chesham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/25098/) - Black Iris - Bajan Breakfast (4.0%) £2.40.

The Cock Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/25052/) - Brass Castle - Hygge Figgy (5.7%) £2.79 (the customer next to me ordered a pint of Gadds' No. 5 (4.4%) £4.46).

The Lady Mildmay (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54286/) - Wood Green Hopping City - The Goodness (4.7%) £2.40.

london calling
25-11-2022, 20:07
A far more abstemious mini crawl of East and North London yesterday threw up these price comparisons; quality pubs, all four halves in excellent condition:

The Lord Tredegar (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24990/) - Thornbridge - Jaipur (5.9%) £2.75.

The Chesham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/25098/) - Black Iris - Bajan Breakfast (4.0%) £2.40.

The Cock Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/25052/) - Brass Castle - Hygge Figgy (5.7%) £2.79 (the customer next to me ordered a pint of Gadds' No. 5 (4.4%) £4.46).

The Lady Mildmay (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54286/) - Wood Green Hopping City - The Goodness (4.7%) £2.40.

All cheaper than I can get out in the sticks.Will report on the prices I find in London as I intend to go to the new Craft Beer Co pub in Paddington opening next Thursday.Usually get a free beer on their opening nights.

27-11-2022, 13:06
King Charles I (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23592/)

Two nights ago: Three Acres Best or Ruby Porter, £4.50 pint.

Last night:

The Old Coffee House (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22327/)

Brodie's Bethnal Green IPA, £2.80 a half.

The Lamb (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/21988/)

Proper Job, £5.70.

Then the Kobayashi/Usual Suspects moment:

Like the Forester, also Fuller's pub but with Dark Star APA at £5.00 a pint here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53779/).

£5.80 at the Forester? I'd say you was 'ad mate.

27-11-2022, 14:10
King Charles I (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23592/)

Two nights ago: Three Acres Best or Ruby Porter, £4.50 pint.

Last night:

The Old Coffee House (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22327/)

Brodie's Bethnal Green IPA, £2.80 a half.

The Lamb (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/21988/)

Proper Job, £5.70.

Then the Kobayashi/Usual Suspects moment:

Like the Forester, also Fuller's pub but with Dark Star APA at £5.00 a pint here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53779/).

£5.80 at the Forester? I'd say you was 'ad mate.

Is the £5.00 in the Harp with or without Camra discount?

27-11-2022, 14:36
Is the £5.00 in the Harp with or without Camra discount?
I think I was paying ~£4.40 last week, on production of the magic card...

27-11-2022, 14:39
I think I was paying ~£4.40 last week, on production of the magic card...

More than acceptable in central London.

27-11-2022, 18:41
More than acceptable in central London.

Certainly is, even without the card discount.

The Queens Head (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53707/) basic pint around the £4.20 mark and that's without a CAMRA discount.

london calling
28-11-2022, 21:14
Three legs - pale 4 4.2 in the Harp tonight £5.80

london calling
28-11-2022, 21:19
I.dont do basic but my unbarred -old ale was £4.90at the queen's head

29-11-2022, 18:55


Wild Rover
30-11-2022, 11:54
A couple of weeks ago i visited The Pub in Todmorden and ordered a pint of stout ftom the cask range on the bar which was fine and i think around £4.20p. When i sat down i noticed the blackboard on the wall displaying the price and strengths of the 15 kegs at the back of the bar. One of the kegs was from Tartarus and was a Raspberry chocolate cake Imperial Stout at 14.5% proof and was sold in thirds of a pint at a whopping £7

30-11-2022, 16:21
...15 kegs at the back of the bar. One of the kegs was from Tartarus and was a Raspberry chocolate cake Imperial Stout at 14.5% proof and was sold in thirds of a pint at a whopping £7

That's keg for you!

Last night, Landlord £3.15 at The Harrison (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53939/) then shortly afterwards at The Queens Head (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53991/), a half of Unbarred Old Ale (6.3%) just £2.40 and would have been less with a CAMRA card.

london calling
30-11-2022, 20:15
A couple of weeks ago i visited The Pub in Todmorden and ordered a pint of stout ftom the cask range on the bar which was fine and i think around £4.20p. When i sat down i noticed the blackboard on the wall displaying the price and strengths of the 15 kegs at the back of the bar. One of the kegs was from Tartarus and was a Raspberry chocolate cake Imperial Stout at 14.5% proof and was sold in thirds of a pint at a whopping £7

Yes Tartarus are always very expensive.Have ticked them and it was over £5 a third

10-01-2023, 18:46


11-01-2023, 08:31
price and strengths of the 15 kegs at the back of the bar. One of the kegs was from Tartarus and was a Raspberry chocolate cake Imperial Stout at 14.5% proof and was sold in thirds of a pint at a whopping £7
When we get to that extreme or specialist end of the spectrum I usually try to assimilate the price to what a btl of wine might be, so a decent shiraz for ~£20, in a pub, not bad...

11-01-2023, 18:28


No-one is going to pay this. People might go out for one drink but then that will be it. It's been the cost of pubs for quite some years which has resulted in people buying from supermarkets and drinking at home.

11-01-2023, 18:49
No-one is going to pay this. People might go out for one drink but then that will be it. It's been the cost of pubs for quite some years which has resulted in people buying from supermarkets and drinking at home.

Not so much won't as can't.

12-01-2023, 17:07
Not so much won't as can't.

Well exactly.

london calling
13-01-2023, 20:53
Wethrspoons in Kingston had london.pride at.£2.39 a pint today.Might be a one off but now Asahi own Fullers no reason why they won't sell to Wetherspoons

13-01-2023, 22:52
Asahi own Fullers no reason why they won't sell to Wetherspoons
Asahi bought the Griffin Brewery but not the pubs?

14-01-2023, 08:56
Asahi bought the Griffin Brewery but not the pubs?

Well yes, it's Asahi that sell the beer and presumably own the brand name on the beer.

london calling
14-01-2023, 20:13
Asahi bought the Griffin Brewery but not the pubs?

Fullers have always refused to sell beer to Wetherspoons at the price they were willing to pay.The last i heard its £75 a firkin.Some Wetherspoons managers are allowed to buy a local beer at higher price. Now Asahi are the owners and have the capacity to pile it high and sell it cheap they might be interested in supplying Wetherspoons.Fullers standard price in their pubs is about £5.40. Doesnt look a good comparison with Wetherspoons price

london calling
14-01-2023, 20:15
Well yes, it's Asahi that sell the beer and presumably own the brand name on the beer.

Asahi i think own the rights to brew and distribute it but Fullers still own the names.

15-01-2023, 17:31
Fullers have always refused to sell beer to Wetherspoons at the price they were willing to pay.The last i heard its £75 a firkin.Some Wetherspoons managers are allowed to buy a local beer at higher price. Now Asahi are the owners and have the capacity to pile it high and sell it cheap they might be interested in supplying Wetherspoons.Fullers standard price in their pubs is about £5.40. Doesnt look a good comparison with Wetherspoons price

The White Swan (JD Wetherspoon) (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54237/) had Pride exactly a year ago to the day; I thought Pride was a 'spoons staple, but as I very rarely go to them (this was a loo break) I'm no expert.

26-01-2023, 16:06
Vocation - Smash and Grab £3.8/can from the website but just £3 in Morrisons as part of their 4-for-3 offer. Couldn't see a slab of 48 cans though..!

10-02-2023, 19:24
As a typical non-'spoons user, I was wondering if The Barrel Vault (JD Wetherspoon) (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86846/) is unique in selling a standard cask pint (not their typical GK IPA, Abbot, Gloom rubbish) at £4.40, or is it just this venue? I can get a pint in a quality ale house such as the Cock, Southampton or nearby Queens Head for a fair bit less.

london calling
10-02-2023, 20:05
Paid £4.39 for a pint in Victoria station spoons on ttuesday.They charge a premium price in station pubs similar to the ones in the airports.The same night paid £2.69 in Bromley .

11-02-2023, 18:29
Paid £4.39 for a pint in Victoria station spoons on ttuesday.They charge a premium price in station pubs similar to the ones in the airports.The same night paid £2.69 in Bromley .

Thanks for the update. There's a good selection of smaller brewery cask beers at the Barrel Vault, though yesterday I had a pint of Yeastie Boys Distant Sun at The Queens Head (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53707/) and despite being a 7.2% black IPA, cost me £4.40, with a standard pint costing about £4.10; and there's a further discount with a CAMRA card.

london calling
11-02-2023, 19:50
Thanks for the update. There's a good selection of smaller brewery cask beers at the Barrel Vault, though yesterday I had a pint of Yeastie Boys Distant Sun at The Queens Head (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53707/) and despite being a 7.2% black IPA, cost me £4.40, with a standard pint costing about £4.10; and there's a further discount with a CAMRA card.

That Yeasty boys beer would be £7 in the Craft Beer chain.

12-02-2023, 19:00
That Yeasty boys beer would be £7 in the Craft Beer chain.

And probably £9.00 if there was a keg version. That's why I avoid 'craft' beer and 'craft' bars, much to the gratitude of my wallet. :cheers:

15-02-2023, 18:54
A double whammy in Columbia Road last night:

Birdcage (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54545/) - something crafty at 6.5% but £4.75 a half...


The Royal Oak (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24964/) - Small Beer Steam at 2.7% but £3.05 a half.

london calling
15-02-2023, 22:31
I think at 2.7 you only pay half the beer duty so that's a ridiculous price for Small beer.HAd that beer on cask for £4.50 .

16-02-2023, 17:56
I think at 2.7 you only pay half the beer duty so that's a ridiculous price for Small beer.HAd that beer on cask for £4.50 .

This is E2: the ghosts of the Krays still live on.

26-02-2023, 14:50
Stupidly didn't notice the price when tapping for a pint of Wild River at Herne Hill's Half Moon (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24056/), just seen bank a/c, £6.35!!
If I'd noticed I would have told them to keep it, and it was off, had to return it for a Pride in the end - the only other thing across 8 or so pumps, pathetic.

26-02-2023, 17:57
Stupidly didn't notice the price when tapping for a pint of Wild River at Herne Hill's Half Moon (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24056/), just seen bank a/c, £6.35!!
If I'd noticed I would have told them to keep it, and it was off, had to return it for a Pride in the end - the only other thing across 8 or so pumps, pathetic.

Basically Fullers are taking the piss.

26-02-2023, 19:10
Basically Fullers are taking the piss.

...not to mention brewing it. :evilgrin::ninja:

Stupidly didn't notice the price when tapping for a pint of Wild River at Herne Hill's Half Moon (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24056/), just seen bank a/c, £6.35!!
If I'd noticed I would have told them to keep it, and it was off, had to return it for a Pride in the end - the only other thing across 8 or so pumps, pathetic.

Described by Fuller's thus: 'A hoppy, craft-inspired pale ale'; hence the 'craft' price.

09-03-2023, 19:04
The Glory (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/70783/) last night: a half of Brooklyn pilsener at £3.55!

12-03-2023, 08:53
£11 for a Neck Oil or Gamma Ray at Rick’s @ The Bristol (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53428/)

To qualify that, it’s £11 if you buy two halves, and I’m including the service charge that they slap on as it seems to be table service only. If you buy your pint in one go, it’s “only” £7.70.


12-03-2023, 09:19
£11 for a Neck Oil or Gamma Ray at Rick’s @ The Bristol (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53428/)

To qualify that, it’s £11 if you buy two halves, and I’m including the service charge that they slap on as it seems to be table service only. If you buy your pint in one go, it’s “only” £7.70.


Now this is over the top.

Bucking Fastard
12-03-2023, 09:59
£11 for a Neck Oil or Gamma Ray at Rick’s @ The Bristol (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53428/)

To qualify that, it’s £11 if you buy two halves, and I’m including the service charge that they slap on as it seems to be table service only. If you buy your pint in one go, it’s “only” £7.70.


I hope to be back in Bristol in late May,I won't darken their door.:mad:

12-03-2023, 14:51
Friday afternoon I paid £3.50 for half a Carling in the Blind Beggar. Properly ripping off the tourists!

12-03-2023, 16:30
Friday afternoon I paid £3.50 for half a Carling in the Blind Beggar. Properly ripping off the tourists!

Yup. And it's a crap pub too, but one of those places you have to visit, then wonder why.

...I’m including the service charge that they slap on as it seems to be table service only.

This is why I refuse to drink in table service-only pubs (take note The Gardeners Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/31724/)).

Now this is over the top.

That's putting it diplomatically.

22-03-2023, 13:56
The Famous Cock (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23653/) - £3.45 for a half of Hammerton's N1.

31-03-2023, 17:08
Greenwich Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24025/) - £4.00 for a half of Adnams Mosaic. :eek:

10-04-2023, 13:02
A pint, a schooner, and a rum&coke in Saltburn's Guns Bar. £18+ :(

30-04-2023, 13:54
£5.20/pint for Black Sheep Best here:The Rose & Crown (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/62275/). Well kept beer in a lovely place but...?

30-04-2023, 16:52
£5.20/pint for Black Sheep Best here:The Rose & Crown (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/62275/). Well kept beer in a lovely place but...?

That's very good value where Dominic Cummings lives.

23-05-2023, 16:48
The Steam Packet (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/78470/) - £3.30 for a half of Ghost Ship.

london calling
23-05-2023, 20:10
The Steam Packet (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/78470/) - £3.30 for a half of Ghost Ship.

The Fullers pub across the road from the Steam Packet.charges £8 a pint for guinness on Brentford matchdays.

london calling
23-05-2023, 20:29
Had a nice pint of Cloudwater - chubbles 53 north £4.60 /£4.80 at the Hope Carsholton but the same beer at Cloudwaters own taproom is £8.Both.on cask.Robbers.

24-05-2023, 07:42
Had a nice pint of Cloudwater - chubbles 53 north £4.60 /£4.80 at the Hope Carsholton but the same beer at Cloudwaters own taproom is £8.Both.on cask.Robbers.
Wow, scandalous mark-up, at their own outlet!

24-05-2023, 16:33
Had a nice pint of Cloudwater - chubbles 53 north £4.60 /£4.80 at the Hope Carsholton but the same beer at Cloudwaters own taproom is £8.Both.on cask.Robbers.

Wow, scandalous mark-up, at their own outlet!

Sadly nothing new. I can't remember where, but it was somewhere in Hackney - I think - and a pint/half was less at a pub than at their tap across the road.

25-05-2023, 18:57
Sir Christopher Hatton (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/23359/) last night a half of Landlord = £5.35, a pint = £6.00; staff too overloaded to question if this was a mistake or obscene pricing policy. :(

17-06-2023, 16:42
£5.75 for a half of Two Tribes Dream Factory at Double Standard (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/88471/)

17-06-2023, 19:35
£5.75 for a half of Two Tribes Dream Factory at Double Standard (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/88471/)

£3.90 for a pint of Burning Sky Plateau in The Evening Star (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/10425/) today, nice.

18-06-2023, 17:58
£3.90 for a pint of Burning Sky Plateau in The Evening Star (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/10425/) today, nice.

Has Dark Star left the building?

18-06-2023, 18:39
Has Dark Star left the building?

Yes nothing to do with Dark Star now apart from the history and memorabilia.

20-06-2023, 14:19
Sambrook's beers at just £1.15 a half at The Rockingham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54952/); but there's a sting in the tail...

21-06-2023, 09:07
Sambrook's beers at just £1.15 a half at The Rockingham Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54952/); but there's a sting in the tail...

"cackling old local geezers eyeing up the ladies"... why didn't you come and say hello Tris?

26-06-2023, 18:15
Sambrook's Sidekick just £1.00 a half at The Surrey Docks (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54583/).

05-08-2023, 19:43
The Hanover Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24075/) - £4.00 for a half of Neck Oil and in Kennington to boot.

14-08-2023, 17:48
The Barrel Vault (JD Wetherspoon) (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86846/) - an overnight hike in price for a standard pint from £4.39 to £4.83.

21-08-2023, 20:43
The Barrel Vault (JD Wetherspoon) (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86846/) - an overnight hike in price for a standard pint from £4.39 to £4.83.

FFS I just typed out a reply and went to edit it, and seem to have accidentally deleted it.

In short the % increase seems high compared to standard Spoons outlets (eg real ale £2.46 to 2.55 being about 3.7%).

Still probably not a bad price for a train station location in the grand scheme of things but a higher % increase than you'd expect.

23-08-2023, 16:47
FFS I just typed out a reply and went to edit it, and seem to have accidentally deleted it.

In short the % increase seems high compared to standard Spoons outlets (eg real ale £2.46 to 2.55 being about 3.7%).

Still probably not a bad price for a train station location in the grand scheme of things but a higher % increase than you'd expect.

Very high. And despite being a 'spoons, it's now the fourth least expensive 'pub' in the area, the Euston Tap, King Charles I and Queen's Head being cheaper.

london calling
23-08-2023, 20:54
Totally bad price for a train station location.I use Wetherspoons for beer of reasonable quality for a cheap price.I would not pay nearly a fiver for their beers unless I was trapped airside at one of their airport pubs.

24-08-2023, 18:29
Totally bad price for a train station location.I use Wetherspoons for beer of reasonable quality for a cheap price.I would not pay nearly a fiver for their beers unless I was trapped airside at one of their airport pubs.

In fairness, the quality of the beer at the Barrel Vault is very good; better than the Euston Tap (currently) and sadly also the KC I, the quality a far cry from the nearby former JDW Angel at...um...The Angel or the JDW White Swan at Highbury Corner. Apart from the nationals, it has on permanently Ghost Ship, Naked Ladies (always excellent) then around five or six fairly local beers from the likes of Portobello and Southwark; there's currently and East London Brewery tap takeover.

london calling
24-08-2023, 20:28
I.should rephrase that.i mean reasonable quality brewers .You don't get the best brewers selling to spoons although.i have until recently been drinking oakham and thornebridge for less than £2.50

25-08-2023, 17:44
You don't get the best brewers selling to spoons
Who are the "best brewers"?

25-08-2023, 17:57
Who are the "best brewers"?

Brewers who make beer you like, so horses for courses.

I would say that most people using station bars have either got half an hour to kill or are waiting for someone. That you get unexciting beer costing a quid more than the nectar in your local isn't a show-stopper. It's hardly as though you are sitting down to a three hour session.

london calling
25-08-2023, 20:22
Who are the "best brewers"?

These have all provided me with good cask in the last year or so but no idea if they are the best but they don't as yet sell to Wetherspoons as far as.i am aware.
North,Northern monk,cloudwater,five points,Elusive,deya,verdant,burning sky,howling hops mondo,darkstar,Wylam north riding ,marble.Oakham and Thornbridge are good and do sell to Wetherspoons near me.Green devil ipa £2.66 and Jaipur £3.26 in Hammersmith today

26-08-2023, 08:45
These have all provided me with good cask in the last year or so but no idea if they are the best but they don't as yet sell to Wetherspoons as far as.i am aware.
North,Northern monk,cloudwater,five points,Elusive,deya,verdant,burning sky,howling hops mondo,darkstar,Wylam north riding ,marble.Oakham and Thornbridge are good and do sell to Wetherspoons near me.Green devil ipa £2.66 and Jaipur £3.26 in Hammersmith today
A fine list of brewers.

london calling
26-08-2023, 19:33
I missed off Siren,Tiny rebel and Kernel.

30-09-2023, 16:22
£3.40 for a half of a 4.2% beer at The Northcote Arms (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/65786/) the other day.

27-11-2023, 11:49
Duke of Wellington (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/89262/) - £4.00 for a half of Gamma Ray.

27-11-2023, 17:02
£3.2 for a half of Punk IPA in Manchester Brewdog

£3.75 for a half of something by Salt in the Oast House afterwards

18-02-2024, 21:37
Stopped off in Paddington to watch the footie last night in The Dickens Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54687/), being a Greene King pub I didn't fancy the cask on offer so decided on a pint of Paulaner Lager for a change, there was little change at £7.25 a pint, needless to say I nursed it the entire match.

19-02-2024, 15:40
£8.40 for two bottles of alcohol free Sam's Brown Ale in the Princess Louise (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22020/) the other day. And they say Sam's beer is cheap.

19-02-2024, 16:54
Paulaner Lager...little change at £7.25 a pint, needless to say I nursed it the entire match.

£3.75 for a half of Neck Oil at The Garratt Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24665/) the other night; and it's a crap pub.

£3.80 for a half of Gamma Ray at Green Man (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24564/) a few days ago.

£8.40 for two bottles of alcohol free Sam's Brown Ale in the Princess Louise (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22020/) the other day. And they say Sam's beer is cheap.

The Sage of Tadcaster's beers do seem to have rocketed in price of late.
Not a Sam's joint, but it's near as makes no difference £5.00 a pint for a guest at The Barrel Vault (JD Wetherspoon) (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/86846/).

19-02-2024, 20:10
£8.40 for two bottles of alcohol free Sam's Brown Ale in the Princess Louise (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22020/) the other day. And they say Sam's beer is cheap.
Humph's bottled beers have been outrageously expensive for several years (and not just in London), and then he made the bottles smaller too!

20-02-2024, 07:40
Humph's bottled beers have been outrageously expensive for several years (and not just in London), and then he made the bottles smaller too!

It's unbelievably rare that I'd buy such a thing, but aren't bottled alternatives always more expensive?

20-02-2024, 10:51
£8.40 for two bottles of alcohol free Sam's Brown Ale in the Princess Louise (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22020/) the other day. And they say Sam's beer is cheap.

Stopped being cheap about 18 months ago - Humph whacked-up prices (and the bottles always had a hefty mark-up compared to draught). The assumption was he'd do it once and keep it there for the next 5 years but that doesn't seem to be the case.

20-02-2024, 17:50
They’re still cheap up north. Or at least they are if you stick to the draught. The cask bitter has been £3 a pint for a few years.

20-02-2024, 21:45
They’re still cheap up north. Or at least they are if you stick to the draught. The cask bitter has been £3 a pint for a few years.
Check the bottle prices!

21-02-2024, 04:31
Stopped being cheap about 18 months ago - Humph whacked-up prices (and the bottles always had a hefty mark-up compared to draught). The assumption was he'd do it once and keep it there for the next 5 years but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Exactly. Bottles - off-sales - have always been more expensive. I especially remember this in the early '80s when rural pubs would do this in the knowledge that customers had little choice before the advent of late-opening supermarkets. Yes also, that Humphrey has whacked up his prices in about the last 18 months or so.

23-02-2024, 19:06
Bottles - off-sales - have always been more expensive.
But I'm talking about the on trade here.

Yes also, that Humphrey has whacked up his prices in about the last 18 months or so.
And Sam's bottled beer prices skyrocketed much longer ago than that, and then the bottles shrank from 500 ml to 355 ml.

24-02-2024, 06:45
But I'm talking about the on trade here.

A slight deviation from the correct, but when I mean 'off-sales' I mean takeaway. Decades ago pubs would fleece you for taking away bottles, safe in the knowledge that you had no chance of buying something from an off-licence that closed at 5.30 or earlier on 'early-closing day'. With the advent of late-night convenience shops, I'd never bother buying from a pub, always assuming such an option is available.

26-02-2024, 13:06
£7.19 for Beaverton Neck Oil on Manchester Piccadilly station.

26-02-2024, 13:20
£7.19 for Beaverton Neck Oil on Manchester Piccadilly station.

Manchester is the new London - in all the worst aspects.

26-02-2024, 18:37
Manchester is the new London - in all the worst aspects.

Pro rata, £7.70 a pint. (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/59616/). If people buy the stuff, some will always try to cash in on the 'craft' aspect.

04-03-2024, 18:19
£3.90 a half. (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54612/):eek:

04-03-2024, 19:15
LBC London Lush a 3.8% decent session pale but £6.60 a pint last Saturday here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53775/), prices have crept up even more since Wills recent visit.

04-03-2024, 19:48
LBC London Lush a 3.8% decent session pale but £6.60 a pint last Saturday here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53775/), prices have crept up even more since Wills recent visit.


04-03-2024, 19:55

That was the second pint of the day, needless to say it was halves thereon after. :eek:

10-03-2024, 21:54
£6.50 for KEG Doom Bar, and in Yorkshire. I pity the poor sods holidaying here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/91775/) (although the new Spoons is in walking distance).

10-03-2024, 23:25
£6.50 for KEG Doom Bar, and in Yorkshire. I pity the poor sods holidaying here (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/91775/) (although the new Spoons is in walking distance).

:D:D:D Of course keg is always superior to cask, hence the hike in price.

01-04-2024, 07:47
Goodness Brewing's Yes! at £3.90 a half the other week at The Old Town Tavern (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/54612/). Ouch!

01-04-2024, 11:25
Epochal White Smoke at £5.60 a1/3 on keg in Cask (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/22988/), an interesting beer but I didn't continue the 2855 list.

26-05-2024, 19:17
Wimbledon - SW19 (4%) for £3.30 a half at The Prince of Wales (https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/24689/).