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View Full Version : Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - One of each colour in cask ale week

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06-04-2010, 20:33
Visit the Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog site (http://boakandbailey.com/2010/04/06/one-of-each-colour-in-cask-ale-week/)

The real benefit of Cask Ale Week (http://www.caskaleweek.co.uk/) as we see it is not particularly that it encourages punters to drink more cask ale but that it convinces those selling it to up their game a notch.

In a Fuller’s pub (the Mad Hatter Hotel (http://www.fullershotels.com/rte.asp?id=15), near Blackfriars and Waterloo) last week, we were spoilt for choice,* with our beloved London Porter (the Cask Ale Week special), a brilliant IPA (Bengal Lancer),* London Pride, ESB and Chiswick all on offer.

Now, Fuller’s, let’s have that variety all year round: interesting beers are for life, not just for Cask Ale Week.

More... (http://boakandbailey.com/2010/04/06/one-of-each-colour-in-cask-ale-week/)