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28-11-2014, 07:18
Visit the Shut up about Barclay Perkins site (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2014/11/seattle-day-four.html)

It’s my last bit of a day in the US. I don’t feel too bad despite the late-night whisky session. Just as well, as I need to be up reasonably early for breakfast.

This isn’t one I want to miss. Steve and Marissa have promised me home-made bacon and sausage, black pudding, crumpets and English tea. Sounds like heaven to me. They’re making me feel right at home. It's one of the best meals of my trip.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tzoHfRSrgwo/VHbqiFAjkwI/AAAAAAAAVzU/PrdyBZHMCHY/s1600/Seattle_street_2.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tzoHfRSrgwo/VHbqiFAjkwI/AAAAAAAAVzU/PrdyBZHMCHY/s1600/Seattle_street_2.jpg)

Dolores would love a garden as large as their 1.25 acres. That’s big enough to count as a farm here in Holland. Being that far away from neighbours does make it eerily quiet.

Breakfast done it’s time to go to the airport. Don’t want to cut things too fine. It’s another beautifully sunny day as Steve drives me along the motorway.

Once I’ve checked in my bag, toiled through security and snapped up some duty free, I park my arse at the closest bar to my gate. As usual, everyone around is in a chatty mood. I get a double Jack Daniels with a side of Deschutes Porter.

There’s the Norwegian bloke going back for his father’s funeral. He doesn’t look that upset: “He was 93. His passing wasn’t exactly unexpected.” And a young American woman, who, it turns out, is on the Amsterdam flight, too. She gets a text message from Delta: the flight will be leaving 17 minutes earlier than scheduled. Never had that happen to me before. Just as well I was sitting next to her.

I’ve had some interesting conversations in airport bars recently. And received some good advice about long flights: take your own food, get to sleep as quickly as possible, have a few drinks before getting on the plane. OK, I didn’t need to be told that last one.

I pick up some sushi for the flight. At least I’ll have something resembling food to nourish me.

The flight is as exciting as any overnight international flight. Boozed and sushied, I doze reasonably well.

Thankfully my bag appears quickly. I’m soon in a taxi heading for home. After a quick shower and change of clothes, I get the bus to work. What a fun day this will be.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-p-K4Nuzu9RU/UvJKCsXUszI/AAAAAAAAS98/6cnV5PBFerc/s1600/Vintage_Beer_cover_new.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/Home-Brewers-Guide-Vintage-Beer/dp/1592538827)
I can't miss this last chance: buy my book!

The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer (http://www.amazon.com/Home-Brewers-Guide-Vintage-Beer/dp/1592538827).

Dungeness Bay Seafood House
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA),
17801 International Blvd,
Seattle, WA 98158.
Phone: +1 206-787-5388

More... (http://barclayperkins.blogspot.com/2014/11/seattle-day-four.html)