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View Full Version : What Pub branch going mad

08-10-2014, 22:46
Just been updating WP with some duplicates and perm closed pubs that they were behind on. Just took the filters off and my local branch seem to be adding anything that may sell a bottle in a restaurant/street vendor/Woolworths or Lasky's role to boost income. Loads of places added that may sell only a local bottled beer. Is this really what What Pub should be doing?

Some I've been in already as serve pints of lager but wouldn't add here based on that. Will Whatpub soon add Sainsbury's and Tesco as it serves bottled beer? Any others experiencing this in their area?

Seems mental to me.

09-10-2014, 06:49
I have just done a crawl of both Hartlepool and Darlington taking pubs needing reviews from here, and so have done quite a bit of updating on both sites.

The Darlington CAMRA had replies within hours of getting them from me and Whatpub, and did comment that they have to add pubs not selling real ale, as I had made comments on some that were on their site. I still feel impressed with Whatpub site and will continue to use both. Photos sent to both sites have been acknowledged so well done all.