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06-10-2014, 13:21
Visit the Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog site (http://boakandbailey.com/2014/10/news-nuggets-longreads-06102014/)

Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog - Writing about beer and pubs since 2007 (http://boakandbailey.com)
Better late than never, here’s the round-up of links we would have posted on Saturday last if we had been able to summon any enthusiasm for using the WordPress app on an iPad over holiday apartment Wi-Fi.→ Jeff ‘Beervana’ Alworth is now a regular guest blogger at All About Beer*and his most recent piece gets to the bottom of how Pabst went about recreating Ballantine IPA (http://allaboutbeer.com/ballantine-ipa/) without original recipes or spec to work from.
→ When we Tweeted innocently that we didn’t know actually really understand what*Zwanze Day (http://cantillon.be/br/3_21)*is (there’s too much going on in beer to keep on top of, frankly)*we were a little surprised to discover how*much the event irritated some people. In this post, Chris Hall addresses that tension, and also sets out a case for limited edition beer releases being (a) fun and (b) good value. (http://thebeerdiary.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/the-emperors-new-zwanze/)*Interesting comments, too.
→ We were involved in judging the blog category for the North American Guild of Beer Writers awards. The winners were Oliver J. Gray for Literature and Libation (http://literatureandlibation.com/), Bryan D. Roth for This Is Why I’m Drunk (http://thisiswhyimdrunk.wordpress.com/) and Jessica Miller for Hey Brewtiful (http://www.heybrewtiful.com/), all of whom have back catalogues worth exploring.
→ This will be a semi-familiar view to anyone who has ever visited the William IV in Leyton to drink Brodie’s beer: the Baker’s Arms pub (DOUBLE DIAMOND) in this shot is now a branch of the bookmaker Paddy Power. (Via @teninchwheels (https://twitter.com/teninchwheels).)

Leyton Bakers Arms Junction early 1960s. pic.twitter.com/c9hYHRukXj (http://t.co/c9hYHRukXj)
— S.A.M (@SmokeOs) October 5, 2014 (https://twitter.com/SmokeOs/status/518830206082351104)

→ There have apparently been several attempts to produce a*Great British Brew Off*TV show but, so far, none has made it to air. In the Netherlands, however, competitive celebrity brewing show (and Grolsch advertorial)*Brouwersch has just hit the air.*Here’s a trailer (http://youtu.be/ng5I5-CHalI). (Via @andrewdrinks (https://twitter.com/andrew_drinks/status/518511761432276992).)
→ It’s not beer-related but there’s plenty of food for thought for bloggers in this piece reflecting on lessons learned from fifteen years of blogging by veteran Anil Dash (http://dashes.com/anil/2014/09/15-lessons-from-15-years-of-blogging.html):
The most meaningful feedback happens on a very slow timeframe. It’s easy to get distracted in the immediacy of people tweeting replies in realtime, but the reason I write is for those rare times, years later, when I get an email from someone I might only barely know, saying that something I wrote meant something to them.
→ And that’s it for this week. If your insatiable appetite for beer-related reading hasn’t been sated, Stan Hieronymus posts his selections every Monday (http://appellationbeer.com/blog/can-you-explain-multivariete-beer-to-me/).
News, Nuggets & Longreads 06/10/2014 (http://boakandbailey.com/2014/10/news-nuggets-longreads-06102014/)

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