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21-08-2014, 09:11
Visit the Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog site (http://boakandbailey.com/2014/08/lager-bait-switch/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lager-bait-switch)

Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog - Writing about beer and pubs since 2007 (http://boakandbailey.com)
By Bailey (edited by Boak)
How easy is it to tell one standard lager from another? And how much are we influenced by packaging and*‘brand values’?After a rocky start, we’ve very much embraced St Austell Korev as our go-to lager. It is straightforward but tasty, and very good value in cans, which is why we didn’t hesitate to recommend it in this listicle for the Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/extras/indybest/food-drink/10-best-beers-to-drink-this-summer-9600919.html).
But, enjoying a half in a harbour-side pub, where it cost £4.20 a pint, Boak wondered aloud, “If they just gave me Heineken in this nice glass, would I notice the difference?”
Which gave us an idea. We agreed that, from then on, we would find opportunities to test each other by secretly replacing Korev with big-brand lagers.
Then, last*week, fresh relevance was provided by a study which suggested most people served blind couldn’t tell*one mainstream lager brand from another (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/11030816/Does-all-lager-really-taste-the-same.html).
Last night, I*finally seized the opportunity, dangling a can of Korev, but actually filling the poshest glass I could find with Carlsberg Export (can, 5%,*‘Produce of the E.U.’) and serving it up with due ceremony.
Cards on the table: she*did not immediately notice the difference. The beer*was cold and looked fantastic. It was only as it began to warm up that she started to suspect something was up:*“Did you say this was Korev? It tastes weird. It’s*much more… bland than usual.”
I really wanted Carlsberg Export to pass the test because it’s dead cheap and easy to find, but the fact is, it simply isn’t a satisfying beer. It’s clean, yes, but it’s also sweet to the point of sickliness. With more hops, or even more hop extract, it might do the job, but, like this, it’s barely even thirst-quenching.
So, round one to Boak, and to Korev.
Now, this wasn’t even remotely scientific and I was probably giving off all kinds of cues (though I avoided sniggering mischievously…) not to mention the fact that she knew this was going to happen at some point.*But it was enough to convince us.
I wonder when my turn will come?
Lager: Bait and Switch (http://boakandbailey.com/2014/08/lager-bait-switch/)

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