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View Full Version : Pencil & Spoon - Announcing: The Next Beer Swap and Twissup!

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19-03-2010, 08:23
Visit the Pencil & Spoon site (http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/2010/03/announcing-next-beer-swap-and-twissup.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FLUWDWr_WT8/S6KqdlxuWNI/AAAAAAAAA_w/6w5gbdganI4/s320/beer_swapLOGO.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FLUWDWr_WT8/S6KqdlxuWNI/AAAAAAAAA_w/6w5gbdganI4/s1600-h/beer_swapLOGO.png)
Beer Swap (http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/2009/10/beer-swap-buy-send-receive-drink-write.html) and Twissup (http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/2010/01/sheffield-twissup-was-awesome.html) are back!

First, Beer Swap. The ‘let’s send each other beers we can’t get near us and then use social media to talk about them’ game. The same rules apply as last year and if you blog or use twitter to talk about beer then you can enter (it is probably still GB only until we find cheap ways to ship outside of our little island). Here’s the deal:

• You need to find four local beers (use your discretion on ‘local’ but try and make them small breweries, also, choose good beers).
• No more than two beers from one brewery. Feel free to send homebrew, but only two bottles and then send local beers too. Or you can send homebrew as an extra.
• You will send them to another Beer Swapper and you will be sent four beers from someone else (it won’t be the person you send to).
• You then drink them and tweet and blog about them – send messages to @beerswap (http://twitter.com/beerswap) and use the #beerswap (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23Beerswap#search?q=%23Beerswap) hashtag.
• The dates: The end date will be the 14th May. You have until the 28th March to join in and then Andy and I will sort out the sending. You will need to post out your beers by April 16th.
• To enter, go here and submit your details on the form (http://www.beerreviews.co.uk/beer/beer-swap-part-deux-and-twissup-too) (we need you to use the form to collect up all the names and details – your information will be kept secure, of course). We will sort them out and get them ready for the next stage.

Last time we had issues with postage and Collect+ didn’t really do it for us (the dreaded #collectplusfail). This time we need to do something different, so if anyone has any ideas then please let us know. We will advise on the best service when we announce the next steps after the 28th.

Who wants to swap some beer?!

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FLUWDWr_WT8/S6KvzzKS0uI/AAAAAAAABAA/JiPRG9FLL7s/s200/twissup.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FLUWDWr_WT8/S6KvzzKS0uI/AAAAAAAABAA/JiPRG9FLL7s/s1600-h/twissup.jpg)And Twissup... Sheffield (http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/2010/01/sheffield-twissup-was-awesome.html) will be hard to beat but we’ll give it a damn good go! So, get the 15th May in the diary as we’re going to Burton-upon-Trent! (assuming the National Brewery Centre (http://www.nationalbrewerycentre.co.uk/) is all open and up and running). All the details will come soon but it will hopefully involve a brewery, a museum, maybe a maltings and definitely lots of pubs and beer! It’ll be a great follow-up to Sheffield! There's also a facebook group for #Twissup (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=274046502201&ref=ts).

Now, there’s just two questions:

1) Beer Swap: Are you in? (If yes, remember to fill in this form (http://www.beerreviews.co.uk/beer/beer-swap-part-deux-and-twissup-too)!)

2) Burton Twissup: Are you in?


More... (http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/2010/03/announcing-next-beer-swap-and-twissup.html)