View Full Version : pintless pub

08-06-2012, 07:04
"So there you go, no pints. Not to be different, not to be quirky, not to be cool.Just to be good."



ultimately if the drink tastes good size doesn't matter :bemerry:

09-06-2012, 09:41
"So there you go, no pints. Not to be different, not to be quirky, not to be cool.Just to be good."



ultimately if the drink tastes good size doesn't matter :bemerry:

I personally don't mind what size glass I drink out of, but with this bar, the reason why they are not selling pint measures is a little suspect. There must be somthing seriously wrong with their product if it is "flat" by the time you get towards the end of your pint. As for it "warming up", this is Edinburgh:p , not a sunny beer garden in Spain! Their beer seems like it needs to be served cold to disguise it's lack of quality.
As for the price, what is "significantly less than £3 (for two thirds of a pint)" £2.70 a glass will make it £4.05 per pint!

Thankfully, their website has pre-warned the public, so they can choose to drink elsewhere.

09-06-2012, 21:57
I tend to agree with Alan. And nobody sitting round the table could remember when they last bought a pint?? A bit of more extensive market research would probably reveal that typically beer drinkers often buy the stuff in pints, and that maybe that's what drinkers want? Why not give customers the choice as to what volumes they can have - thirds, halfs, two-thirds or pints if you want to go the whole hog? Smacks of pretentiousness to me.

09-06-2012, 22:28
Can’t remember the last time they bought a pint… They sound like typical Scotsmen! :whistle:

I think that it is a gimmick and I think that their reasoning is a bit flaky.

21-09-2012, 07:11
"No pump clips. No logos. No differentiation. To discover what’s on, beer menus will be on the tables, and a blackboard will show rotating guest beers"

21-09-2012, 19:30
This lot sound to me like similar pretentious muppets as we see at BrewDog.
What is it with Scotland? They have some superb traditional breweries (Isle of Skye, Orkney and Harviestoun spring to mind), so why this nonsense?