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  1. All Sorts of Moaning
  2. Adverts versus Reviews
  3. Food Rant
  4. One to go
  5. Ancient food rant
  6. Different Pub
  7. One time rant, one time biased review/defence from 5 years ago
  8. Suspicious negative review
  9. Food Nonsense
  10. More food nonsense
  11. Outside review guidelines.
  12. Food whinge
  13. Re Food Winge
  14. Pointless post
  15. Old irrelevant question
  16. Aged one-drop food rant
  17. Two to go
  18. Another old food rant
  19. Allegations of drug use from a one poster
  20. Urgent - bad one just arrived
  21. No idea what this is in response to
  22. Barely literate
  23. 2 words!
  24. Allegations of drug use & under age drinking from a new 1 poster
  25. Aged food rants
  26. Food grumble
  27. General rantings about the manager
  28. Epic food rant
  29. Unflattering one liner
  30. Aged food gripe
  31. God beer
  32. Complaint about door staff.
  33. Food rantings
  34. One to go for lots of reasons
  35. Peter Cowham
  36. Not a review
  37. Long winded whinge
  38. Bit pointless
  39. Not a review
  40. RE The Paddle Steamer
  41. the tap
  42. Still there.
  43. Uh-oh!
  44. One poster with sexual allegations
  45. Aged poorly-written food rant
  46. Another aged food rant
  47. Does the Bull take Tesco vouchers?
  48. Ventham & Burke
  49. Allegations
  50. Nonsensical Rant
  51. WTF??
  52. Not convinced these two are helpful
  53. Funny or not
  54. food poisioning allegation
  55. Allegations of drunk landlord
  56. Re: Allegations of Drunk Landlord
  57. Re: Re: Allegations of Drunk Landlord
  58. Aged food rant
  59. Mulled cider
  60. Whinge from a disgruntled ex employee
  61. Question, not a review
  62. The Westminster, St Anns, Nottingham
  63. One off poster food rant
  64. "x Food and one pointless
  65. I've been Robbed!
  66. Epic food rant
  67. Ancient food rant
  68. Not a review.
  69. Yet Another One-Off Food Rant
  70. Some kind of private spat?
  71. Ethelred the Unsteady's 'reviews'.
  72. Not a review..
  73. Ethelred the Unsteady's 'reviews'
  74. Semi literate parking rant
  75. Ancient food rant - Loughborough
  76. Old food whinge
  77. Brevity is admirable, but...
  78. Another ancient food rant
  79. Another ancient food rant (2)
  80. Another ancient food rant (3)
  81. Well meaning but not a review
  82. yet another ancient food rant : caterham
  83. ancient food rants R us
  84. No information about the bar.
  85. Plough Hildenborough Pointless review
  86. Not a review.
  87. https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/49753/
  88. Mention of BITE
  89. Re mention of BITE
  90. Jolly Frog, Leintwardine
  91. Overly negative review
  92. Blank entry
  93. Another blank one
  94. Not a Review
  95. He's still at it, a blank one
  96. Another full stop
  97. Another one!
  98. Another Ancient Food Rant
  99. And Another Ancient Food Rant
  100. One More Ancient Food Rant
  101. .
  102. food
  103. See you next Tuesday
  104. Full stop returns
  105. One-Off Food Rant
  106. One-Off Soft Drink Rant
  107. 2-for-1 Rants
  108. More full stops.
  109. Service Rant
  110. One-off 10-out-of-10
  111. Aggrieved review
  112. One-off Service Rant
  113. One-Off Food Rant
  114. Food Winge in Dudley
  115. M&B PRO at work?
  116. One-off Service Rant
  117. Didn't even go in the pub...
  118. Didn't even go in the pub...but this time with a link to the pub page
  119. One off food reviews galore
  120. Didn't even go in the pub...
  121. A page of advertising!
  122. spam
  123. Re: spam.
  124. https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/61358/
  125. 2 x Service Rants
  126. One-off "no vests" rant
  127. Blank Reviews
  128. DJ Gig Thanks
  129. Criticism of a Previous Review
  130. One-Off Food Rant
  131. Food / Service Rants x 2
  132. Food Rant Stockport
  133. One-off (lack of) food rant
  134. Not a Review
  135. One-off food rant
  136. https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubs/53965/
  137. Meaningless loony rant:
  138. Not A Review
  139. One off rant about squabble over Scottish fivers
  140. Film References.
  141. One off food rant from 2006
  142. Ancient birthday party related rant
  143. Toby Carvery Rant
  144. Report A picture
  145. One-off Rant (2014)
  146. Tuborg Rant
  147. One-off food rant.
  148. "Icleand Fryups" Rant
  149. Staff Attitude rant
  150. Another food rant
  151. Not a review.
  152. Single Poster Derogatory Comments
  153. Prehistoric food rant.
  154. Pervy Comment
  155. Not a review
  156. .
  157. Insufficient detail to justify the comment
  158. Review not really relevant, E8.
  159. Ancient food rant
  160. Old drivel
  161. Inappropriate Review
  162. Ancient Food Rant
  163. ???
  164. Angry Neighbour Rant
  165. Opening Hours whinge
  166. Boat Coventry
  167. Self-promotion, SE1.
  168. Irrelevant Review
  169. Useless Food Moan from 2011
  170. Time -spent food rant from 2011
  171. Another 2011 food rant
  172. Royal Oak, Wotton
  173. Ancient Food Rant
  174. Ridiculous 2010 self-promotion
  175. Not sure this account of a squabble is a review.
  176. Pointless
  177. M&B Staffer
  178. Ancient tosh
  179. 10 year old rant
  180. One-Off Service Rant
  181. Two Service Rants for the Price of One
  182. Not Like It Used To Be Rant
  183. Service Rant (Bump)
  184. Serious rant!
  185. Old food rant
  186. One-Word Review
  187. Three more AI generated reviews from Gus W
  188. Named Individual