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  1. Tim Hampson's Beer Blog - Some beers are so good on first sip that “wow” is the only
  2. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale - no joke
  3. The Pub Curmudgeon - Spiked
  4. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Dutch "War beer"
  5. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A pure beer brewery in Sheffield
  6. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (6)
  7. The Pub Curmudgeon - Hoist with his own petard
  8. The Pub Curmudgeon - The tipping point
  9. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Fuller's Pale Ales 1887 - 1910
  10. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - That's enough about me . . .
  11. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Right beer, right time
  12. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (5)
  13. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Saturday Night's Alright??
  14. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cologne (1)
  15. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - WW I and the Netherlands
  16. Beer Review - A evening in an Ember Inn
  17. The Zythophile - The origins of porter (and a bit about three-threads)
  18. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale - no joke (2)
  19. Pencil & Spoon - Open It! Reminder
  20. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A pure beer brewery in Sheffield (1a)
  21. Beer Review - Open It! Reminder
  22. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - 'The Brewery Tap' - the next generation?
  23. a swift one - What about the 'Spoons fest
  24. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Then
  25. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cologne (2)
  26. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (7)
  27. a swift one - The Hop Beer Festival, Leeds
  28. a swift one - The Leggers Inn Beer Festival
  29. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Quick review: Traquair House Ale
  30. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Christmas competition
  31. The Pub Curmudgeon - The Manchester Minimum
  32. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Masters of Malt - Drinks by the Dram
  33. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Write Stuff
  34. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1928 Barclay Perkins OMS
  35. a swift one - When is a new beer not a new beer ?
  36. Oh Good Ale - Never mind the weather
  37. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - So last night I came across Stella Black...
  38. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Indian-brewed Porter and Ale
  39. Cooking Lager - CAMCL Christmas Appeal
  40. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Yummy Night Ahead in Winchester
  41. Pencil & Spoon - A beer decanter, one for Santa?
  42. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Quick review: Schneider Tap 4 (“Mein Grünes”)
  43. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Fearsome Pub Landladies
  44. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A pure beer brewery in Sheffield (2)
  45. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Free Bread and Government Ale
  46. a swift one - The Cricketers Arms, Cluntergate, Horbury
  47. Beer Review - Meet The Brewer: Tim Dunford (Green Jack
  48. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (9)
  49. Oh Good Ale - Time travel in four easy lessons
  50. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Brewing in 19th-century India
  51. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Christmas colouring competition
  52. Are You Tasting the Pith? - '500 Beers' Does It's Business
  53. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Barnstaple Pale Ale
  54. Pencil & Spoon - Pencil, Spoon and a Shiny New Tankard
  55. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Simon Jenkins crowned Beer Writer of the Year
  56. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (10)
  57. The Pub Curmudgeon - Let a thousand flowers bloom
  58. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Another Good Night at the Anchor
  59. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Families prefer Pale Ale
  60. a swift one - The 9th Winter Star Festival approaches
  61. Called to the Bar - Beerwriters’ din-dins and awards
  62. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Pub closures: is the worst over?
  63. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The difference between Pale Ale and X Ales
  64. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A pure beer brewery in Sheffield (3)
  65. The Pub Curmudgeon - No change
  66. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A Bass brewer speaks
  67. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The scramble for tied houses
  68. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Market Porter in Borough, noon today
  69. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Priest in a pub
  70. The Pub Curmudgeon - Minimum pricing on the way?
  71. The Pub Curmudgeon - Spuds glorious spuds
  72. Oh Good Ale - Down with Craft Beer!
  73. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A dream
  74. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - West Kent CAMRA 2010 AGM
  75. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Beer Vs. Fashion In the Land of the Tall Dwarves*
  76. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Craft Beer Defined
  77. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - How much did an Edwardian pub turn over?
  78. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Christmas colouring competition (3)
  79. Cooking Lager - Blog of the year
  80. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - I wish I'd said that
  81. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The scale of Bass in the 1880's
  82. Called to the Bar - Immer Leipzig
  83. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Great landlord skills
  84. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - The Burgeoning March of Craft Keg
  85. Are You Tasting the Pith? - COMPETITION TIME: The Winner Revealed.
  86. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Who drank Pale Ale?
  87. a swift one - Good news for Denzil
  88. a swift one - How daft do they think we are
  89. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Ordering by Numbers
  90. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - November V-Blog: The Astonishing Rise of London's Brewers, a
  91. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Government Ale joke (8)
  92. a swift one - The Cross Keys, Knaresborough
  93. Cooking Lager - Minimum pricing
  94. The Pub Curmudgeon - Cat to be castrated after all
  95. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Taking it higher
  96. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Greene King Very Special India Pale Ale
  97. Pencil & Spoon - Some Tasty Old Things at Fuller’s
  98. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mr. Bass talks about hops
  99. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1928 Barclay Perkins IBS
  100. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Sherry casks
  101. Student Brewer - CAMRA support the Supermarkets
  102. Cooking Lager - Shoot the cat
  103. Beer Review - Adnams American Style IPA (6.8%)
  104. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - December 2010
  105. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - You bastards
  106. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Fullers XX(K)
  107. a swift one - What Did We Find At The Star?
  108. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Miss You Kelly Ryan - Your Skype is Going to Be Busy!
  109. Pencil & Spoon - Open It! This Weekend
  110. Beer Review - Open It! This weekend
  111. Student Brewer - Brewery for Sale
  112. Cooking Lager - Thhhppppptttt
  113. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Who's the Christmas number one?
  114. The Pub Curmudgeon - Committee rejects cut - for now
  115. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Lazy Sunday afternoon
  116. Called to the Bar - Pork chopolate anyone?
  117. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Belhaven Blues
  118. The Good Stuff - Black Sheep's Porter; Copper Dragon's Three Kings and Stouty Ham Bes
  119. The Good Stuff - SummerWine P6 #6 & Crown's Brooklyn Heights
  120. The Good Stuff - The Hop & Ilkley Beer Festivals - A Reminder
  121. Beer Review - Meet The Brewer: James Farran (Summer Wine Brewery)
  122. Tandleman's Beer Blog - A Few Good Beers
  123. The Good Stuff - Open It! JW Lees Harvest Ale 2007
  124. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Greene King Abbot Reserve
  125. Pencil & Spoon - Marble Decadence Kriek: Open It!
  126. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - How to bottle Bass
  127. a swift one - Tickers are a hardy breed !!
  128. Beer Review - Brewdog Abstrakt AB:04 – Open it
  129. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A picture for Alan
  130. Student Brewer - Get Connected (Orange phone shop)
  131. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Open It! - Lexington Brewing Co. Kentucky Bourbon Barrel
  132. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Open It! - Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
  133. Pencil & Spoon - Nectar Ales Black Xantus: Open It!
  134. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Memel oak vs. American oak
  135. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - A Few More Quick Reviews
  136. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Colouring competition update
  137. Beer Review - Open It: Day 2
  138. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Open It! - Day Two - Löwenbräu Triumphator
  139. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Colour isn't everything
  140. a swift one - The Cricketers Arms, Horbury
  141. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Another Top Tip
  142. The Good Stuff - A Chat With Revolutions Brewing Co.
  143. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The next man
  144. The Zythophile - So what beers does a seven-star hotel serve?
  145. Called to the Bar - 52 years ago this month
  146. Pencil & Spoon - Hair of the Dog Adam and Moor JJJ IPA: Open It!
  147. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Start of the Revolution?
  148. Tandleman's Beer Blog - When Tennent's Brewed Stouts
  149. Pencil & Spoon - Cooking with Beer: Barley Wine Cupcakes
  150. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Fermentation at Bass in the 1880's
  151. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Rare Beast
  152. Tandleman's Beer Blog - When Every Town had a Brewery
  153. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Can you help?
  154. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - BrewDog AGM part one.
  155. Oh Good Ale - Careful now
  156. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - Barclay Perkins 1923 XLK
  157. Pencil & Spoon - Cooking with Beer: Imperial Chilli
  158. a swift one - Real Ale Accessibility
  159. Beer Review - Queen Victoria, Gosforth Firsty B’day Beer Bash
  160. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Me On The Radio Again
  161. Tandleman's Beer Blog - She Knows What She Likes
  162. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - BrewDog AGM part two
  163. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - BrewDog AGM part three
  164. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Brewing IPA in England in the 1840's
  165. a swift one - New Inn - Roberttown
  166. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Joys of Smooth
  167. Are You Tasting the Pith? - The Taste of Beer
  168. Beer Review - Meet The Brewer: Alan Dunn (Black Sheep Brewery)
  169. The Good Stuff - Asahi Black
  170. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Indian beer market in the 1830's and 1840's
  171. a swift one - The 'Swift One' Awards - 2010
  172. Cooking Lager - Bargains
  173. The Pub Curmudgeon - Public inconvenience
  174. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Pale colour again
  175. Pencil & Spoon - Some Unusual Brews
  176. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - West Kent CAMRA Christmas Meal 2010
  177. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Snow and stout in York
  178. Called to the Bar - The 12 pubs of Christmas
  179. Oh Good Ale - Down with this sort of thing
  180. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - 18th-century Pale Ale
  181. The Good Stuff - Rooster's GCB (Bottled)
  182. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Christmas Ale to be Hit by Tax Hike
  183. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - The ever-fragmenting beer-world
  184. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Bass in court again
  185. Called to the Bar - A weave round Wiveliscombe beertown
  186. a swift one - Christmas Creche
  187. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - A Nod in the Wrong Direction
  188. Beer Review - Beer and Chilli Battered Fish n Chips
  189. The Good Stuff - The Week in Beer: Heretics and Dogmen, Yarrow and Vinyl
  190. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Peculiar Pubs in Mayfair
  191. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Approachability
  192. Oh Good Ale - Make room for me
  193. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Grists and mashing temperatures in 1905
  194. Pencil & Spoon - The Golden Pints Beer Awards 2010
  195. a swift one - Christmas cheer
  196. Beer Review - The Golden Pints: Beer Awards 2010
  197. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Papazian Cup/Protz Shield - last chance to enter
  198. The Zythophile - Interpreting Victorian beer ads
  199. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Protz shield/Papazian Cup examples
  200. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The CAMRA "Do"
  201. Called to the Bar - The fifth element
  202. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Which is authentic IPA?
  203. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - IPA was not a strong beer
  204. Cooking Lager - Let them die.
  205. The Pub Curmudgeon - Oak-aged keg
  206. Student Brewer - All change here please
  207. Pencil & Spoon - Beer with roast turkey and all the trimmings
  208. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The death of Keeping Porter
  209. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Gasmen Cometh
  210. Beer Review - Meet The Brewer: Jon Kyme (Stringers Beer)
  211. Called to the Bar - I get Burton-on-Trent
  212. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - My Christmas Dinner
  213. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Allsopp in the 1880's
  214. Pencil & Spoon - Exclusive: Announcing Thornbridge’s New Brewer
  215. a swift one - Ossett Landmark Beer
  216. Cooking Lager - Pickled eggs
  217. a swift one - Christmas Fun from Abbeydale
  218. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Milling, mashing and boiling at Bass
  219. a swift one - Xmas is the time for silly names !!
  220. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Dear Santa - I want a brewery like Steve Wellington
  221. The Pub Curmudgeon - Half of all advertising is wasted
  222. The Good Stuff - Leeds Gyle 479
  223. Are You Tasting the Pith? - The New William Worthington Brewery
  224. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Beers for Christmas Day
  225. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Allsopp and St. Petersburg
  226. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Small mercies
  227. a swift one - Beer of the day, 18th December
  228. The Pub Curmudgeon - An ebbing tide floats no boats
  229. Pencil & Spoon - The Flavours of Beer (on Toast)
  230. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Young's Special London Ale
  231. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Allsopp and St. Petersburg (part two)
  232. Called to the Bar - Another brown beer
  233. Tandleman's Beer Blog - A Good Thing Too
  234. Cooking Lager - Cheeky Vimto
  235. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Beer Bread
  236. Tandleman's Beer Blog - It's Bloody Lovely!
  237. The Pub Curmudgeon - Guest beer syndrome
  238. Oh Good Ale - Getting warmer
  239. Pencil & Spoon - The Golden Pints 2010: My Winners
  240. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Papazian Cup/ Protz Shield entries
  241. Beer Review - Innis and Gunn soon to be available on draught
  242. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Cains in Trouble Again?
  243. The Good Stuff - Moor JJJ IPA
  244. a swift one - Mallinsons now a regular at the Rat
  245. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - New Poll
  246. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1933 Barclay Perkins KKKK
  247. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Blogging Annoyances
  248. Cooking Lager - Christmas crap
  249. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - December Vlog - Christmas beers with the two Peters!
  250. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Into The Dark