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  1. Tandleman's Beer Blog - More Power Please
  2. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - A Night in a 1930s Pub
  3. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - There is a Tavern in the Town
  4. a swift one - Mary Jane creator appointed Wharfedale Brewery's technical director
  5. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1945 Tetley's Bitter
  6. Called to the Bar - A heady stroll on a blustery clifftop
  7. The Pub Curmudgeon - Do the hokey-cokey
  8. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - March US book tour schedule
  9. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Lion Brewery Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  10. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Meaning of Clear Beer
  11. a swift one - Two of Huddersfield's finest: The Sair at Linthwaite and The Star at Fo
  12. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Meantime Union Re-launch
  13. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mann Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  14. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Not a Review of Thornbridge Chiron
  15. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Grand Rapids here I come
  16. The Pub Curmudgeon - Another country
  17. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads, 8/2/2014
  18. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Meux Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  19. The Pub Curmudgeon - Driving blind
  20. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - March US book tour update
  21. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Unbearable Nonsense
  22. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 745 – Beer Mat Politics
  23. a swift one - Forthcoming beer festivals (Feb & March)
  24. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Truman Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  25. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Film Review: Cheer Boys Cheer (1939)
  26. The Pub Curmudgeon - Keep the flag flying
  27. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Still Fit For Purpose?
  28. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Wenlock Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  29. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Where's That Brewery Again?
  30. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Changing Tastes, 1968
  31. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Whitbread Mild Ale quality 1922
  32. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - These Craft Ales We’ve Heard About
  33. Called to the Bar - My girlfriend bought the voucher for me
  34. Tandleman's Beer Blog - CAMRA and the Future
  35. The Good Stuff - Hawkshead Revamped
  36. a swift one - A weekend wonder in Wadsley Bridge
  37. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's brew Wednesday - 1823 Devenish Porter
  38. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Hazy Beer in the 1920s
  39. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 746 – Massed Drunks and an Unnecessary Death
  40. The Pub Curmudgeon - Swan crowned
  41. The Zythophile - Why Shakespeare liked ale but didn’t like beer
  42. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - League table of London Milds in the 1920's
  43. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Kölsch as a Test of Mettle
  44. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: Kölsch Beer Mats
  45. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Video: All About Kölsch
  46. a swift one - 'spoons gets crafty
  47. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Barclay Perkins Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  48. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Extra March US book tour date
  49. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Homebrewer’s Guide to Vintage Beer
  50. a swift one - Another new Huddersfield Brewery
  51. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Proper Job
  52. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cannon Brewery Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  53. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 15/02/2014
  54. The Pub Curmudgeon - Inside the big beer tent
  55. The Pub Curmudgeon - Long-tailed and legless
  56. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Me talking
  57. a swift one - Sheffield Eagles game & beer update
  58. The Pub Curmudgeon - Is it just me?
  59. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - A brewer's domestic woes
  60. a swift one - Take a trip to Doncaster Brewery Tap
  61. Called to the Bar - No thanks becomes yes thanks
  62. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery's independence under threat
  63. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Problem With Local Giants
  64. a swift one - Trouble brewing?
  65. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Spanish Customs?
  66. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Brewer's petition for divorce
  67. Oh Good Ale - Here for rapid persuasion
  68. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Video: CNN at Fuller’s
  69. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Refreshing Beer in Liège, 1873
  70. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: Coaching Inns
  71. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Not Beer: Nairn on BBC4
  72. The Good Stuff - Catching up with Northern Monk
  73. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Charrington Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  74. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Hawkshead Stout, IPA and Export
  75. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Kindle version of The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage
  76. Oh Good Ale - ‘And yet, Lady Alice, even pigs have feelings.’
  77. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Beer Innovation Summit 2014
  78. Beer Review - Hawkshead Dry Stone Stout Steak and Stilton Pie with Brodies Prime Expo
  79. a swift one - Dusty Miller in Longwood to re-open next week after £120,000 cash boost
  80. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - They Brought Their Own
  81. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mother and daughter give evidence
  82. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Six ways to spot if anti-drink stories are trying to mislead
  83. a swift one - Harry's Bar & a pint of rhubarb, please!
  84. Called to the Bar - BrewDog: diacetyl machine and all
  85. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - City of London Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  86. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Philadelphia Tuesday 11th March
  87. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - The Beer Drinker's Companion
  88. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Charrington divorce verdict
  89. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Craft Beer Rising
  90. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 22/02/2014
  91. Tandleman's Beer Blog - BrewDog - More Than Meets the Eye
  92. The Zythophile - The discreet charm offensive of the BrewDoggies
  93. The Pub Curmudgeon - Micro vs Macro economics
  94. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Courage Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  95. The Good Stuff - Old Friends: Brown Cows, Goldfish and Arctic Explorers
  96. The Pub Curmudgeon - Biting the hand that feeds you
  97. The Pub Curmudgeon - Interesting times
  98. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - A Night on the Tiles
  99. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - St. Anne's Well Brewery in the 1920's
  100. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 747 – The non existant “Bottled Water” Destination Bar
  101. Are You Tasting the Pith? - One Person's Bric-a-brac Is Another Person's Treasure
  102. a swift one - Sommelier's beer tasting event at The West Riding LRR next Thursday
  103. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Overheard in a Craft Beer Bar
  104. Called to the Bar - Punk’s not dead
  105. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Hoare Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  106. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Some Accidental London Pubs
  107. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Four new beers
  108. a swift one - Boozeflash: Hudds beer anthem to be played on national radio tonight?
  109. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - St. Anne's Well Brewery again
  110. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Good to be Back
  111. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - March US book tour (again)
  112. Called to the Bar - Pale ale
  113. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Grand Rapids here I come (part two)
  114. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Huggins Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  115. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Me talking again
  116. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Keeping it Local
  117. Beer Review - Purity Longhorn IPA launch
  118. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Hoare and City of London Brewery to merge?
  119. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Past Revisited
  120. The Zythophile - Was it ever Gruit Britain? The herb ale tradition
  121. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Brewers Dominate BBC Radio 4 Food and Farming Awards
  122. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - BEER52.com
  123. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Snug Bar Preservation Society
  124. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Video: How the Ivy House Was Saved
  125. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Rammed
  126. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - March 2014
  127. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Lion Brewery Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  128. a swift one - A Trip Into Darkest Calderdale
  129. The Good Stuff - Banana Bread Beer: Charles Wells’ Enduring Oddity
  130. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Way Out West
  131. The Pub Curmudgeon - Passing me by?
  132. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Ernest Charles Charrington's will
  133. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 748 – Its spring and time for more “fruit cider”, lucky
  134. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 02/03/2014
  135. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Saving the Best to First - The Bermondsey Beer Mile
  136. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Someone else
  137. The Pub Curmudgeon - A lot of bottle
  138. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Month That Was: February 2014
  139. Oh Good Ale - The best beer I drank last night
  140. a swift one - A meeting with the Ilkley head brewer at Whitelock's Ale House in Leeds
  141. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mann Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  142. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Cable Steet E1
  143. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Beery Long Reads, March 2014
  144. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Boston and New York City this week
  145. a swift one - Rotherham Real Ale and Music Festival
  146. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Counterfeit Grätzer, c.1881
  147. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Why the price of beer fell by a penny a pint
  148. a swift one - A dry run in the valley of beer
  149. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Keg Was Better on the Day
  150. Called to the Bar - Sugar sugar
  151. The Zythophile - Was water really regarded as dangerous to drink in the Middle Ages?
  152. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Man V #BrewBurger
  153. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - There's Beer in Them Thar Hills!
  154. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Meux Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  155. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Craftsploitation
  156. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - How Barclay Perkins bought Style & Winch
  157. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: Pubs from Aldwych to Islington
  158. a swift one - Some late news about The Rat
  159. Called to the Bar - Brussels Beer Project
  160. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Truman Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  161. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Session #85: Why Do We Drink?
  162. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - The Bree Louise
  163. The Zythophile - More great lost Guinness art: new evidence for the genius of Gilroy
  164. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Friend or Foe?
  165. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Craft at Wetherspoon
  166. Are You Tasting the Pith? - Sixpoint Brewery - From There To Here In Seven Years
  167. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 749 – Great Heck Batman
  168. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 08/03/2014
  169. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Pubs in the 1920's
  170. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - US tour starts today
  171. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - VIDEO: Cheap Beer vs. Wine Expert
  172. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Watney Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1924
  173. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Book Review: The Beer Select-o-Pedia
  174. The Pub Curmudgeon - Looking a gift horse in the mouth?
  175. The Pub Curmudgeon - Thief revived
  176. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Pub licence duty in 1912
  177. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Wenlock Burton Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  178. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Home Brew Social
  179. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Will 'craft' change beer for good?
  180. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Blinded by the Light
  181. The Good Stuff - Smoke
  182. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Cloning Watney’s Red
  183. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Wenlock Brewery profits 1921 - 1929
  184. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 750 – Favourite Haunts
  185. a swift one - A united effort for International Women's collaboration Brew Day in Mar
  186. Oh Good Ale - ¡Bien! ¡Bien! ¡Super super!
  187. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Whitbread Burton Ale quality 1922
  188. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Mini Kegging Our Home Brew
  189. a swift one - Another Super Citra to Try
  190. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Canny Coont*
  191. Pencil & Spoon - The BrewBurger
  192. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Craft Definition by BrewDog
  193. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Which is best? There's only one way to find out... DRINK!
  194. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - League table of London Burton Ales in the 1920's
  195. The Good Stuff - EBBC Dublin: Agenda Set
  196. a swift one - SIBA-SEX at IceSheffield
  197. The Zythophile - Fuller’s Imperial Stout – the most misunderstood beer of the past 12
  198. Beer Review - Sixpoint cans in Wetherspoons
  199. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beer tax reduction
  200. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 15/03/2014
  201. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Barclay Perkins Pale Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  202. Called to the Bar - Why not a brewing day…
  203. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Worth the Bus Ride
  204. The Pub Curmudgeon - Niche to mainstream
  205. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Springtime in Berlin
  206. a swift one - Fancy a brew, punslinger?
  207. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - US tour finished
  208. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Charrrington concentrates on London
  209. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Post Craft World
  210. Called to the Bar - The Italian Job
  211. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Guinness back to what it does best
  212. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Ian Nairn on Ward’s Irish House
  213. a swift one - Star Festival March 2014
  214. Oh Good Ale - Condition, condition, condition
  215. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Benskin Pale Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  216. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Mainstream Craft
  217. Called to the Bar - Beer House Club
  218. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Podcast
  219. The Good Stuff - Food Memories: Frutti Di Mare
  220. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Charrington's Burton brewery
  221. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Computer World, 1983
  222. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Eisalloy
  223. Tandleman's Beer Blog - More Craft Confusion
  224. The Pub Curmudgeon - Exceeding expectations
  225. a swift one - Battle of the bloggers: Round One
  226. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cannon Brewery Pale Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  227. a swift one - Star Festival - the singalong !!
  228. a swift one - And Round Two.....The Elder Statesmans View !!!
  229. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Supermarket ‘Craft Lagers’
  230. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 751 – Stop the collective Budget backslapping
  231. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Some Inconvenient Truths on Packaging
  232. Oh Good Ale - Gratuitous equine dentistry while you wait
  233. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Book tour day one - Boston
  234. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - What Colour is Golden?
  235. The Good Stuff - Celebrating a Stage Winner with Little Valley
  236. a swift one - Encore for Symphony?
  237. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 22/03/2014
  238. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Book tour day two - Boston still
  239. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Hardknott OnTrack
  240. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Trouble Finishing
  241. The Zythophile - How much is a pub worth? The Lib Dems don’t know
  242. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Book tour day three - New York City
  243. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - San Diego here I come
  244. The Pub Curmudgeon - It can’t happen here
  245. The Pub Curmudgeon - Planning to fail
  246. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Book tour day four - Brooklyn
  247. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Is Golden Ale Really White Ale?
  248. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Are Things Looking Up?
  249. The Good Stuff - Heretics, Bad Seeds and Roses: BeerTown, Malton
  250. Oh Good Ale - Wild wild life