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  1. Called to the Bar - 1001 Beers updated version
  2. The Pub Curmudgeon - Generation shift
  3. Tandleman's Beer Blog - A Christmas Tale
  4. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Yellowing Pamphlets
  5. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Golden Pints 2013
  6. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Whitbread K Ales in the 1870's
  7. a swift one - You shall go to the ball!
  8. a swift one - Boozeflash Sheffield Dec 21
  9. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Archive Film Celebrating 100 Years of Miller
  10. The Pub Curmudgeon - Action and reaction
  11. a swift one - Ho ho ho! Sheffield boozeflash part 2
  12. a swift one - Final beery bulletin Sat Dec 21
  13. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - A Slow Start to Christmas
  14. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Beer in Paris
  15. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Virtual Pub Crawl: East Anglia, 1975
  16. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Warwick & Richardson beers 1939 - 1963
  17. Called to the Bar - In pastures green…or Golden Pints 2013
  18. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Goodbye Jim
  19. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - You’ve Got To Be In It to Win It
  20. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mr. Heppenstall takes a partner
  21. Pencil & Spoon - My Golden Pints 2013
  22. The Zythophile - The words nobody wants to hear about the on-trade
  23. Oh Good Ale - As I was a-wandering (1 of 4)
  24. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Curious assault case at Newark
  25. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Why it's OK to drink a lot this Christmas
  26. The Pub Curmudgeon - Priced out
  27. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Odd One Out?
  28. a swift one - The pitfalls of live beer blogging
  29. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1972 Whitbread Gold Label
  30. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - sherry and, er, nothing
  31. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - M & S Extra Strong Tea and cru
  32. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - St. Bernardus Abt and more car
  33. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - El dorado rum and carols
  34. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - Abt and Midsomer Murders from
  35. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - Prior and goat cheese thingies
  36. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Drinkalongathon 2013 - a blur and a blank
  37. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Cromwell Brewery
  38. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday stats
  39. The Pub Curmudgeon - A brief history of electricity
  40. a swift one - Briggs Signature Ales - the latest Huddersfield Brewery
  41. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - A Kentish Christmas
  42. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Thomas William Alexander turns violent
  43. Called to the Bar - On beer writing
  44. Oh Good Ale - As I was a-wandering (2 of 4)
  45. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 740 – The 10 headed PubCo hydra and other myths
  46. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Golden Pints 2013
  47. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Thomas William Alexander goes bankrupt
  48. a swift one - Briggs Signature Ales - The Launch
  49. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Blatant book tarting - The Home Brewer's Guide to Vin
  50. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - No Longer Welcome
  51. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beers from other Newark breweries
  52. The Pub Curmudgeon - A diet of worms
  53. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Refugees From The Flood
  54. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cromwell Brewery tied houses
  55. Beer Review - My Golden Pints 2013
  56. Called to the Bar - Dose
  57. The Pub Curmudgeon - Revolution coming?
  58. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Last few hours
  59. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beyond a joke.
  60. Oh Good Ale - Golden Pints
  61. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Healthy Living - Happy New Year
  62. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Royal Oak, Stodman-street, Newark
  63. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - January 2014
  64. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Finally
  65. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 741 – All aboard the Craft Beer Bandwagon.
  66. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Chocolate Fondant with Tomato Ketchup
  67. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Month That Was: December 2013
  68. The Pub Curmudgeon - Crystal bollocks
  69. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Happy 2014
  70. The Good Stuff - Curveball
  71. Called to the Bar - Drink
  72. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Tetley's Mild
  73. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: Pubs of Bristol
  74. a swift one - Its Reflection Time
  75. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Peter Austin is Dead
  76. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Not A Fan
  77. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - On Running a Brewery
  78. The Good Stuff - Where are the UK Beer Podcasts?
  79. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Arbor Ales: Not for Us
  80. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Important Sale of Licensed Property
  81. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Draught Bass
  82. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Beer Drinking Women Are Not Attractive
  83. a swift one - Interview with a brewer: Nick Briggs
  84. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Ansell's Mild Ale 1935 - 1986
  85. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 04/01/2014
  86. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The BBC on Samuel Smith
  87. The Pub Curmudgeon - Don’t turn your back on your local
  88. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Pretty Young Women Know Nothing About Beer
  89. The Pub Curmudgeon - A wail of intolerance
  90. Tim Hampson's Beer Blog - Peter Austin – the man who brewed a thumping good pint
  91. Oh Good Ale - Clowntime is over
  92. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Principles for Reviewing Beer and Bars
  93. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday updated stats
  94. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Dry January
  95. The Pub Curmudgeon - Yeuk!
  96. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Clouding the Issue
  97. The Pub Curmudgeon - Unhappy returns
  98. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Royal Oak, Stodman-street, Newark (again)
  99. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Film Review: The World’s End
  100. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - 2014 loaded with errors.......
  101. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Think you, or someone you know, is the best drinks producer
  102. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Where you can buy my book
  103. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Discussing Gender Issues Surrounding Beer
  104. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mitchell & Butler Mild Ale 1935 - 1993
  105. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Good Brewers Make a Brewery
  106. Beer Review - Meet The Brewer: Joe (Tavernale)
  107. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gangs & Cliques in British Beer
  108. a swift one - West Riding celebrates 20th birthday
  109. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Seasonal Tipples
  110. Oh Good Ale - The Supermarket Beer Project – 2 of 2
  111. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - De-alcoholised beer
  112. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Let’s Go Long on 1 March 2014
  113. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Two Different Kinds of Shitstorm
  114. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Crime and punishment
  115. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Enjoyability of Beer Vs. Expectation
  116. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Oh Mr Porter
  117. Beer Review - Time for Truefitt Trembler.
  118. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Great British Railway Journeys
  119. The Pub Curmudgeon - Under the influence?
  120. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Watney's Brown Ale 1929 - 1964
  121. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Friday Pub Quiz #1
  122. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Manchester Beer and Cider Festival
  123. The Pub Curmudgeon - Flippin’ heck!
  124. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Montana Red Dog
  125. Oh Good Ale - Clowntime is over (slight return)
  126. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: Belgian Beer Signs
  127. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Elitism in Beer
  128. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - VIDEO: Beer from Coal (1959)
  129. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 11/01/2014
  130. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Samuel Taylor goes bust
  131. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 742 – Interloper at the Landlords Day Out
  132. a swift one - York CAMRA's awards at The Guildhall
  133. Raising the Bar - A look at the year ahead...
  134. The Pub Curmudgeon - Market forces at work
  135. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Watney's Strong Ales 1922 - 1965
  136. The Good Stuff - Cheese & Potato Pie with Gadd’s Dogbolter
  137. The Pub Curmudgeon - Gratuitous advice?
  138. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Lancashire Dark Mild
  139. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Getting The Taste
  140. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - This isn't just any BCA - This is M&S BCA
  141. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The condition of Burton Ale in the 1920's
  142. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Renaissance of the English Public House
  143. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - If you love craft beer, set it free.
  144. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - West Midlands Mild Ales 1938 - 2004
  145. Called to the Bar - Brewers’ gripes
  146. a swift one - Spreading the beer gospel on't radio
  147. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Back to Unclear Beer
  148. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Stumbling Upon a Gem
  149. The Pub Curmudgeon - Outbreak of sobriety
  150. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Mr. Howe takes over the Royal Oak
  151. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Companionable Silence With Westerham
  152. The Pub Curmudgeon - Collision course
  153. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Tasty and Cornish
  154. The Good Stuff - Better Beer Blogging at Hop Hideout
  155. Oh Good Ale - The world is full of women and men
  156. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1945 Tetley's Mild
  157. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - If you aren't spending this weekend in a muddy field shoutin
  158. The Pub Curmudgeon - Kick a man when he’s down
  159. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The Camden Brewery (part one)
  160. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Ordinary Pub is a Premium Product
  161. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Double Stout??
  162. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Trouble With Mild Drinkers, 1938
  163. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Younger’s Special Keg c.1968
  164. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Watney's Mild Ale 1870 - 1929
  165. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Longreads 18/01/2014
  166. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Penzance Booze Outlets, 1898
  167. The Pub Curmudgeon - A lost world of pubs
  168. a swift one - An Old Gray Lady inspired session 1
  169. The Pub Curmudgeon - Roadhouse and Bar Parlour
  170. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - How to Taste Beer
  171. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery and world history
  172. The Pub Curmudgeon - Decline of the all-purpose pub
  173. Beer Review - Cheese burger with pale ale cheese slices and sweet potato fries
  174. The Good Stuff - Haggis Meatballs with Sweet Potato
  175. The Pub Curmudgeon - How much?!
  176. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Last Rites for CAMRA's Good Beer Guide?
  177. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Starkey, Knight & Ford Family Ale, 1938
  178. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - London 4d and 5d Mild Ales in the 1920's
  179. a swift one - A Leeds paper session part two
  180. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - The distribution of James Hole tied houses
  181. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Leather Plates and Pipe Smoke
  182. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Live from the Velodrome
  183. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Tied House Concerts
  184. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Revisiting the Spread of Craft Beer
  185. The Pub Curmudgeon - A house for the public
  186. Oh Good Ale - As I was a-wandering (3-4 of 4)
  187. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery raises capital
  188. The Pub Curmudgeon - Out of control?
  189. a swift one - No Navvy Festival
  190. a swift one - Ossett Brewery goes World Cup Crazy
  191. The Pub Curmudgeon - Outbreak of reality
  192. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - No Voice for ‘Licensed Victuallers’?
  193. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - 4d Ale 1930 - 1939
  194. The Pub Curmudgeon - Geezers at the bar
  195. a swift one - A late intro to Hudds' country pubs
  196. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery's 1895 prospectus
  197. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets & Longreads 25/01/2014
  198. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Dark & Dreary January
  199. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - In Search of Harvey's Old
  200. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Was Watney's Mild crap in the 1920's?
  201. The Pub Curmudgeon - Obscured by clouds
  202. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 743 – Pubs and Children
  203. The Pub Curmudgeon - Oak to be felled?
  204. The Good Stuff - A Trio from The Celt Experience
  205. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery profits
  206. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Fun, fun, fun
  207. The Pub Curmudgeon - Turn of the tide?
  208. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Falling in Love
  209. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - A Taste of the West Country
  210. Oh Good Ale - Aye, dry
  211. a swift one - A visit to The Huntsman, Thurlstone
  212. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Publican as Pusherman, 1931
  213. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - London Mild quality in the 1920's - Barclay Perkins
  214. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Video: Partizan Brewing, Bermondsey
  215. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Insulted by the Randall
  216. The Zythophile - Moral panics, Tim Martin and motorways
  217. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Camden Brewery's 1898 prospectus
  218. Tim Hampson's Beer Blog - Fancy a big banger and some beer?
  219. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Poll: the Provenance of Beer
  220. The Pub Curmudgeon - Never enough
  221. The Pub Curmudgeon - Barfly or corner bug?
  222. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Cannon Brewery Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  223. a swift one - Another one bites the dust
  224. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Eleven things I learned this Dry January
  225. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Clear As a Clear Thing
  226. The Good Stuff - Wharfe Bank Brewery Unveil New Look for 2014
  227. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Not as Local as it Looks
  228. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Charrington Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  229. a swift one - Some good news about Hudds ale
  230. The Pub Curmudgeon - Losing the last of England
  231. Northern Beer Blog - Pubpaper 744 – The hidden mini “Pub Cos”
  232. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Winter of Discontent?
  233. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - City of London Brewery Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1923
  234. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Gallery: London Breweries
  235. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Beer Geeks of 1939
  236. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - February 2014
  237. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - News, Nuggets and Long Reads 01/02/2014
  238. Tandleman's Beer Blog - A Piss Up in a Brewery?
  239. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Courage Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  240. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Month That Was: January 2014
  241. The Pub Curmudgeon - Beer, wine and cheese party
  242. a swift one - Actual & official birthday sessions in Sheffield and Huddersfield
  243. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Red Pill or Blue?
  244. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Hoare Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1925
  245. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - One night in Manchester
  246. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Three Recommended Beers
  247. Tim Hampson's Beer Blog - Sophie Grigson talks humble pie and I big up beer
  248. The Good Stuff - Chicken & Rice Stew
  249. Paul Bailey's Beer Blog - Dark & Delicious Winter Beers at the Cooper's Arms
  250. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Huggins Mild Ale quality 1922 - 1923