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  1. a swift one - Pub & Brewery News
  2. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Cask ale week - and beer versus wine again
  3. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Fuller's Cask Ale Week News
  4. Called to the Bar - Another beer?
  5. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1839 Barclay Perkins XXX
  6. Cooking Lager - What I think of the budget
  7. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Thunderbird Zero - you're fired.
  8. Student Brewer - Budget Day
  9. Pencil & Spoon - A Budget for Beer
  10. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Barclay Perkins output 1900 - 1955
  11. a swift one - Its Spring Festival Time Again
  12. a swift one - Festival Calendar
  13. The Pub Curmudgeon - The scales fall from his eyes
  14. Cooking Lager - What is wrong with beer bloggers?
  15. Student Brewer - A quick bit of maths
  16. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Be Afraid
  17. The Pub Curmudgeon - Going dry
  18. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Burton Beers
  19. a swift one - The Nook Festival
  20. Pencil & Spoon - BrewDog Nanny State v0.5
  21. Called to the Bar - This brewing thing is a right lark innit?
  22. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Cask ale and lager: friends or foes?
  23. a swift one - Hopping in Leeds
  24. Student Brewer - Ales for Cask Ale Week
  25. Tandleman's Beer Blog - This and That
  26. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Journal of Inebriety
  27. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Cask Ale? There's an App for that.
  28. The Pub Curmudgeon - Don't cut the limit
  29. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Burton beers ca 1955 (part two)
  30. Called to the Bar - Lager of the week — Löwenbräu’s Triumphator
  31. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Emperor’s New Beer
  32. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Burton beers ca 1955 (part three)
  33. Cooking Lager - I love supermarkets
  34. The Zythophile - The first ever reference to IPA
  35. Pencil & Spoon - I'm in the pub drinking a pint of real ale because it's Cask Ale Wee
  36. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Tim Taylor country
  37. Called to the Bar - Cask week sesh
  38. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - An afternoon in Folkestone
  39. Tandleman's Beer Blog - A New Landlady
  40. Cooking Lager - I'm at home necking a can of lout because it's Cask Ale Week
  41. Student Brewer - Cask Ale Week Launch Party
  42. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - I'm still here
  43. Tandleman's Beer Blog - I'm not Missing Out
  44. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Ind Coope beers in the 1950's
  45. Tandleman's Beer Blog - It isn't a Pub Stupid
  46. The Zythophile - IPA: the executive summary
  47. Student Brewer - Delay to the Brewery (#1)
  48. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Adambier
  49. Cooking Lager - The saviour of cask ale
  50. The Pub Curmudgeon - Licence to drink
  51. a swift one - No3 - Five Towns
  52. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Every beer gets a second chance
  53. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Truman beers in the 1950's
  54. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Hot cross buns
  55. Pencil & Spoon - A Good Friday
  56. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - British beer in Belgium
  57. a swift one - The Charlie Memorial Tour
  58. Called to the Bar - Beer talk in the most unlikeliest of places
  59. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - A swift one in Leeds
  60. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Porter's last hurrah
  61. Pencil & Spoon - The Hop Press: Planet Thanet Beer Festival
  62. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - George or William?
  63. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Easter quiz
  64. Cooking Lager - A Tale of Two Bars.
  65. The Pub Curmudgeon - Estate of disgrace
  66. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Hoare
  67. The Zythophile - Young’s brewery: the penultimate trip
  68. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - April 2010
  69. Cooking Lager - National Cheap Supermarket Lout Week !
  70. Pencil & Spoon - Easter, Chocolate and Durham Temptation
  71. Pencil & Spoon - Beer Swap Update
  72. a swift one - Spoons Festival Again
  73. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - War and Peace
  74. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Next One Up
  75. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Crackdown on mythical creatures as new Mandatory Code comes
  76. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Meet the Cookster
  77. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Advert for peace
  78. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - One of each colour in cask ale week
  79. The Zythophile - Can you drink beer and stare at your navel at the same time?
  80. a swift one - Think about the glass for a bit
  81. Pencil & Spoon - Blockbuster Beers
  82. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - German month
  83. The Pub Curmudgeon - Back on the top shelf
  84. Called to the Bar - On the town
  85. The Pub Curmudgeon - Another one bites the dust
  86. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Brorough Market
  87. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - German IPA
  88. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Spoonfest on the Road
  89. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Not peace
  90. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Yebisu and Asahi
  91. Pencil & Spoon - Welsh Rarebit
  92. a swift one - Meet the Brewer - guess who !!
  93. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Ready to play? What's the day? It's bottling day!
  94. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - German Export
  95. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Diphthongs
  96. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Great pub names #1: The Optimist
  97. Cooking Lager - Romance
  98. Called to the Bar - Beer celebration in today’s DT
  99. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Two bloggers on a boat
  100. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Winterbier, Sommerbier (part one)
  101. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Notes on Three Threads
  102. The Pub Curmudgeon - Necking it
  103. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Winterbier, Sommerbier (part two)
  104. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Old Brewery, Greenwich: bingo
  105. Tandleman's Beer Blog - On and Off the Boil
  106. Pencil & Spoon - Westerham Brewery, The Royal Oak and Viceroy IPA
  107. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - New Gollem
  108. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Apologies and Small Update
  109. Cooking Lager - Of Barbecues, beer world cups, and foreign climes
  110. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - A nice cuppa
  111. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beer inspector
  112. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Winterbier, Sommerbier (part three)
  113. a swift one - Locale At the Sportsman
  114. The Pub Curmudgeon - Flushed away
  115. a swift one - The Sportsman Celebrates!
  116. Called to the Bar - Pub time
  117. The Pub Curmudgeon - Manifest lies
  118. The Zythophile - So you think you know what porter tastes like …
  119. Pencil & Spoon - The Kernel Brewery, London Bridge
  120. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Winterbier, Sommerbier (part four)
  121. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Bumpy Lane
  122. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Why Beer Matters - Second place runner up
  123. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Chicago Blew Me Away!
  124. The Pub Curmudgeon - Because mummy says so
  125. Student Brewer - Quick Update
  126. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beer tax in 1867
  127. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Wait and See
  128. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Showing Coors a Clear Pair of Heels
  129. Cooking Lager - Vote for Pedro
  130. Pencil & Spoon - Burton upon Trent Twissup: The Details
  131. The Zythophile - Mr Du Boung the Brewer
  132. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Good news
  133. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Wonder Women!
  134. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Beer Porn
  135. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Lining casks with pitch
  136. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Thornbridge Raven: we like it
  137. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Beer tax in 1867 (part two)
  138. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Fullers Hock
  139. The Pub Curmudgeon - The apple of my eye?
  140. Pencil & Spoon - Bottle Labelling
  141. a swift one - No4 - Goose Eye
  142. a swift one - Little Ale Cart reaches the Star
  143. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Saturday 17th April 2010
  144. Cooking Lager - I am a cider drinker
  145. Student Brewer - A bit hectic
  146. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - "An innovation set to revolutionise the beer category"
  147. Called to the Bar - Lager of the week — Carlsberg Cold
  148. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - You’re the Landlord #2
  149. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Meibokfestival 2010
  150. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Not Just Women Who Get Patronising Marketing Then!
  151. Called to the Bar - Beer tasting — a funny thing happened to me on the way to the bar
  152. The Pub Curmudgeon - Running on empty
  153. Tandleman's Beer Blog - CAMRA AGM
  154. The Zythophile - Budweiser 666: the drink of the beast
  155. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - The "culture of binge drinking" and the credulous academics
  156. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Clinch's Brewery
  157. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Making Adjustments
  158. Pencil & Spoon - FABPOW: Geuze and Crispy Chicken Skin
  159. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Acidity in Porter
  160. a swift one - Unfair or not
  161. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - You’re the Landlord: the answer
  162. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1953 Ben Truman
  163. Cooking Lager - Beer for lasses
  164. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - The Jolly Butchers: my manor gets its own serious beer pub
  165. The Zythophile - Mercer’s Meat Stout
  166. Pencil & Spoon - Seasonal Beer and Food for Spring
  167. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Film
  168. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Another moment of clarity
  169. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Austrian beer production by Kronland in 1865
  170. Cooking Lager - You can stick St George’s day
  171. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - London vs. Vienna 1865
  172. The Pub Curmudgeon - Super-premium ales
  173. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Austrian beer in 1873
  174. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Bitter!
  175. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Branding
  176. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Build a better homebrew
  177. Pencil & Spoon - Bigger... Stronger... Louder... Better?
  178. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Party-gyles
  179. Called to the Bar - If you like Hop Monkey IPA then you’ll be happy it’s a 1001 Beer…
  180. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Savour the Spears
  181. Student Brewer - Why why why?
  182. Called to the Bar - Anchor Brewery sold
  183. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Anchor's Away
  184. Pencil & Spoon - The Queens Arms, Corton Denham
  185. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Parti-gyle examples
  186. Cooking Lager - A crafty pint
  187. The Pub Curmudgeon - Inflating your pint
  188. Called to the Bar - The beer tribes of Blighty
  189. a swift one - Mild month is here again
  190. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Let's Brew Wednesday - 1890 Truman Imperial, Double a
  191. The Pub Curmudgeon - Wooden wombs
  192. The Zythophile - The most expensive beer in any bar in the world?
  193. Cooking Lager - The best things in life are free
  194. Called to the Bar - Lager of the week — Sam Smith’s Pure Brewed Lager
  195. Tandleman's Beer Blog - My Kind of Town - Mostly
  196. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Number of breweries by Austrian region 1865 and 2004
  197. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Do we need another brewing competition? Dunno, but I think
  198. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Another example of parti-gyling
  199. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Revolution, Stamina and Bryson
  200. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Quite a change
  201. Pencil & Spoon - A Special Beer Night
  202. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - More Austria in 1865
  203. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Seriously?!
  204. Student Brewer - A few beers
  205. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - You wait ages for locally based beer phenomena and then two
  206. Called to the Bar - An ode to Orval (again)
  207. Tandleman's Beer Blog - The Map Room and Hop Leaf
  208. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - German breweries per state in 1865
  209. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Bring your own
  210. Curmudgeon's "Opening Times" Columns - May 2010
  211. The Pub Curmudgeon - Paint it black
  212. The Pub Curmudgeon - Election poll
  213. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Whitbread colour cell
  214. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Immigration
  215. Woolpack Dave's Beer and Stuff - Best Before
  216. Pencil & Spoon - The Hop Press: Dangerously Bitter
  217. a swift one - Two More Festivals to Try
  218. a swift one - The 'Yeaton Cask'
  219. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Queen's day 2010
  220. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Bengal Lancer
  221. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The Golden Lion, 1946
  222. Called to the Bar - A pint of Greene King has me thinking about the politics of beer
  223. Pencil & Spoon - Hardknott to like Aether Blaec
  224. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Filthy stuff
  225. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Mild for May
  226. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - CAMRA's noxious culture of entitlement
  227. Cooking Lager - Make it the Maximum !
  228. The Zythophile - Note to self: it’s only beer history, must stop getting so upset by
  229. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Wikio Rankings for April 2010 - and a call to action
  230. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - Imperial stout and Sherlock Holmes
  231. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Schorschbock
  232. Called to the Bar - Cornish saison
  233. Cooking Lager - Fight !
  234. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Hitting Rock Bottom
  235. Pencil & Spoon - And... Action!
  236. Cooking Lager - Casketeers!
  237. The Pub Curmudgeon - Declaration at Curmudgeon Central
  238. a swift one - Holmfirth Cricket Club beer festival
  239. Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Wikio Mea Culpa
  240. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Faulkner's example of a party gyle
  241. Taking the Beard Out of Beer - Come to the Dark Side
  242. Tandleman's Beer Blog - Ever Have One of These Days?
  243. The Pub Curmudgeon - Diverging tracks
  244. a swift one - Why not try the Swan festival ?
  245. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Anton Dreher's empire
  246. Pencil & Spoon - Vote for the Rum, Coffee and Coconut Imperial Stout!
  247. Student Brewer - Fast Cask Part 1
  248. Shut up about Barclay Perkins - Anton Dreher's beers
  249. Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog - The tyranny of the ticking bug
  250. The Pub Curmudgeon - Out in the cold